Have No Fear CSCOPE Is Here?

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Did you know that CSCOPE is holding their 5th annual CSCOPE Conference starting tomorrow August 6 (in honor of my birthday, lol). Yes, that’s right more taxpayer money down the drain. Not only are school districts paying to send administrators/teachers to the conference, taxpayers are also funding their hotel and food bills as well.  It is astonishing that the same people (school administrators, TASA, TASB and legislatures) who are continually belly aching that there is shortage of money for education; think nothing of throwing it away on motivational conferences instead of bring the money back to the classroom.  What are they going to learn at this motivational conference? Read below.
I found the following post on Facebook yesterday by mom ~Kara Sands who is fighting CSCOPE along with hundreds cross the state of Texas.
Well, looky here… CSCOPE is having their annual conference next week in San Antonio. If you don’t mind your head exploding go ahead and read the descriptions for the different sessions that teachers and administrators will be attending… clearly Common Core inspired. —- Here’s my personal favorite- Diversity in Your Classroom? Have No Fear, CSCOPE is Here! (yep, that’s the real title) “With a combination of demonstrations and videos, participants will see how children can be transformed as they engage in learning activities.” Gee, I had no idea that “diversity” was in the TEKS. And what exactly do they mean by “transformed”?Folks, this is bad.

It’s not only the CSCOPE lessons that are troublesome, it’s the methods that our schools are using to teach our children and the philosophy behind it. One word kept popping into my mind as I was reading the descriptions, and that word is … collectivism.

My children, like yours, are unique, wonderful individuals with different talents and gifts. Like me, you probably celebrate their individuality and are raising them to be independent thinkers and self-sufficient. If so, how can we allow them to be taught the opposite at school? How can we allow our children to be lumped into a collective group where they learn to rely on the group for answers and the teacher is merely a “guide”? And how can these schools that continue to use CSCOPE do so when parents and lawmakers have overwhelmingly come out against it?

The superintendents & school board members that allow any part of CSCOPE into their schools should be ashamed of themselves. I encourage parents to run against these school board members and then once your elected you can fire the superintendent and the administrators. It’s time to clean house in Texas public schools.

I am not backing down and I will not stop until these liberal-progressive teaching methods are out of Texas schools — our children deserve better.

School districts are using taxpayer money to send various teachers and administrators to this conference. This money would be better utilized in the classroom. ~~~





*****Get involved and file Public Information Request on your local school districts and find out who all attended the conferences and what the district expenses are the conference, food and hotel.*********

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