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The Texas House Public Education Committee met this past Monday, August 12, 2024 for 9 hours. 7 of those hours the committee spent hosting and questioning invited out of town speakers. Those that support the Committee’s political agenda. At 4pm the Texas taxpayers, moms, dads, grandparents were given a mere 2 minutes to give their testimonies. It was more than evident that “We the People” who vote these politicians into office were just mere serfs in their eyes.

Whole most of the committee members stayed on point and in their seats listening and asking questions of invited quests felt the need to escape their seats with no questions once “We the People” took to testifying.

This is the link to the full House Education Committee Hearing. Public testimony started at 7 hours into the hearing. Watch the lack of respect offered those prior and after to the 7 hour mark. Texas Education Commissioner, Mike Morath was the first to speak on the panel. In his speech he testifies that over 50% o Texas Students are failing the STAAR test. Get that 50%? Why is he still the commissioner?

Below are testimonies from many of us who spoke before the Texas Public Education Committee regarding our failing Education System and their alignment with Globalist organization UNESCO through programs like the International Baccalaureate and HB 1605. HB 1605 is a technology vendor bill ushering in UNESCO’s Open Education Resources leading students further away from textbooks to online devices. All so called Texas Conservatives Representatives voted for HB 1605 with the exception of Senator Bob Hall.

Many of us have testified with before the Texas House and Senate Education committee’s for years telling them to get our children off of one to one devices (technology) and back to a classical education with a textbook, pen and paper. Sadly, our politicians are only interested in catering to lobbyists and vendors have thrown the next generation of students under the bus on their watch.

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This is proof that Texas Legislators do not support nor care to uphold the Texas Republican Platform.

In Houston at the 2022 Texas GOP Convention the state delegation voted and added wording to the Texas Republican Platform condemning the United Nation’s International Baccalaureate as a core curriculum that conservatives oppose. The wording was upheld and stayed in the platform at the 2024 Texas GOP Convention. The following is a copy of platform plank #94.

The Texas Republican Platform Plank #94 states: “#94 National Core Curriculum: We oppose the use of national or international standards in the State of Texas (i.e., International Baccalaureate, Common Core, any remnants of CSCOPE, United Nations…”

On May 26 2023 during the 88th legislative session, Rep. Cecil Bell filed

RESOLUTION 2425,…/billtext/pdf/HR02425F.pdf…

Bell’s resolution honors Magnolia ISD along with their academic International Baccalaureate Program (IB).

The IB Organization is currently a NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION of UN’s Educational Arm, United Nations Education Scientific Organization.

The following stated in International Journalist, speaker and author, Alex Newman’s book, INDOCTRINATING OUR CHILDREN TO DEATH

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The UNESCO IB program is about molding indoctrinationg students into becoming Global Citizens indoctrinating with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and international mindedness.

The Program was molded around humanistic ideals.

Wake to go Mr. Bell.

Slide Show presented in Austin before the Texas SREC. 

International Baccalaureate Exposed 3 Austin.pptx

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Social Emotional Learning or SEL for short was passed in Texas in 2021 (87R) with SB 123. The bill was authored by Dallas Democrat, Nathan Johnson (SD 16) and co-authored by Laredo Democrat, Judith Zaffirini (SD21) and Burleson Democrat, Beverly Powell (SD10). Shockingly the so called “conservative republicans” in the Texas senate and house voted in favor implementing Social Emotional Learning into the Texas Teks under the guise of character trait instruction. (Texas Republicans and Democrats have contributed to the demise of the Texas Education System)

It is apparent that anything nefarious related to America’s education system has has ties to the agenda of the United Nation Education Scientific Cultural Organization, UNESCO. UNESCO promoted the idea of using SEL in promoting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. SEL is about breaking down a students values, attitude’s beliefs and behavior. The values and beliefs that have made America great must be upended through collaboration and group think with the use of SEL.

SEL has it’s rooted in the occult as laid out in the video below by international journalist, Alex Newman.


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Magnolia ISD spends $907,000.00 on CRT and more.

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Magnolia ISD’s school board supposedly signed a resolution against implementing CRT in the district. The resolution does not appear anywhere on the district’s website for public viewing so it will not be presented here.

A public information request was filed with Magnolia ISD asking for the contract that the district has with Imagine Learning. Imagine Learning is an educational program steeped in Critical Race Theory (CRT), it was discovered the district agreed to spend $907,000.00 to implement CRT in the district’s elementary and intermediate schools. So much for the resolution the board supposedly signed.

If you go to Imagine Learning’s website it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to discover the company’s goal is to change a student’s attitude, values, beliefs and behavior with their Social Emotional Learning program. Social Emotional Learning incorporates CRT in it’s teaching pedagogy.

There are various buzz words that validate the incorporation of CRT in an educational program, such as Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Culturally Responsive Teaching, etc. CRT came straight out of Critical Legal Theory of Germany’s Frankfurt School. CRT is Marxist to the core.

Check out Imagine Learning Diversity page….

Sadly, our supposedly Magnolia ISD’s Conservative, Christian school board has bowed to the Marxist agenda, once again. In 2016 they implemented the United Nation’s International Baccalaureate (IB) program costing taxpayers thousands. The International Baccalaureate Program was modeled around IB’s first director general, Alec Peterson’s secular humanist (anti- God) beliefs. IB promotes the UN’s Agenda 2030 plan, diversity, equity ad inclusion.

Sadly, we American’s are ultimately funding our own demise through our public schools.

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On June 8, 2022 the Magnolia ISD School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) met and unanimously voted to adopt the controversial Good-Heart Willcox Health Text Book. The chairman of the committee stated after the vote “from here we go on to getting the board approval before we can purchase”. Community members present at the meeting were stunned that a supposedly conservative district would adopt such a book that repeatedly referred to those as pregnant as “pregnant persons”. Following the SHAC meeting activists went to work educating the community of a possible school board adoption of the textbook based on the SHAC’s recommendation at the next board meeting.

At the Magnolia ISD July 11th Board meeting community members were handed a letter on behalf of the SHAC textbook adoption stating that the SHAC is not responsible for adopting the health textbook and that it was sent to a Textbook Review committee that did not support it.

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A public information request asking for the names of the textbook review committee, the minutes to their meetings, their recommendation/referral to the school board where the book was rejected showed “NO RESPONSIVE DOCUMENTS“. So as of today the Magnolia ISD School district has a textbook review committee with no names, no committee minutes, no referrals to the school board, etc. This so called committee is made up of unicorns, fairies, and Easter bunnies. In layman terms the Magnolia ISD School Board and Superintendent falsified information and lied to the community… AGAIN! Trust me this is not the first time this board and administration have chosen to lie to their constituents it has become a common practice.

All official documentation shows that the SHAC is to present their recommendations to the School Board not a textbook review committee (especially one that doesn’t exist). According to Magnolia ISD’s own board policy EHAA (see below) it states in #4 The SHAC shall present its recommendations to the Board at a public meeting. There is no mention of a Textbook review committee.

According to Texas Education Code 28.004 dealing with the School Health Advisory Committee it states

(e) Any course materials and instruction relating to human sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, or human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immune deficiency syndrome shall be selected by the board of trustees with the advice of the local school health advisory council and must:

I find no mention of a Text Book Review Committee as touted by the Magnolia ISD School Board.

At the July board meeting school board president, Chuck Adcox chose to entertain those in attendance with his own personal rant stating “That textbook was shot down in committee and I argue this is better what it shows is the people in our committee know our community and know it would not fly” Seriously?  This statement was a LIE because there is no such committee who shot the textbook down. The committee that did approve the book was the SHAC Committee and the board approved all the members that sit on it who represent the board’s values.

Chuck Adcox
Magnolia ISD School Board President, Chuck Adcox

Not only did the school board lie Magnolia ISD Superintendent, Todd Stephens lied as well propagating bogus claims of a textbook adoption committee being part of the process.

Dr. Todd Stephens

Magnolia ISD School Board Members

Proverbs 14:5 An honest witness does not deceive, but a false witness pours out lies.

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Magnolia ISD violates Texas Education Code 28.004

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Common Florida Traffic Law Violations to Avoid

By law every Texas School District is required to form a School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC). This SHAC Committee is made up of a minimum of 5 members. The majority have to be parents/community members not employed by the district. The Committee is responsible for assisting the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the district’s health education instruction.

During the 2021/2022 school year Magnolia ISD Magnolia ISD’s Science Director, Sheri Gallemore has served as chairperson of the Magnolia ISD’s SHAC Committee. This is in violation of Texas Education Code 28.004 calling for a chairperson to be a parent of a student in the district and not employed by the district.

According to all Magnolia’s SHAC meeting minutes for the 2021/2022 school years Ms. Gallemore has served as the chairperson.

The question remains is the chairperson chosen within the committee or by the school board? You will find all minutes and audio of Magnolia ISD’s SHAC Committee minutes HERE.


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Magnolia ISD: “Queer There & Every Where”, Sex & Gender books for students

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The once conservative school district of Magnolia ISD has become an advocate of the United Nations Curriculum, International Baccalaureate (IB). IB is bent on social engineering the next generation into International Minded Global Citizens. IB promotes gender confusion in children, Social Justice (Marxism), Equity (Communism), redistribution of wealth (Socialism), etc. Sadly, Magnolia ISD Taxpayers are funding their own demise with this program. The Montgomery County Republican Party passed a resolution against the IB program last year. A similar resolution was passed by the Texas Senatorial Republican Executive Committee last February. Despite the resolutions passed against IB the Montgomery County Republican Chairman, Bryan Christ and his wife Kristin Nicole still advocate for the UN program as well as the Magnolia ISD School Board and Texas State House Rep. Cecil Bell, Jr. Former Magnolia ISD School Board Member, Charlie Riley who now serves a Commissioner on the Montgomery County Commissioners court has remained silent on the issue.

Magnolia ISD has also bought into the evil lie of promoting gender confusion in children/teens in spending taxpayers dollars on books for local school libraries. Below are just a few of the books available to students to read.

Search Gender or Sex on Magnolia West’s Library link.

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Texas IB Schools partner with Communist, Howard Zinn

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Texas IB World School Districts have partnered with one time card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, Howard Zinn. Zinn advocated for a Communist Revolution in order to deal with America’s racist issues. Linked to the Texas IB Website is the Zinn Project which advocates for students to design a “Reparations Bill”. YIKES!!

Why would Texas public school districts allow an Anti-God, Anti-American College Preparatory United Nations Program filled with Communist propaganda ?

Every Texas School district that has implemented this program pay dues to the Texas IB Schools (TIBS) Association. On TIBS website at the top is a link titled IB At-a-Glance any American loving citizen should be outraged at the communist propaganda listed for Texas IB teachers to utilize students.

Is your local school an IB World School? Check here.

The International Baccalaureate has operated under the radar over a decade. Most parents and taxpayers are unaware of the progressive ideology behind it’s founding. One of the first General Director is George Walker who states in a paper titled East is East and West is West the following…..

“Empathy and scientific understanding create a set of moral values that confer dignity upon human beings who have the capacity—though not the necessity—to “say no to God”.

Seriously? Is that what our public Texas High Schools students are supposed to be learning?

“Humankind must now learn to take responsibility for its own behaviour, without necessary appeal to some higher religious authority.”

And we the taxpayers should fund this? Walker is clearly an atheist seeking to influence children to reject any religious upbringing by making them think they are smarter, wiser and more dignified if they reject religious authority.

International Baccalaureate is a non-governmental agency in official partnership with of the United Nations Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO). UNESCO is no friend of America and is working through various avenues to undermine America’s founding.

Other resources regarding this Communist IB Program.

One of my favorite resources is Truth About IB.

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Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) promotes White Supremacy & Critical Race Theory (CRT)

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The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), the organization responsible for training Texas School Board members not only supports but promotes the Marxist ideology of White Supremacy and Critical Race Theory. TASB is funded through your local school districts with your tax dollars,

TASB has put online the article below titled “How to Start Addressing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Our Schools.

The article provides links instructing school board members to on how to deal with “White Supremacy” and divorce the White Supremacy Culture, teaching tolerance. These are the men and women that have been elected to represent and look after the best interest of our children.

Below you will find a few excerpts from the links in the article. Please review for yourself.

Why are we funding their own demise with our public school system?

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Humble ISD School Board Race: Something Looks Fishy

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School Board Candidate, Kenneth Kirchhofer who is running for Position 4 for the Humble ISD School Board Race has filed some questionable data on his campaign finance reports. Kirchhofer has has utilized the school district’s Marine ROTC for his campaign.

All ISD board candidates financial reports are posted online at:

Board of Trustee Elections / 2021 Campaign Reports (

Kenneth Kirchhofer reveals some interesting data.

Kirchhofer__Website_Forms_Jan2021.pdf (

The issues are…..

  1. Page 13: “Great Houston Football Coaches Association” donated $200.

Their website is: GHFCA Houston | Greater Houston Area Football Coaches Association

They state that their members are coaches, schools, etc.

They list schools which are members:

GHFCA MEMBERSHIP 2020-21 (002).xls (

So does that mean public funds were used to pay membership to this organization and then the organization made a political donation to a school board candidate?

Are they a 501c3? Greater Houston Football Coaches Association – GuideStar Profile

This does not seem legal.

  1. Page 16: “Eventbrite” donated $3,750.00

They appear to be a corporation headquartered in California. Eventbrite – Wikipedia

Texas law forbids most corporations from donating directly to campaigns: Understanding Corporate Contributions – Texas Articles – Transparency USA

  1. Page 16: “UNKNOWN DONATION” of $500.00

Texas law forbids anonymous campaign donations. A campaign must report the name, address and occupation of anyone making a $500 donation. Texas campaign may not accept $500 in cash.

Then look at this candidate’s facebook page on Dec. 4, 2020. The video is from his fundraiser at a golf course during the school day. The ROTC performs. There is no payment made to the ISD on his campaign financials to cover this cost. It is illegal for school districts to use public funds to directly support candidates. (Plus this was during the school day!) (20+) Facebook

The Marine ROTC website confirms they had a color guard event on their calendar that day (Dec.4)

Marine Corps JROTC / Calendar ( Click on that details and it confirms they were there.

The video on his facebook page from earlier that morning shows a tent set up with donated items for an auction. Notice that his campaign finance reports do not show any “in-kind” donations.



It is a known fact School Board races can be nasty and corrupt.

Is there something fishy here? I will let you be the judge.

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Magnolia ISD: White Men are Devils

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Texas school district, Magnolia ISD has implemented the United Nations Marxist International Baccalaureate program in 2014. The school board has been informed on many occasions of the Anti-American, globalist concerns regarding the IB program but have failed to rid the district of this Marxist indoctrination. They have instead stayed the course by placing IB World School Emblems on the outside of both high schools.

IB @ Salem High School - Salem City School District

Unfortunately Magnolia ISD is more interested in promoting globalization than American Exceptionalism.

A Magnolia ISD IB high school teacher has requested that students read James Baldwin’s book “THE NEXT FIRE“. This book is disgusting and evil to the core riddle with hate for whites and calls for riots and chaos.

Below you will find quotes from the book calling white men devils.

Magnolia ISD School Board.

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Magnolia ISD spends thousands yearly on a United Nations Marxist program titled International Baccalaureate.

IB’s Marxist ties are highlighted in this older article.

If you watch the nightly news you see that America is being destroyed from within by whites and blacks alike taking to the streets rioting, destroying property, demanding whites give up their homes, whites bowing to blacks asking for forgiveness for being being white and sadly beating and murdering innocent people. One may wonder where this American hating mindset took root. It comes from years of public school indoctrination of Cultural Marxism set to divide the country in ultimately overthrowing America’s economic system of Capitalism. Programs like the prestigious named International Baccalaureate that “WE” the taxpayer fund is another tool the left leaning education pipeline uses to indoctrinate and brainwash a segment of our society, our children.

The Magnolia ISD’s School Board has ignored the warnings of the Marxist leanings of the IB program after parents/taxpayers testified against the program at a number of school board meetings. Sadly for students and ultimately the country this program is still being implemented on the backs of Magnolia ISD’s taxpayers. Sadly we are funding our own demise.

It was discovered this week that Magnolia IB English teacher Mr. Finley’s required student reading list consists of a racially divisive book titled “The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin.

Magnolia ISD’s IB Teacher Mr. Matthew Finley’s Reading List

Below are just a small sample of the racially charged material students are required to read.

“The Negroes of this country may never be able to rise to power, but they are very well placed indeed to precipitate chaos and ring down the curtain on the American dream.”

You can only be destroyed by believing that you really are what the white world calls a nigger.

“Well, the black man has functioned in the
white man’s world as a fixed star, as an immovable
pillar,: and as he moves out of his place, heaven and
earth are shaken to their foundations

Parents and taxpayers need to get a voice and alert Magnolia ISD this is unacceptable and if needed which it appears it is replace our current school board members.

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Sadly, Texas education is no longer about educating your child in academically giving them an equal opportunity to succeed. Today it is all about social engineering in order to change a child’s attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors.

Lynn Adonis-Deveaux of Rich’s Houston Night Club . This Drag Queen was invited and recently appeared at the Cosmetology Department of the Willis Texas High School. The children’s parents were not informed of this event. The principal, Stephanie Hodgins was fully aware and supportive. The Drag Queen applied makeup on the students , and shared his social media contacts with them in order to stay in contact with them in the future. This is outrageous and appalling. Willis ISD parents need to make their voices heard regarding this. It can and will get worse.

Austin ISD last week handed out PRO LGBTQ propaganda to every child in the district, even elementary students. Wake up and get involved.

The next Willis ISD school board meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 11, 2019  @5:30 pm at the Cargill Administration Building located at 204 W. Rogers Rd.  

Parents must get involved and make your voices heard.

Willis ISD School Board

President – Cliff Williams
Vice President – Rebecca Broussard
Secretary – Robin Sproba


Position 1     Christen Arnold – November 2022

Position 2     Sue Ann Powell – November 2020

Position 3     Robin Sproba – November 2022

Position 4     Kyle Hoegemeyer – November 2022

Position 5     Cliff Williams – November 2022

Position 6     Michelle Bischof – November 2020

Position 7     Rebecca Broussard – November 2020

WISD Board of Trustees Photo

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Magnolia ISD rewards Incompetent Bus Driver

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Thursday, September 5th, Magnolia ISD’s Transportation Director, Cindy Mooneyham called a meeting of all district bus drivers. The paid hour meeting took less than 20 minutes. What was so important that the district needed too pay 40+ bus drivers instead of sending an email?

Shockingly , the district chose to reward one bus driver who had picked up an impaired adult with a bus full of children and drove her to the school. The reward consisted of a Magnolia ISD ball cap and a $50.00 gift card. So we have a driver that has placed children in danger and they are rewarded? You can’t make this stuff up.

The other very important aspect of this meeting was to instruct the drivers to stonewall parents who are upset with the bus routes by continuing to direct them to transportation. Drivers were informed stonewalling the ruckus will die down sooner or later.

I have no doubt that this meeting was prompted by school administration.

Make your voices heard at Magnolia ISD’s next board meeting Monday, September 9th @ 6:30pm. The meeting will be held at Celeste Graves Education Building @ 31141 Nichols Sawmill Road, Magnolia, TX 77355.

If you plan on speaking you must arrive by 6:15 to sign in.

Here is the agenda for Monday night’s meeting.

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Judge Wayne Mack featured in Islamic Mosque Promotion Video

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Image result for judge wayne mack

Texas’ Montgomery County’s Pct 1, Justice of the Peace, Judge Wayne Mack, unfortunately is showing an interest and fondness towards the Islamic faith. Just last week Judge Mack posted on facebook he was “Honored to observe Ramadan”. Ramadan is the 4th pillar of the Islamic Faith. During Ramadan Muslims desire to grow closer to Allah and in doing so fast from sun up to sun down, read the Quran and say their daily prayers more often.

Judge Mack’s Facebook Post

This Ramadan observance took place at the Al=Ansaar Islamic Center, a mosque in Montgomery County off of FM 1488. The Al-Ansaar Islamic Center has put out a promo video (see below) for the mosque which also features Judge Mack who has worked with them on “bridge building” relationships.

I find it extremely concerning that a professed Christian would willing enter a Mosque to observe Ramadan but that they would be honored by it. Also concerning is, this Mosque, Al-Ansaar is owned by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). As stated in a document by the Clarion Project “NAIT is the bank for the Muslim Brotherhood which directly funds the terrorist group Hamas. A declassified FBI report dated 12/15/87 states: “The leadership of NAIT, MSA, and other Muslim groups are inter-related, with many leaders and members of NAIT having been identified as supporters of the Islamic Revolution as advocated by the Government of Iran (GOI). Their support of JIHAD (a holy war) in the U.S. has been evidenced by the financial and organizational support provided through NAIT.” which was labeled an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas-fundraising trial of the Holy Land Foundation. The U.S. government listed it among “individuals/entities that are and/or were members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.”

The Center for Security Policy based in Washington DC has published a booklet for download titled “Bridge Building to Nowhere” highlighting the dangers of Interfaith Dialogue.

Montgomery County Appraisal District
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A mother whose son attends Klein Oak High School within Texas’ Klein ISD took to facebook outraged when she discovered her son’s required reading assignment was detailed graphic obscene material and a boy raping another boy. . This was assigned by AP High School English class.

The vulgar content is an acceptable reading assignment for any student within a Texas education system.

Below is the mother, Valerie Jones FB post.

Below you will see excerpts from the reading assignment.

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Magnolia ISD Run Amok!

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Magnolia ISD doesn’t have money to pay their teachers well or to fix their old dilapidated school buses but they have funds to build a business to compete with the private sector. School district all across the state of Texas are out of control. And we the taxpayer are on the hook as we watch our property taxes skyrocket.

This along with numerous other reasons that every school board member needs to be replaced.
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Magnolia ISD has 3 School Board positions on the ballot for the May 4th election.  There are 3 incumbents that desperately need to be replaced, Gary Blizzard, Sonja Ebel and Kelly McDonald. Outlined below are reasons why the taxpayers and parents need to get out and vote.

1) Current MISD school board members are beholden to the superintendent not the taxpayers who voted them in office. This is due to Texas Association of School Boards indoctrination training. There are actually some school board members across the state that refuse to buy into it.

2) They held a board meeting at 7:30 am in the morning to hold a TAX HIKE election in the heat of August last year unbeknownest to the majority of taxpayers. There was not one member from the public in attendance to this meeting. Fortunately this stealth election failed but it cost the taxpayers $80,000.

3) This school board is into group think. There is never a dissenting vote. Not one member seems to have a differing opinion regarding anything.

4) They have used taxpayers funds to hire attorney’s to defend the Superintendent as well as the school board when the superintendent illegally used district equipment, employees and services in Commissioner Riley’s Campaign. This cost the taxpayers thousands. The School Board meeting where this matter was discussed in executive session with all parties and attorneys the board refused to give the Superintendent (Todd Stephens) a written reprimand choosing instead to award him a new contract the same evening. The Board showed they have no intention of holding our district administration accountable.

5) MISD Superintendent, Todd Stephens had an finance employee fake an invoice in covering his use of district vehicles. His defense was that the district had then rented the vehicle to Riley. Note: The district has never rented the vehicles before and to this day we can’t find out how to rent them. The board allowed this to happen with no reprimand of Stephens again.…/

6) The massive teacher turnover rate in the district within the last few years is out of control.

7) I have seen the school district use the local constable’s office to silence and threaten parents for just walking their children home from school instead of sitting in a car line. The School Board remained quite again and allowed this overreach to occur not once but three times.…/schools-new-policy-bans-paren…

8) Unbeknownest to parents Magnolia ISD has implemented the Common Core pedagogy of education. This steers away from Academics to Social Emotional Learning. I wrote the following blog a few years back. I captured all the information from the district website. After writing the blog exposing the districts use of Common Core they deleted the information.…/

9) The school board has remained quite and continued spending thousands and I do mean thousands for the United Nations International Baccalaureate Program. This is a Marxist program. Why would we spend thousands of dollars for a program that only a handful of students participate. The fact that it is a Marxist program should be enough reason to pull the plug on it.…/

10) Last but definitely not least is the fact that the school board votes on who will sit on the Montgomery County Appraisal Board. It stands to reason that the board would vote to put someone on there who obviously raised our appraisal rates. Time 4 Change.


Below is a photo of a letter that I personally recieved in the mail from a Magnolia ISD teacher who is frustrated with district administration. 


Please get out and vote 4 change on the Magnolia ISD Election. Suggestions below. 

Position 1 Angie Smith

Position 2 Adrian Kaiser

Position 3 Sean Ricker 



Early voting location and times.


Last day to vote is election day, Saturday May 4th. Here are the voting locations and times.



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TEXAS: Pastors partner with Communist George Soros

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Unfortunately, many pastors across the country have signed up with an organization called the Evangelical Immigration Table. EIT in part funded by Communist George Soros.  Soros’, is no friend of America’s capitalist economic system and would love to destroy it. Soros funds many non-profits through his Open Society in order to achieve his mission of destroying  America’s freedom, liberty and economic system. Unfortunately, he has been successful at growing a huge population of pastors to sign onto his agenda.

Much to my dismay was seeing many Texas pastors I am familiar with sign onto this organization.

To see if you pastor has signed onto go to Evangelical Immigration Table website. Scroll to the bottom and click  PARTNERS then you can view by them state or profession.

Below are a list of articles  that highlight the Soros connection with the EIT.     

VIDEO: How Geoge Soros Has “Rented” Russell Moore and His Woke Evangelical Friends


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Why Governor Abbott?

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Why would Gov Abbott and Lt Gov Patrick relinquish our state sovereignty when it comes to the education of our children in public school? The progressive agenda of common core has been implemented in every school district in the state of Texas. Aka College and Career Readiness Standards. #ESSA #EDUCATION #STOPFEDED

If we do not remove the federal law of the EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACT out of our state and move our school districts back to a classical education. An education based on academics and not Social, Emotional, Learning (SEL) implemented in order to change our children’s attitudes, values, beliefs and behavior we are done as a country.

Our American Constitution is being undermined at every turn. American History is no longer being taught. Students are not taught to cherish and value American Exceptionalism.

This needs to stop. We need a legislator with some cojones a statesman that gives a an ounce of care about our kids and our country. #childabuse

If there is one out there we have not found them yet. Disturbing.

NOTE: To make things worse these same people want to promote school choice by doling our subsidies bring our homeschool kids under the same federal standards.



Texas Homeschoolers can join Texans for Homeschool Freedom   as we work in preserving our Freedoms.

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