CSCOPE Guides Students to Reinvent History
Texas progressive Curriculum Cscope is indoctrinating your children
with a progressive/socialist agenda. Cscope is in over 80% of the
TEXAS SCHOOLS (CSCOPE SCHOOLS). In a High School lesson the kids are
instructed to discuss whether the 2nd Amendment should be a collective
or individual right. In TEXAS you may ask???? (UNFORTUNATELY YES)
Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
Unfortunately in Texas Lenin’s goal of capturing the minds of our children is taking place under the control of the Cscope Management System. Cscope is in grades K-12. I can only pray that individuals across the state of Texas will get involved and speak out against this indoctrination. . There is no excuse for a school dictrict to spend taxpayers money buying a curriculum based on socialist/marxist radicals. For more information on Cscope please check out the following website.