
Magnolia ISD has 3 School Board positions on the ballot for the May 4th election. There are 3 incumbents that desperately need to be replaced, Gary Blizzard, Sonja Ebel and Kelly McDonald. Outlined below are reasons why the taxpayers and parents need to get out and vote.
1) Current MISD school board members are beholden to the superintendent not the taxpayers who voted them in office. This is due to Texas Association of School Boards indoctrination training. There are actually some school board members across the state that refuse to buy into it.
2) They held a board meeting at 7:30 am in the morning to hold a TAX HIKE election in the heat of August last year unbeknownest to the majority of taxpayers. There was not one member from the public in attendance to this meeting. Fortunately this stealth election failed but it cost the taxpayers $80,000.
3) This school board is into group think. There is never a dissenting vote. Not one member seems to have a differing opinion regarding anything.
4) They have used taxpayers funds to hire attorney’s to defend the Superintendent as well as the school board when the superintendent illegally used district equipment, employees and services in Commissioner Riley’s Campaign. This cost the taxpayers thousands. The School Board meeting where this matter was discussed in executive session with all parties and attorneys the board refused to give the Superintendent (Todd Stephens) a written reprimand choosing instead to award him a new contract the same evening. The Board showed they have no intention of holding our district administration accountable.
5) MISD Superintendent, Todd Stephens had an finance employee fake an invoice in covering his use of district vehicles. His defense was that the district had then rented the vehicle to Riley. Note: The district has never rented the vehicles before and to this day we can’t find out how to rent them. The board allowed this to happen with no reprimand of Stephens again.…/
6) The massive teacher turnover rate in the district within the last few years is out of control.
7) I have seen the school district use the local constable’s office to silence and threaten parents for just walking their children home from school instead of sitting in a car line. The School Board remained quite again and allowed this overreach to occur not once but three times.…/schools-new-policy-bans-paren…
8) Unbeknownest to parents Magnolia ISD has implemented the Common Core pedagogy of education. This steers away from Academics to Social Emotional Learning. I wrote the following blog a few years back. I captured all the information from the district website. After writing the blog exposing the districts use of Common Core they deleted the information.…/
9) The school board has remained quite and continued spending thousands and I do mean thousands for the United Nations International Baccalaureate Program. This is a Marxist program. Why would we spend thousands of dollars for a program that only a handful of students participate. The fact that it is a Marxist program should be enough reason to pull the plug on it.…/
10) Last but definitely not least is the fact that the school board votes on who will sit on the Montgomery County Appraisal Board. It stands to reason that the board would vote to put someone on there who obviously raised our appraisal rates. Time 4 Change.
Below is a photo of a letter that I personally recieved in the mail from a Magnolia ISD teacher who is frustrated with district administration. 
Please get out and vote 4 change on the Magnolia ISD Election. Suggestions below.
Position 1 Angie Smith
Position 2 Adrian Kaiser
Position 3 Sean Ricker

Early voting location and times.
Last day to vote is election day, Saturday May 4th. Here are the voting locations and times.