Rockwall ISD School Board President Lies!

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doug hamilton

You would hope that when you elect your school board members, they represented you and not the liberal agenda of the school superintendent. Such is the case with Rockwall ISD school board President,Doug Hamilton. Hamilton answered a series of questions for the Rockwell News in hopes of convincing the Rockwall community that the Marxist Curriculum, CSCOPE was a great and needed product for Rockwall ISD. Despite the mounting evidence of Pro Communist/Pro Islamic material that is riddled throughout CSCOPE, and the fact that it is now under the review of the Texas Attorney General, Gregg Abott, Hamiton can still support  CSCOPE. Though Hamilton’s article is riddled with misstatements and lies, below is one question posed to Hamilton about CSCOPE’s Pro Communist material which I can personally say, his response is a lie.


Rockwall isd

To counter his response I have posted David Bellow’s article with Texas Conservative Republican News  that came out today.

Time we elect school board members that represent the voters. 


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CSCOPE Director Caught LYING about Communist Chinese Flag Lesson

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Communism for all people


Investigative Report by David Bellow

Caught on VIDEO:

CSCOPE Director Danny Lovett Caught Lying about Chinese/Soviet Communist Flag Lesson while speaking to parents at Lumberton ISD “Truth about CSCOPE” Presentation.

ESC Director, Danny Lovett

Director says CSCOPE Lesson teaches kids in Texas Schools that Communism OPPRESSES, but truth is the Lesson teaches the Communism UNITES. Proof shows that this CSCOPE Curriculum shows Communism positively, not negatively.

Video of CSCOPE Director Caught Lying:

If the video above did not play, click here to watch video at YouTube:

After a few minutes of heated discussion and dodging questions, Danny Lovett goes on to defend the “Communist Flag Lesson” by blatantly lying about what was in the Communist Flag Lesson.

As you can see in the video, CSCOPE Director Says, “The Whole Thing is Designed to Show that the Communist Government is Oppressive.”

Sounds Good Right?


See the Paper in the CSCOPE Director’s hand in the video? That is the Chinese Communist Flag Lesson. I got a copy of that lesson to see if what Danny Lovett was saying was true.

The Truth is, what the LESSON says completely CONTRADICTS what the CSCOPE DIRECOR says.

The Chinese Flag Communist Lesson

As you can see, the Chinese Flag Lesson says NOTHING about Communism being over and OPPRESSING the people. In fact, the lesson says the Chinese People are UNITED by and around the Communist Government.

The Soviet Flag

The Lesson says nothing about Soviet Communism OPPRESSING the people. In fact, the Lesson says that the Communist Star in the Flag Symbolizes its role in UNIFYING the people in the Socialist Society.

United States Flag

He even lied about this!

Danny Lovett says that the lesson teaches that the stars on the U.S. flag are all equal to show that the people are all equal. Well, the U.S. Flag says nothing about the size of the stars and what they mean.

This CSCOPE Director LIED.
He Told Lumberton Parents GREAT things about the lesson like how the lesson explains to kids that Communist Govenments OPPRESS people but the American Government treats everyone equal.
The LESSON teaches something completely opposite of what he told parents. The LESSON teaches that Communism UNITES people, not oppresses them and it says NOTHING about people being equal in America.
The TRUTH is, any Kid Reading the Lesson will believe that Communism UNITES the people, NOT OPPRESSES THEM.
Finally, at the end of the video, You Heard Right, the Kids were asked to draw their own Communist flag, based on what they learned from the LESSON.
The Problem is, Contrary to what Danny Lovett said, the LESSON teaches that Communism UNITES people.
I can only imagine what Communist flags the kids drew. Maybe they drew people holding hands around the Communist Government that “Unites” them. That is what the lesson teaches.
Communist Lesson did NOT teach that Communism was Oppressive. Students should NOT have drawn a Communist flag. We should make sure they understand AMERICAN values before false Communist values.
If this CSCOPE Director BLATANTLY LIED about this Communist Lesson, what else will they lie about?
related story:
(Video) CSCOPE Director: “I Would Have Killed For CSCOPE” – Lumberton ISD – Danny Lovett
full copy of CSCOPE Communist lesson below:



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CSCOPE: Parents Told to Pay to See School Curriculum

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author-image  by John Griffing with World Net DailyTexas



A controversial school curriculum management system in Texas that once included a description of
the Boston Tea Party as terror, and has referenced Islamic terrorists as freedom fighters, now has been found to be trying to charge parents hundreds of dollars to see the instructional materials being used by their own children, officials said.

However, under Texas Education Code Chapter 26, all parents have the undisputed right to see any and all instructional materials used in state classrooms.

The program is CSCOPE, and Amy Zimmerman, a mother in the Collinsville Independent School District, asked to see the 7th grade CSCOPE science lessons used between September 2012 and May 2013, citing her “parental right” under state law.

However, instead of the materials, what she got was a letter from an attorney for the district requiring the payment of $770 so see the materials.

Gerry Miller, an attorney with expertise in education law, said that doesn’t appear to align with the law.

“Suffice it to say the statute is mandatory because of the use of the word ‘shall,’ it is therefore incumbent on the school to comply with the parent’s request. No provision is made for payment by a parent as a ‘condition precedent’ to obtaining the teaching material,” Miller said.

“If a school district demands fees, especially exorbitant fees, to review teaching material, such action has the effect of invalidating the statute’s intent,” he said. “I would fully expect a judge to apply the statute as written and order the school to provide the information without charge.”

Miller also explained an added complication would be that property taxes have been used to support CSCOPE, which has faced heavy criticism by parents, teachers and legislators, culminating in hearings that revealed serious academic deficiencies in the areas of math, science and English, as well as what many critics believe is an agenda-driven bias in social studies content that promotes a negative view of America.

WND has reported on lessons claiming the Boston Tea Party was a terrorist act, and lessons requiring students to design flags for a new communist country.

Teachers also have told WND:

  • Lessons are not matched to grade level; a ninth-grade lesson asks students to circle capital letters in a sentence.
  • One social studies lesson teaches that capitalism is obsolete and communism is the best economic system, using a diagram that shows a man climbing a ladder towards communism.
  • A third-grade lesson defines American “equality” as “fair share.” Competing definitions that include “equality under the law” or “equal opportunity” are not discussed.
  • Muhammad is portrayed as a social justice crusader. There is no mention of his marriage to a young girl or his beheading of indigenous population groups.
  • Political parties are taught from what critics claim is a subjective and left-leaning perspective, e.g. Democrats “benefit each individual” while Republicans “favor big business.”

WND has also recently acquired lessons covering the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, teaching students that “medicine” and “food” are “rights,” and not a matter of personal responsibility.

Students who do not answer that “medicine” and “food” are “rights” have their answers marked as incorrect, sources report.

Other controversial lesson content includes a science lesson that instructs students to set things on fire in the middle of class and also lessons that promote anorexia and mercy death, according to Mary Bowen, a curriculum expert and teacher of 30 years who corresponds with WND.

CSCOPE also has come under fire for its secrecy and lack of transparency, forcing teachers and districts to sign “user agreements” – what whistleblowers say amount to “gag orders.” Teachers are exposed to legal liability if they share lesson content or other class materials with the general public, and threats of termination have been reported by teachers who attempt to engage parents about controversial CSCOPE content.

One result of legislative hearings was the suggestion for changes in user agreements, but sources have told WND that existing users are not included in any changes; they are only for new groups who want to sign up.

A CSCOPE program advising on the privacy requirements for the content notes users are required to not allow “unauthorized users to have online access … or gain permanent possession of … content.”

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How sad it is that our education system is no longer about learning, but INDOCTRINATION. Any parent who is privileged enough to see the Texas’s Marxist curriculum, CSCOPE, you will realize their agenda is to indoctrinate your child with a global agenda. In a High School Biology class they have the students complete CSCOPE’S GLOBAL FOOT PRINT QUIZ. The quiz ask questions about personal family issues that I personally think is none of their business. One of the questions ask how many siblings the student has. The more children in the family the larger their Global Footprint is and there must be changes to minimize it. What is Sally or Bobby going to say to mom and dad? “My global footprint is to large so please don’t have anymore kids, I have to save the earth”. This green/global/enviromental/ agenda has become a religion of its own. Please learn and read how anti-christian this agenda is at  Get involved in your schools and ask for your children’s homework and test. The time of complacency is over if we are going to save our country.

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 I have been on the front lines fighting Texas’s Marxist Curriculum, CSCOPE for the last year. After home schooling my children I never thought I would be in this fight. After becoming aware of CSCOPE I just could not sit back and let Texas students be indoctrinated with this mess. If your school doesn’t have CSCOPE please don’t think you are home free and safe from the progressive/Marxist indoctrination.

If I had children today in the Texas public schools they would be pulled out so fast their head would spin. I did take my children out of public schools in their elementary years to home school, and it was one of the best decisions my husband and I made. We will forever be grateful we did.  My children are now grown and college graduates, they love Jesus, America and have a since of right and wrong. Those values are not going to be taught in a government public school today.

I never thought I would home school. My husband and I are neither college graduates, having ADHD myself, and loving my independent spirit, home schooling was not in my plans. Wow, how the Lord changed things. After moving my oldest in a private christian school and found it to be insufficient and expensive home schooling started sounding like a real possibility. After doing some research I became very excited about schooling my kids at home.

The first year was a learning experience. Coming out of the “public school” way of doing things there is some retraining especially for the parents. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE LIKE PUBLIC/GOVT SCHOOLS and shouldn’t. Our second year was quite different especially since I was very ill. I did not formally school that year, other than letting them read and help me with IV medications.

When the kids got in the later junior high years I signed them up for co op classes for English & Science. We made numerous field trips to museums, movies, and various theater productions. We attended Christian Worldview conferences where we first met historian DAVID BARTON. There are so many opportunities for home school families today to make the journey one you will never regret. One book that can be taught while home schooling in depth, and I wished I would of taught more of was GOD’S WORD, The Bible.

We were fortunate enough to travel and do mission trips in 3rd world countries. We became advanced scuba divers and dove Hawaii, Mexico, Bahamas, and Honduras. I gave both girls high school credit in oceanography.  I would say our field trips were extraordinaire. We were blessed to do and go places as a family and learn many things  first hand. Though the trips were great the things we look back and value the most was the amount of family time we shared.

My greatest gift from it all is that both my girls plan on home schooling my grand kids.


 Time to put your child’s education in your hands and not the liberal/progressives.

Thinking about Homeschooling? Check out the following links…more forthcoming..

Home School Legal Defense Association

Texas Home School Coalition






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CSCOPE’S Definitions: Liberal vs Conservative

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Liberal/Progressives they are such sweethearts just wanting to work together!! Seriously?

This is what Texas students are being indoctrinated with!

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ROCKWALL ISD Ethics Violation?

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rockwall no


Rockwall ISD, in Rockwall Texas feels at liberty to attack parents and taxpayers that are greatly concerned about the district’s use of the Marxist curriculum CSCOPE. On April 11, 2013 Hudson ISD’s  liberal superintendent and TASA’s legislative chair, Mary Ann Whitiker  has written and posted an article on TEXAS ISD calling the parents and taxpayers MaCarthyist and their actions comparable to the false allegations of those of the Salem Witch Trials. In reading Ms. Whitikers description of the Salem Witch Trials she pretty well quoted the details of the event in her article, from Wikipedia verbatim.

Wikipedia definition……


Ms. Whitikers’ definition

Ignoring the facts that there is controversial material riddled though out CSCOPE which has been presented to State Senators and Representatives which is now under the review of the Texas Attorney General, Mrs. Whitiker can’t except the truth if you laid in right in front of her. I am glad my children or grandchildren are not in Hudson ISD or Rockwall ISD for that matter.

Rockwall Superintendent Jeff Bailey obviously finds Ms. Whitiker’s accusations appropriate. Rockwall ISD has linked Ms. Whitiker’s article to the school website.   As I have stated in an earlier blog: Superintendent Jeff Bailey is not doing his job!!

rockwall isd 2

5-1-2013 7-44-24 PM

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Exciting news~ Another Texas ISD said No to CSCOPE tonight!!
Just Breaking ~ Kilgore ISD School Board voted tonight 7-0 in favor of rewriting curriculum UPON the Superintendents recommendation. NO CSCOPE ~ That is one smart Superintendent!! Way to Go Kilgore Parents!! You Rock!!

Stop CSCOPE graphic

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CSCOPE Was Not Needed!! Where is the Money?

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money tree

The Texas 81st legislative session gave TEA & Texas Education Service Centers (ESC’S) millions through Rider 42 to  development Professional Development Academies (PDA’S)  at no cost for teachers, to prepare them for the new Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).  At the same time the ESC directors developed their non profit, Texas Education Service Centers Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC), who then developed CSCOPE. Why? TESCCC has been leasing CSCOPE to school districts on a yearly basis.  They then turned around and started charging teachers or districts for additional training in using CSCOPE.  The ESC did not stop there…. oh no…… they then began holding huge Conferences in the summer on the taxpayers dime as well,  for educators. Talk about sucking as much as you can out of taxpayers… this is so Ridiculous.

While we are uncovering this the ESC directors are testifying in front of the Senate Education Committee and to any audience who cares to hear their lies that “teachers were begging for CSCOPE. It was developed by teachers for teachers”. If they would have used the millions given to them and advertised the “Professional Development Academies” for teachers to utilize, teachers would have had all they needed to prepare them for the new TEKS. Instead they were busy creating their new business TESCCC. For what?

I have emailed most of the directors of the ESC’s asking them why CSCOPE was needed when they were given money for the “Professional Development Academies” they have yet to respond.

I have one question.. Where is the Money?


Rider 42

rider 42 jpg

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The Musical Chair of Texas Superintendents

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musical_chairs (1)


After doing a little research I was shocked to see how unsettled Texas school superintendents are. They change jobs and move around the state like a game of musical chairs. Why? What is their goal? Is it money? Security? Implementing CSCOPE (TEXAS’S MARXIST CURRICULUM) where it isn’t? We are not sure but found it shocking none the less. Why not stick with it and make the school district better? Below are just a few that are changing schools!

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4-25-2013 4-34-50 2 PM

4-25-2013 4-35-18 PM

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CSCOPE has finally made it to the Texas House Public Education Committee!  Representative Toth will layout HB 760 before the Public Education Committee, which will be hearing testimony from citizens like you!  We need you to come out and support the review of CSCOPE and the review of Regional Service Centers.  Your voice will help us stop CSCOPE!

  • Date: Tuesday, April 30th
  • Place: Texas Capitol E2.036
  • Time: Try to be there no later than 2pm!




If the INDOCTRINATION of CSCOPE and programs like it are not STOPPED  our FREEDOM will no longer exist as we have know it. Sadly they have had it in our Texas schools since 2006 without parents knowing.

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.

Vladimir Lenin

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4-25-2013 3-45-28 PM

The following is a list of CSCOPE lessons or excerpts that have been exposed over the last year that should concern any Texas parent, grandparent, or pastor. Feel free to make copies and educate your community of this progressive/marxist/communist indoctrination taking place in their local schools.  Many of the lessons CSCOPE reps have now been altered or removed since making them public. My question is……………..



2) THE ISLAMIC WORLD (this lesson has the teacher handing out verses of the Quran and defining the five pillars of ISLAM)

3) The Boston Tea Party is a Terrorist Act

5) Chart Road to Mecca and Medina for 5th Grade

6) Compose Newspaper article on COMMUNISM

7) Design a New Socialist/Communist Flag

8) Paul Revere is hiding drugs in his house

9) Crusaders are mentally ill and sociopaths (check out definition)

10) 3rd Graders role play being Hungry, Naked and Homeless

11) Livestock “Gas” is contributing to pollution.

12) Solar Cookers are going to save the World

12) Christopher Columbus turned into a GREEN enviromentalist! This is the actual lesson..

(this is the CSCOPE attachment used with the lesson. CSCOPE has cherry picked his words to fit their liberal agenda..) Read this blog and see the original journal entries and see CSCOPE’S bias.

13) Islamic Web links given to students through CSCOPE lessons

       a) CSCOPE web link… The Islam Project – on this sight you children have access to the following info under the title Community Engagement, etc….CSCOPE LESSON

                    Women and Islam

                    Muhammad’s Example in Action

                    Islam: Beliefs and Practices

                    The American Muslim Experince

14) Learning Station Cards on Islam and Muhammad

15) Climbing Stairs to Socialism

16) Question on a CSCOPE test.


 17) Students tested on Sharia Law…




19) 2nd Amendment a Collective Right?

20) Communism can be viewed as a SUCCESS on this CSCOPE TEST


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We’re All Gonna Die! But Wait Cscope has the Answer…The Solar Cooker!!

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solar cooker 049

It slices, it dices, it stops pollution, ROMCO’s new SOLAR COOKER by CSCOPE. Your results may vary. Not only will it stop pollution, global warming, flooding, erosion, deforestation, contaminated water, and hunger but it will also provide the necessary time for education. Are you tired of foraging around for firewood? Day after day month after month endlessly searching for that perfect piece of firewood to cook with? Imagine a world where people could spend that wasted time on something valuable like a CSCOPE education. If you are fortunate enough to have a 5th grader (or a 4th grader that has been held back) you too can be the proud owner of one of these magical devices, The CSCOPE SOLAR COOKER! Yes they have made it so easy that even a 5th Grader can build it. CSCOPE provides a home, home with a range………. where the skies are not cloudy all day!! Just think, we can cook our food when the sun is out. Kyoto Treaty Approved.

solar cookers


Solar Cooker 2

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Ginger PC Front

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UPDATE!!! The SB1406 has been referred the Public Education Committee. 


We need you to call the chair of the Committee, Jimmie Don Aycock and email him asking for a Public Hearing on it. 


Also call the House Education Committee members listed below!

Chair:Rep. Jimmie Don Aycock (R)-



Vice Chair: Rep. Alma Allen (D)

Rep. John Davis (R)– 

Rep. Joe Deshotel (D)

Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr. (D)

Rep. Marsha Farney (R)

Rep. Ken King (R)

Rep. Bennett Ratliff (R)

Rep. Justin Rodriguez (D)

Rep. Mike Villarreal (D)

Rep. Dan Huberty (R)

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TEXANS: Data Mining Your Children! Must be Stopped!!

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Not So Fast Mike Villarreal and Dan Branch~ HB 2103 Must be Stopped!



Texas Representative Mike Villarreal and Rep. Dan Branch have introduced HB 2103.

Bill has been Placed on General State Calendar for 





Interested parties assert that student data collected by the Texas Education Agency should be made more accessible to researchers so that it can be used to improve the state’s education system. C.S.H.B. 2103 aims to provide for this increased accessibility and also seeks to establish an education research center advisory board and set limits on who can request research, which would allow the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to sift through fewer requests and approve researchers in a more timely manner.

Jason, why

I called Cathy Adams President of Texas Eagle Forum and she said quote:

“This would deepen the impact of “school-to-work” which is the German / Prussian education system.”. Ok Moms and Dads are you really ok with this?

What is a P20 Workforce Council ~

The P20 Council is to create a State DATA Base for Education Researchers.

The P20 will among other things – collect data P = Pre-kindergarten through 20 = 20 years of age
P20 database is tasked with collecting information (data points) on Texas students from early childhood to workforce-aged youngsters.
FERPA (Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act) laws changed in January of 2012, allowing PII to be used in more than 11 different ways WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM PARENTS OR STUDENTS
Call your Representative Today and Say NO to HB 2103. Why would we trust a P20 Board with our children and their Teacher’s private data when things like this are happening in Texas. 
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The Days of Trusting Your School Administrators is OVER!!!

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Tax payers across the state are mostly unaware that thousands of dollars are being paid to two liberal organizations, Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) and Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) with their school taxes. TASA and TASB or just two organizations that promote a liberal ideology through the Texas Education System. Your school district uses your tax money to fund and pay their administrators and the school board membership fees (they decide who and how many) will be members. WHY?  TASA and TASB hold conferences on a yearly basis and your tax money again is used to pay all attendee’s expenses (tickets, hotel, food) for the conference. The more entrenched superintendents or school boards are within TASA & TASB, should raise a red flag to parents and tax payers. TASA and TASB’s main offices  are two blocks away from the TEXAS Capitol making is convenient for their staff to lobby legislatures for  policies that benefit them. As they did with SB 6 from the 2011 legislative session that gave school districts their “instructional allotment” funds to use on any curriculum they choose without oversight.

The owners of CSCOPE is the non profit group, TEXAS EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER CURRICULUM COLLABORATIVE (TESCCC), which are made of the directors of the 20 Texas Education Service Centers.  TESCCC have operated under secrecy for the last 7 years. How you may ask? 1) They had teachers sign a non disclosure statement under duress without attorney approval, stating that they would not release the contents of CSCOPE or say anything negative about it. 2) No text books (in many schools). 3) No Homework.

Despite the fact that CSCOPE controls the teachers with the administration’s  intimidating walk throughs of classrooms and the taking of photos, and the fact controversial material is being taught to students you still have administrators showing their liberal side in promoting CSCOPE’s continued use.

We have seen lessons, asking students to draw new communist flags, The Boston Tea party being a terrorist act, Paul Revere was hiding drugs in his house, web links that led students to learn about the sex lives of Islamic women, lessons asking the teacher to hand out verses of the Quran to students, students were tested on Sharia Law, etc, etc, etc….. The following superintendents are still out promoting this progressive indoctrination, stating it is just a couple of lesson excerpts that have caused the controversy. Quite the Contrary! Where is all the money located from the sale of CSCOPE?  Why is it still hidden from the public. Why are parents pulling their children out of school to home school them or place them in private schools? Why are teachers quitting (especially our veteran teachers)?



The article below was written by three Texas Superintendents in support of CSCOPE. I would like to highlight the three authors. First in Superintendent of Hudson ISD, Mary Ann Whitaker .  She has deep ties to TASA.

The next is  Superintendent of Carthage ISD, Glenn J. Hambrick who is also is a regional representative for TASA and serves on the Executive Committee.  

J. Glenn Hambrick


3rd we have Assistant Superintendent of Carthage ISD, Donna Porter who serves TASA by being being a member of their Central Office Advisory Committee. 



Posted: Friday, April 19, 2013 5:46 pm | Updated: 6:02 pm, Fri Apr 19, 2013.

 It is sometimes mindboggling how some controversies begin. Certainly, the wildfire that has swept across Texas concerning the CSCOPE curriculum has our heads spinning. Misinformation has spread rampantly and the truth backed by factual information has been difficult to get out in front of the folks that are taking small excerpts and lessons out of context. In some cases, the CSCOPE curriculum has been attacked with reckless, unsubstantiated accusations.

The shame is that CSCOPE should be a success story of how 870 public school districts, average enrollment of 2000 students, working together with the twenty Education Service Centers (ESCs) created a 21st century curriculum based on the state mandated Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Prior to selecting this curriculum for CISD, an extensive investigation was conducted to assure that it was a good fit for our district.


CSCOPE curriculum/lesson plans were created by master “Texas” teachers, not a textbook company, not a testing company, and not a private, for-profit vendor. Multiple resources, including digital resources, were integrated into the curriculum, with suggested lessons that proved to be extremely beneficial to less experienced teachers. The framework allowed districts and staff to integrate localized lessons within the scope and sequence of the system. Approximately 50% of the charter schools (i.e. KIPP Academy, UT Charter School, Bannockburn Christian Academy and the Texas School for the Deaf) also use CSCOPE. Private schools, such as Catholic Diocese of Austin, Wichita Christian, Hyde Park Baptist and Cornerstone Christian Academy use CSCOPE.

What is my point? CSCOPE and our ESCs have been accused of promoting non-Christian and unpatriotic values based on a couple of lessons that were taken out of context, the targeted lessons were based on state standards created and approved by the State Board of Education. Due to several districts refusing to purchase another “new” curriculum, the creators of this “new curriculum” began a mass media blitz misrepresenting two lessons that addressed the state required curriculum standards.

Districts are mandated to teach the major religions of the worlds and the beliefs of those religions. Districts are mandated to teach heroism and terrorism. CSCOPE curriculum units have designed lessons that explore these standards, allowing students to investigate, compare/contrast, and analyze perspectives based on cultural influences. Example, the Boston Tea Party was perceived as an act of heroism from an American’s point of view; however, patriots of England considered this an act of terrorism. Islam, one of the major religions of the world, believes their God is the only God. These are the two excerpts taken out of context of the instructional units that have resulted in mass social media messages from those wanting to sell “their curriculum”, accusing the writers of CSCOPE and the ESCs of treason and promoting the Islam religion! Recently, a superintendent received threatening emails because the district was using CSCOPE.

Carthage ISD was not one of the first districts to embrace the curriculum; however, the revised state standards and new state assessment system demanded a new curriculum. CSCOPE offers a well-designed curriculum framework that is vertically aligned to the state standards (NOT the Federal Core Standards as inaccurately reported), the state assessment system and 21st century life-long learning goals.

CSCOPE insures the appropriate skills are taught in specific grades using multiple resources. The instructional focus is college and career readiness at all levels. School districts have the flexibility of using the curriculum as a sole source or as an alignment framework – CSCOPE lessons/units optional. Skills such as spelling, cursive handwriting, and math facts are found aligned in CSCOPE. Teachers have the flexibility to adjust the amount of time spent practicing these skills.

CSCOPE is a learning curve for classroom instruction. It is not driven by one textbook or worksheets. It embraces multiple resources, integration of technology and higher order thinking skills.

Similar to purchased curriculum there are mistakes within the lessons, those are reported and corrected. An internal system exists where teachers are asked for input on any element of CSCOPE. It is a proprietary curriculum and shares the same protection as other vendors’ products one must purchase to access the content. Districts sign affidavits, comparable to those required by the state for STAAR testing, to protect the integrity of the system, not unlike copyright laws. The cost is based on the enrollment of the district.

Parents can view the content of a lesson at a parent meeting; however, giving parents free access to the lesson plans and tests would destroy the validity of the assessments and negatively impact the intent of the instructional lessons.

The attack against the supporters and users of CSCOPE may well become the first step toward the state assuming total control of all curriculum and lesson plans for all districts. A bill has been filed to begin this process. That would be another attack on local control by the state.

Article by:

Glenn Hambrick, Ed.D., Superintendent, Carthage ISD

Donna Porter, Ed.D., Asst. Superintendent, Carthage ISD

Mary Ann Whitaker, M.Ed., Superintendent, Hudson ISD



Dr. Stan Hartzler quit his teaching job in Luling ISD this last fall, posed the following questions to superintendents who support CSCOPE? 

If the program is as good as these superintendents claim, produced with the supposed expertise, then – –

·        Why is so much essential content missing from the first-year algebra program, and why are there so many errors and poor lessons therein?

·        Why is there a destructive gulf between the lessons and the exams at all levels and in all courses?
·        With nothing of value to protect, why were teachers required to sign a gag order?
·        Why are these superintendents responding only to the well-publicized indoctrination efforts, when there are many other well-publicized problems with CSCOPE?
·        Why are these superintendents failing to defend the upside-down development strategy used by all CSCOPE writers?
·        Why are these superintendents characterizing a grassroots response to CSCOPE’s attack on our children, teachers, and state-mandated curriculum evaluation system, as “wildfire”, “misinformation..spread rampantly”, when the wide-ranging problems with CSCOPE have been backed with factual information?
·        Why don’t these superintendents distinguish between lesson-level CSCOPE, where teachers’ hands are completely tied, and CSCOPE used as originally intended – – supplements used as teachers see fit?

I can only pray for our children’s future with Administrators like this. Parents and Communities need to wake up!


Get involved!!



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Join us this Sunday, April 20 @ 2:30 for a CSCOPE TOWNHALL in LAKE JACKSON!

Details below…

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Who is Ruth Ann Few?

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Ruth Ann Few is president of Brazospor ISD school board. Due to her support of CSCOPE you will not find it shocking that she serves as President of the union group Brazosport Federation of Teachers.    This group is an affiliate of the national union group American Federation of Teachers.   Known for implementing progressive agenda’s in our education system.

No conflict of interest there! Do you truly think Ms. Few has your children’s best interest at heart?

Ruth Ann Few sent the following message in support of CSCOPE and stated that I and others that have exposed the CSCOPE corruption are not credible. REALLY? On what grounds Ms. Few? How could you after doing your “extensive research” still adopt CSCOPE when the Texas Senate Education Committee has called it a “MESS” and questioned their Marxist leanings, Communist leanings, Islamic leanings, and the chairman of the Senate Education Committee stated at the hearing he would shut it down immediately if he could. Some may have excused you if you claimed ignorance on the subject but due to your “extensive research” and still choosing to adopt CSCOPE, you have no excuse. You are at odds not only with me but the Senate Education Committee, State Board of Education, Attorney General Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, Governor Perry and a vast majority of our legislators in Austin. Are they credible?  And I can assure you they have “extensively researched” it as well.

I think those facts speak for themselves, Ms. Few.?


Here is Brazosport Federation of Teachers FB page


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4-17-2013 9-10-36 PM






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TEXAS: Parents Have Rights to See Curriculum & Tests

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Texas Education Code 26.006 gives parents the legal right to see all curriculum used to teach their children, even test once they have been administered.

CSCOPE reps have said that all CSCOPE lessons are available for parental review. Really? Why have they only posted just a”few” for parents to review? Are they cleaning them up first, so parents will not see their progressive agenda? Despite the fact that CSCOPE reps state that the test/assessments are not available for parents to see, the Texas Education Code states differently. Assessments are to be made available to parents after the assessment has been administered.


Sec. 26.006.  ACCESS TO TEACHING MATERIALS. (a)  A parent is entitled to:

(1)  review all teaching materials, instructional materials, and other teaching aids used in the classroom of the parent’s child; and

(2)  review each test administered to the parent’s child after the test is administered.

(b)  A school district shall make teaching materials and tests readily available for review by parents. The district may specify reasonable hours for review.

(c)  A student’s parent is entitled to request that the school district or open-enrollment charter school the student attends allow the student to take home any instructional materials used by the student.  Subject to the availability of the instructional materials, the district or school shall honor the request.  A student who takes home instructional materials must return the instructional materials to school at the beginning of the next school day if requested to do so by the student’s teacher.  In this subsection, “instructional material” has the meaning assigned by


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