Brazosport ISD Community Says Nope to CSCOPE

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Brazosport ISD community came out in droves Monday night after becoming aware of their administration’s plans of implementing the Marxist, Pro Islamic, Pro Communist Curriculum,CSCOPE. CSCOPE has been  implemented in over  875 Texas School districts under a shroud of secrecy. CSCOPE financials have yet to be disclosed.

Despite the fact that CSCOPE now is under the review/audit by the Texas Attorney General and the possible danger to students, Brazosport ISD superintendent Dr. Karin  Holacka and the school board are still making plans to purchase and implement it. SHOCKING!! Our Children Deserve Better!

Ruth Ann Few

Ruth Ann Few

President of the Brazoria ISD School Board, Ruth Ann Few sent the following message in support of CSCOPE and stated that I and others that have exposed the CSCOPE corruption are not credible. REALLY? On what grounds Ms. Few? How could you after doing your “extensive research” still adopt CSCOPE when the Texas Senate Education Committee has called it a “MESS” and questioned their Marxist leanings, Communist leanings, Islamic leanings, and the chairman of the Senate Education Committee stated at the hearing he would shut it down immediately if he could. Some may have excused you if you claimed ignorance on the subject but due to your “extensive research” and still choosing to adopt CSCOPE, you have no excuse. You are at odds not only with me but the Senate Education Committee, State Board of Education, Attorney General Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, Governor Perry and a vast majority of our legislators in Austin. Are they credible?  And I can assure you they have “extensively researched” it as well.

I think those facts speak for themselves, Ms. Few.?

Are you not the President of the Brazoria Federation of Teachers associated with the national union organization, American Federation of Teachers?

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4-17-2013 9-10-36 PM




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CSCOPE was not officially on the Wichita Falls ISD School Board agenda, but it was addressed anyway at length outside and inside the boardroom at Monday night’s meeting.

WFISD parent Eileen Levy organized a news conference on the steps of the Education Center directly before the regularly scheduled board meeting. The gathering drew the media and about 25 protesters opposing the controversial curriculum management system, which teachers use in all WFISD schools.

Inside the boardroom, four educators told board members what they liked about CSCOPE in the meeting’s open forum.

Then Superintendent John Frossard addressed CSCOPE exclusively in his superintendent’s report. “We’re not as far apart as you think we are,” he said.

Protesters at the rally that preceded the board meeting criticized objectionable CSCOPE content, the secret operations by parent company TESCCC, and the online curriculum that operates without textbooks. One also flagged the state’s continuing low test scores and rising number of Unacceptable-rated districts throughout the state despite CSCOPE.

They urged the elimination of CSCOPE.

Parent Stacy Flood told of her fifth-grade son’s grades that have spiraled downward during his exposure to CSCOPE.

“Over the past four years, we haven’t seen a math textbook come home once,” Flood said. “For a district that says they want parental involvement, they’re sure doing a great job of slamming the doors in our face.”

WFISD’s juvenile detention teacher, Bill Lockwood, criticized CSCOPE for content that he called “heavily pro-Islamic and anti-Christian in its slant.” He asked why teachers were so afraid to talk about it. “It’s been almost entirely secret for so long,” he said.

He was particularly appalled by a lesson that ranked a free market below communism and taught students that “we need to progress upward to communism,” he said. “It’s difficult to believe Texas would have this kind of material.”

Local parent Kim McClellan urged school board members to do their official duty by representing the wishes of the community, not themselves.

“They are to speak for us,” she said. “But they cannot speak for us if they do not hear from us.” She urged community members to “let them hear from you.”

In the open forum part of the official school board meeting, four WFISD employees spoke in favor of CSCOPE.

Teacher Kathryn Seegler said the district divides CSCOPE lessons into “Must Do” lessons (the best ones) and “Can Do” lessons (the average ones). “Throwing out the curriculum because of a few angry parents would be irresponsible,” she said.

Seegler invited board members to visit her classroom and see her teach a CSCOPE lesson. “I don’t think you’ll be disappointed,” she said.

Washington/Jackson Principal Sandy Camp said she polled her teachers about CSCOPE. Of those who responded, 89 percent favored CSCOPE. She urged protesters to help in a positive way by tutoring.

Frossard’s Superintendent’s Report called CSCOPE’s critics “well-intentioned citizens with legitimate concerns about CSCOPE.”

He knows the district needs a quality curriculum because students must meet state standards to graduate.

“As a district, we now find ourselves in the position of defending a handful of poorly written CSCOPE lessons that we didn’t develop and we didn’t implement,” he said.

WFISD has not yet fully implemented CSCOPE’s most controversial social studies lessons.

“I can be impartial because I wasn’t involved in the initial CSCOPE decision,” he said.

The CSCOPE issue touches on powerful competing interests, such as the multimillion-dollar textbook industry, rival curriculums and private school voucher advocates, he said.

“Let’s not pretend this debate is really about an attack on Christianity. Don’t misunderstand me — for many well-meaning citizens, they’ve been led to believe it is,” he said. “To imply that they (teachers who wrote CSCOPE) are all anti-Christian, anti-American, Marxist, pro-Middle Eastern educators is wrong, and such rhetoric sets a poor example for our children.”

Frossard said he is examining other options.

Of 10 larger districts who use their own locally developed curriculums, only one was for sale — and only for secondary grades.

Any new curriculum would bring some of the same problems, he predicted.

Frossard advocated for a balanced approach that “utilizes all of the resources we have available.”

He will wait to implement CSCOPE’s social studies curriculum until the state’s ad hoc committee appointed by the State Board of Education approves it, he said.

Meanwhile, he wants teachers to drive the teaching and learning while the district maintains quality control.

“As long as we have an expedited process to report, review and revise or exclude any objectionable lessons, I believe CSCOPE should be one of many resources used in our local curriculum,” Frossard said.

He will push for modifying the use of CSCOPE, increasing the use of district-developed master lessons, monitoring CSCOPE’s licensing fees, keeping an eye on its ad hoc committee recommendations, and making sure CSCOPE fixes its questionable lessons.

Follow Ann Work on Twitter @AnnWork1.

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CSCOPE Linked to Common Core Standards

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CSCOPE representatives and superintendents across the state continue to LIE to parents and members of the community that CSCOPE has no affiliation with COMMON CORE.. Are they LYING…. you be the judge? 


Below is an  excerpt from  CSCOPE’S Parental Advisory memo available on  school district websites across the state. FULL MEMO HERE. The memo was written in hopes of diffusing concerns and questions  from parents and the public in regard to CSCOPE’s pro Islamic, Anti American stance and it’s relation to Obama’s Common Core Standards (which Texas did not adopt). Below you will see in the highlighted area that the memo emphatically states that CSCOPE has no affiliation with COMMON CORE. 


cscope parent advisory




CSCOPE’S password protected sight has an Instuctional Focus Document for teachers to utilize in lesson planning. As you will see on this portion of the  Instructional Focus Document, the highlighted area gives the teachers a link to go to. 






Go to the link provided, Scroll across the tabs at the top of the page

 to Partners.



You will see many of EPSILEN’S partners..The New York Times (that ought to be some relief, lol), etc…… Then scroll to the bottom of the page where you will see the following…






Unfortunately YES!!


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I read the following little book a year ago “How Do You Kill 11 Million People” detailing how Hitler lied to the Jews which ultimately led to their demise. Not only was it interesting and educational but scary from the aspect that I see some of the same behavior from those pushing CSCOPE on parents and communities around the state of Texas. These educators think nothing of LYING to you. When I originally found out about CSCOPE, those that work for the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum collaborative (TESCCC), which own CSCOPE, would tell me that they could not let me see the lessons because the material was copyrighted. Serious? Every printed book is copyrighted. It became apparent they had rehearsed that excuse across the state so parents did not become aware of their agenda. Earlier on in this battle I  found this ISLAMIC powerpoint with this accompanying lesson “THE ISLAMIC WORLD” asking the teacher to distribute verses of the Quran. CSCOPE state representative told me that the power point was not part of CSCOPE though he removed it a few days later. HE LIED!

Here is the audio of that meeting..

Now we have school administrators that are still trying to convince parents and communities that CSCOPE is wonderful and needed. THESE EDUCATORS ARE LYING TO YOU, while at the same time indoctrinating your children with a Pro Communist/Marxist/Agenda 21/Anti Christian World View.. There is no American Exceptionalism in CSCOPE.  

It is all about the Common Good, The Collective aka Communism. Wake up!!! Get involved for your children and grandchildren!! HOMESCHOOL!! Our country will never be the same and your children and grandchildren will not know FREEDOM like we have had if we do not stop this NOW!!









CSCOPE Test Question on a High School Test


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How Texas’s Curriculum CSCOPE is Harmful for Your Children

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by Jeanine McGregor (Ms. Mac)


CSCOPE, the controversial curriculum currently in 70% of Texas classrooms, was never field-tested or received a review by the State Board of Education.  It is based on the radical ideology of Marxism (Lev Vygotsky , Humanism (Linda-Darling Hammond) and Socialism (Learning through Social Constructivism).  Lessons with anti-American, anti-Christian slants have been discovered.


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How CSCOPE is hurting your children:

Through Social Constructivism (Group sharing of work and grades)

  1. 1.        It removes the importance of individual merit and responsibility
  2. 2.       It downplays the importance of authority (parents and professionals) and experts
  3. 3.       It removes the security of well-defined expectations
  4. 4.       It redefines truth and facts (any answer is acceptable)
  5. 5.       It emphasizes education equity (outcome the same for all) instead of opportunity equity

Through the implementation of tests not aligned with required lessons:

  1. 1.        It provides a high stressful atmosphere in anticipation of failure
  2. 2.       When tests are repeated and answers given prior to test it promotes delayed responsibility and acceptance of cheating
  3. 3.       It promotes acceptance of substandard performances when failure is the norm.

Through the implementation of multiple classroom observances (3 minute walk-throughs ) by administrators

  1. 1.       It promotes the atmosphere that administrators do not trust the child’s teacher; so something is wrong to the child/student-models disrespect to the teacher
  2. 2.       It Interrupts the learning atmosphere of the classroom (highly distracting to ADHD children)
  3. 3.       When teachers quickly shift from what works to the rigid ineffective CSCOPE stance expecting a walkthrough, the students can sense an air of deception.

Through the implementation of substandard CSCOPE lessons

  1. 1.       It “LEAVES OUT geographyvocabulary developmentcursivespelling, grammarsystemic reading instructionmemorization of multiplication facts, and the skill practice needed for students to gain confidence.” (Source: Teacher’s statement before the State Board of Education)
  2. 2.       It downplays the importance of vetted textbooks and homework


 Call your local school board representative and ask these questions:

  1. 1.       Were you fully informed about the radical ideology and methodology of CSCOPE before you voted to implement it?
  2. 2.       Were you shown field-tested results of CSCOPE before you voted to implement it?
  3. 3.       Are you going to request a local review before the next vote to renew it?
  4. 4.       What steps must I do to opt out of CSCOPE and put my child in a direct-learning environment?

Call your state representative ( demand that CSCOPE receive a total review of ideology, methodology, financial impropriety, possible plagiarism, and misrepresentation to local school boards.



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Brazosport ISD has signed a contract to buy and implement a Marxist School Curriculum despite the fact that theTexas Attorney General has it under audit/review. Your school superintendent and school board members are the ones who need to be held accountable for not reviewing the curriculum they have purchased. There are over 1600 hundred lessons that have never had any outside validation. Below you will see some of the lessons that have been turned over by teachers that are concerned but have been gagged from speaking out due to a non-disclosure statement they were forced to sign.
Despite the fact that CSCOPE is making an F when it comes to student success begs one to wonder why administrators continue to sell CSCOPE as something positive to the community. 
The days of trusting school administrators is over. Parents and communities are going to have to get involved and not let them intimidate with their talking points and words such as 21st Century Learning, Critical Thinking, Vertical Alignment and RIGOR!!! (I hate that word).
If you need additional info on CSCOPE please go to and
Brazosport Superintendent will trying to win public approval of the districts purchase. Please attend the following meeting.
Brazosport ISD Dr. Holacka Q and A
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I Would Of Killed For CSCOPE!

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(Video) CSCOPE Director: “I Would Have Killed For CSCOPE” – Danny Lovett Lumberton ISD
By David Bellow

Region 5 Executive Director, and one of the heads of CSCOPE, Danny Lovett says, “I would have killed for CSCOPE.” Did he go too far with

this statement? I know he likes CSCOPE, and it probably helps him keep a good paying job if he keeps his CSCOPE program from collapsing, but seriously, he loves it so much that he would KILL for it?

This video is from when Dr. Danny Lovett came to Lumberton ISD a couple of weeks ago. Many parents at Lumberton ISD are upset that the CSCOPE Curriculum is being used in Lumberton schools. Lovett’s purpose for coming to Lumberton ISD was to try to promote CSCOPE as something awesome so that all the parents would just be happy about it I guess. This angered many parents who were expecting a public forum where parents could express concerns. Instead of a public forum, these parents showed up to find out that there would be no official school public forum, and instead there was an information presentation from Lovett intended to promote CSCOPE. Before the presentation could even start, some parents stood up and made it known that they were not happy and wanted to ask question and not just be presented a puff piece by one of the leaders in CSCOPE.

I am glad that Lumberton ISD Administration did do a good job of allowing parents to ask questions at this informational meeting. It was just frustrating because the parents were having to continually interrupt the meeting to correct something or inquire about the something that the CSCOPE Director was presenting.

To his credit though, he did allow the parents to interject their comments during his CSCOPE promotional. He didn’t answer my question though about how much money he made. You see, he had tried to downplay the fact that CSCOPE double dips with tax dollars when they use tax money to create it and then sell it to schools who pay for it with tax dollars. His excuse for it not being an issue is that CSCOPE is created under a non profit organization, and therefore they cannot make a profit with it so we should not worry about what CSCOPE is charging because, hey, they cannot make money from it. I stood up and pointed out that although their organization cannot technically make a profit, they can still certainly gain financially from CSCOPE. I pointed out the different directors of “non profit” organizations who make millions a year in base salary. I then asked him how much he made. He would not give me a number, although he was adamant earlier in the evening about his organization being completely open about finances. My question was not intended to bash him or say that he should not be compensated for his job. My point was that, even as a non profit, they certainly stand to gain financially if CSCOPE does well via salaries and new hires and more power as the “non profit” grows and does well.

It was also interesting that, on top of promoting CSCOPE, Danny Lovett also tried to associate anyone who was against CSCOPE with terroristic threat emails. I don’t know the validity of whether or not CSCOPE administrators have received any valid threatening emails or if they were just upset individuals venting about the seemingly un-American lessons in CSCOPE. I do not condone that and neither do ANY of the people who are pushing for the removal of CSCOPE from Texas Schools. We who are against CSCOPE have valid reasons to show why CSCOPE is flawed and needs to be removed. We don’t threaten. Yet, here was Danny Lovett standing in front of us telling us how hateful and threatening the people against CSCOPE are. It seemed to me as though he was trying to discredit anyone who might speak out against CSCOPE at the information meeting by grouping people who speak out with valid concerns into the same pot with some random hateful people who may or may not have sent threatening emails to them.

It was interesting though that he would talk about violent comments people might have made to him but yet he has not problem spouting out violent comments without thinking, like how he would have killed for CSCOPE.

That is it for this article. I will be posting another video soon from this meeting showing that Danny Lovett straight up lied to the Lumberton ISD parents concerning a particularly troubling CSCOPE lesson. I got it all on video of course!

Watch the following Video

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AGENDA: GRINDING DOWN OF AMERICA is documentary that every parent, grandparent and citizen needs to watch. After removing my children in their elementary years from the public/govt controlled school system, I unfortunately was no longer involved in the political process when it came to issues involving  education. That all changed after watching this shocking documentary  and finding out about the Marxist Curriculum in Texas Schools called CSCOPE. I rented a local room and showed the film to community members to inform them as the indoctrination taking place in their local schools. I have found CSCOPE lessons asking students to draw a new communist flag and found a CSCOPE lesson asking the teacher to hand out verses of the Quran to students.

4-12-2013 11-34-36 AM

CSCOPE was implemented under a shroud of secrecy by leftist educators at great expense to taxpayers. If CSCOPE and others like it are not removed the America we have loved will be gone. The days of trusting your superintendents who are controlled by the left organization TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS (TASA) paid with your tax dollars are OVER! School board members after elected by the public become a trustee of the school district and are not accountable to those that elected them until the next election. The seem to serve the  superintendent who for the most part cannot be trusted with protecting your child from Marxist indoctrination, if you look at all the school districts in Texas that have purchased and implemented it. Texas Association of School Boards is another leftest organization that millions if not billions of taxpayers money is funding and controlling your local school boards.

Please watch the following trailer of AGENDA: GRINDING DOWN OF AMERICA .. You can purchase them at HERE.



For additional info on CSCOPE go to WWW.TXCSCOPEREVIEW.COM

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Another Marxist Educator, Superintendent Rod Townsend of Decatur ISD is charging a parent $515.00 per grade for copies of their children’s school curriculum. (SEE PARENTS & SUPERINTENDENTS EMAIL BELOW) The curriculum in question here is the controversial  CSCOPE  curriculum only accessed with a password. Parents have not been allowed to review the curriculum and teachers had to sign non disclosure statements stating they would not release the contents are say anything negative about it.

Schools are choosing to abandon traditional textbooks and utilize online material which parents have been barred from reviewing.   CSCOPE has NOT been through any outside validation process, as in the past with traditional textbooks.  Despite the controversy and Pro Communist and Pro Islamic content that has been exposed Mr. Townsend refuses to remove it from school district. I would say that Mr. Townsend is not putting the children first but promoting his own liberal agenda of indoctrinating your children.

Townsend’s salary last posted in 2010 for 135,000.00 +benefits. Is he earning it?  I VOTE NO!!


Mr. Townsend: 
Thank you for your timely response to my request for information regarding my daughters’ lessons. I apologize for not making my request clear enough for you.
What I am requesting is access (be it hard copies or electronic) to the entirety of the CSCOPE/TESCC materials that are available for the teachers to use with my children during their 1st and 3rd grade school year (2012-2013).
I have taken time to look at the concepts studied via the CSCOPE parent portal and am dissatisfied with the information provided; it is simply a description of the unit and includes no in-depth information that can be used to aide in homework or lesson enhancement at home.
Because my daughters do not bring home schoolbooks, this information is vital so that I may reinforce their education at home and help them grow into strong capable students.
I do feel that my request fall under the Government Code Section 552.267 on the basis that my children are being taught this material and I (the public) will benefit from the use of this information.  Whether the District or I pay for the production of the materials, I am requesting receipt within two weeks.
 I appreciate in advance your willingness to work with me in this matter.

From: “Townsend, Rod” <rod.townsend@Decatur.esc11. net>
Date: April 10, 2013, 4:07:56 PM CDT
To: ********************************
Subject: Public Information Request

Mrs. ********
Thank you for clarifying your request. This is a very sizeable request and I wanted to make sure I was getting you the exact information that you were requesting.
After receiving written permission from CScope I have your information ready.
As far your request to have the fees waived, the district will not be waiving the fees.
The printed version of your request is approximately $515.00 per grade level.
I have first grade in written form and I have third grade saved electronically. The cost for the electronic version is approximately $91.00.
The district will provide to you the written portion of first grade and the electronic version of third grade for the cost of $91.00 total.
The information you have requested is available for pick up at the DISD Administration Building at 501 East Collins in Decatur. Please remit a payment of $91.00 at the time of pick up.
If you have questions or need additional information please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Rod Townsend

Decatur ISD

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PRO MARXIST educator Mary Ann Whiteker is the Superintendent of Hudson ISD in East Texas. Ms. Whiteker is also the legislative chair for left leaning group Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) that taxpayers fund through their local school districts

. Ms. Whitaker spoke at the Save Texas School Rally this past February in support of pursuing what else…”MORE MONEY” for schools.

Ms. Whiteker is a staunch supporter of the Marxist Curriculum CSCOPE that her school district has purchased and implemented. Why are our school superintendents content to indoctrinate your children?

Educators attempt their education intimidating techniques using stating that  CSCOPE provides a SCOPE and SEQUENCE, CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS, 21st Century Learning, RIGOR, RIGOR, RIGOR (I am sick of that word).


Ms. Whiteker released the following article scolding private citizens across the state of Texas who are concerned that their school district has purchased and implemented  a Marxist, Pro Islamic, Pro Communist, Anti Christian Curriculum.

Superintendents across the state are not doing their jobs in protecting your children when they fail to acknowledge what CSCOPE is and stop it’s implementation. What exactly are they profiting from this leaves one to wonder?

Ms. Whiteker is one such superintendent who is  pursuing her own liberal agenda and not putting your children first.

Here is Ms. Whiteker TASA’s presentation on the CREATING a NEW VISION. (Which is a a Socialist/Marxist plan to take over Texas education.)





with World Net Daily states the following in regard to Ms. Whiteker’s editorial.

Whiteker’s writeup hinges on a common logical fallacy:

“begging the question,” i.e. “assuming the premise one is trying to prove.”

Whiteker takes for granted the following assumptions, and provides no factual evidence in support of these assumptions:

-Critics of CSCOPE are trying to sell their own curriculum (slander/libel – she should be careful with this assertion).

-Critics of CSCOPE are basing their argument on two lessons, taken out of context.

-CSCOPE is needed because of new state standards, and older curriculum approaches were not adequate. (Says Whiteker. What about successful schools doing well on STAAR who do not use CSCOPE?)

-Private schools using CSCOPE (in part – KIPP does not use lesson plans) means that CSCOPE is a good product.

-Forcing CSCOPE to submit to state oversight will end with the state assuming “total control of all curriculum.” (The state has always had “total control” of textbook and instructional material OVERSIGHT – until 2011.)

-Critics have said that CSCOPE uses common core curriculum. (Critics–unless ignorant–have never said CSCOPE used common core, only that the federal DOE was interested in purchasing and that CSCOPE’s methodology and clear philosophical bent was comparable and indeed similar to common core.)


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cscope in the making



By Danette Clark

In 1992, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) entered into a partnership with Texas Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) and Austin Interfaith to direct funds to low-performing schools for use in teacher training, parent leadership training, and after-school enrichment. From this partnership, several IAF ‘Alliance Schools’ were created.

Texas IAF is part of the Saul Alinsky-founded and Chicago-based Industrial Areas Foundation. Saul Alinsky is the Marx-loving, God-hating community organizer known for his influence on President Obama and ACORN.

According to a 2009 study by the Annenberg Institute, Texas IAF’s Alliance Schools network grew to ”roughly a quarter of the Austin Independent School District’s elementary schools and half of the district’s high-poverty schools” in an eight-year period.


The study also reveals that Texas IAF and Austin Interfaith developed a collaborative relationship with former Austin ISD Superintendent, Pascal Forgione.

The Alliance Schools model can now be found in approximately 160 schools throughout the state – a speck on the map when compared to the number of Texas schools infected by the Coalition of Essential Schools.

As I wrote in Unravelled! The 30 Year Agenda Behind Common Core, the Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) is the radical reform movement behind both CSCOPE and Common Core.


CES, which is modeled after secularist reformers like John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Paulo Freire, and George Counts, functions as a communist-style education movement with the stated intent of ‘educating for a more democratic and just society’.

Westbury High School in Houston and R.L. Paschal High School in Fort Worth are two of the original twelve schools that were established (or ‘redesigned’) by Theodore Sizer in 1984 to become CES member schools.


According to, the R.L. Paschal Essential School, which is a small autonomous unit embedded within the larger Paschal High School, survived and flourished by “keeping a very low profile“.


The largest expansion of CES progressive reform in Texas came years later by way of the Houston Annenberg Challenge.

In 1993, then President Bill Clinton announced that Ambassador Walter Annenberg would donate 500 million dollars to improving public schools in America. It was this 500 million, plus matching grants from private sources, that aided in the nationwide expansion of Theodore Sizer’s Coalition of Essential Schools.

Through the Annenberg grant, communist and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers created the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, wherein he and Barack Obama served on the board to further expand CES schools in the State of Illinois.

Both Ayers and President Obama have continued to this day to do their respective parts to promote and expanded CES schools nationwide. Ayers’ Small Schools Workshop still aids schools and districts across the country in implementing progressive reform through smaller learning community grants and funding from sources like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Brown University, and the Annenberg Institute.

In addition to the well known Chicago Annenberg Challenge, Walter  Annenberg’s ‘Challenge to the Nation‘ also provided for the expansion of progressive reform to Boston, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, the San Francisco Bay area, South Florida, and Houston.


In Houston, it was the Brown Foundation, Houston Endowment Incorporated, and several corporate and business leaders who collaborated to apply for a piece of the challenge grant money being offered by Annenberg.

Delia Quintanilla served as the first director of the Houston Annenberg Challenge (HAC). Six local universities were called on to provide support to the HAC by providing university staff, faculty, and students to interact with districts and aid in implementing reform.

The Annenberg Institute kicked off the HAC by choosing eleven ‘Beacon Schools’ to “‘light the way‘ to quality school reform for other funded schools”.

According to Chester Finn, Jr. of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, the  Beacon Schools chosen appeared to have been ’cherry picked’. Finn reported that the eleven schools chosen by Annenberg were doing better than the Houston average when they entered the program and were performing at about the same level three years later. Therefore, although it may have appeared to outsiders that the first few years of reform in those eleven schools was effective, as Finn stated, he could “scarcely tell what was caused by Annenberg and what may have been shaped by other influences”.


In 1995, Humble Independent School District opened Quest Early College High School. Quest is an Annenberg Challenge Grant Beacon School, a First Amendment School and a Coalition of Essential Schools Mentor School.


CES mentor schools act as a model of reform for others schools, offering school study tours, advocacy training, legislative action sessions, and professional development opportunities.

A Houston Annenberg Challenge 2 year summary report revealed that by 2001, approximately 100 metropolitan schools had already introduced Critical Friends groups on their campuses and the HAC had trained 300 coaches in both Annenberg-funded and non-Annenberg-funded schools.


The report further revealed that promising teachers and curriculum trainers were identified through group collaborations. Specifically:

“Teachers from Annenberg schools collaborate actively in Critical Friends Groups, Literature Study Circles, Professional Academies, Teacher Writing Groups, and Teacher Action Research Teams. From these activities expert teachers emerge as peer leaders in roles such as Critical Friends Group Coaches, Content Specialists, and Reading Learning Facilitators. Furthermore, a number of teachers have become certified as curriculum trainers in national programs including the Coalition of Essential Schools and the New Jersey Writing Project.”

Just as educators were identified and chosen through these collaborative efforts, some were also identified as not worthy to continue their involvement in the progressive reform process.

According to an article printed by the Houston Press in 1998, director Delia Quintanilla was dismissed a little more than a year after the Houston Annenberg Challenge got off the ground, and a troubleshooting team from the Annenberg Institute was being sent to Houston to “evaluate and audit the effectiveness of the local administration of the grant”.


Annenberg Challenge National Coordinator, Barbara Cervone, expressed “serious concerns about the leadership, coherence and pace of the Annenberg effort in Houston”.

Despite tensions between proponents of CES’s radical reform methods, HAC pressed on with strict oversight and instruction from the Annenberg Institute and further donations from ‘philanthropic’ organizations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Carnegie Corporation.

Annenberg established the New Visions in Leadership Academy to train like-minded radicals for placement as principles into Texas Annenberg/CES schools. According to this job posting, “more than 300 seated school leaders from Houston-area K-12 districts” graduated from New Visions in the first 10 years.


In 2002, Humble ISD passed a $230,000,000 bond measure to build Atascocita and Kingwood Park High Schools and redesign existing elementary, middle, and high schools.

Cecilia Hawkins, who served as the principal of Quest Early College High School for four years, left her position at Quest to work with community organizations in an effort to expand district reform.

From CES’s website (2005):


“Inspired by its experience with the Coalition of Essential Schools and the Houston Annenberg Challenge (now the Houston A+ Challenge) through Quest High School… Humble has not only put into place a process to remake its high schools but it has reorganized its entire district…”.

What has come as a surprise to many involved in exposing CSCOPE is the fact that several principals and superintendents seem to have no problem with the Anti-American content, errors, and ’fuzzy math’ found in CSCOPE lessons.

Understandably, it must be difficult to accept that there could be that many radical educators in a state like Texas, willing to break the law and deceive children and parents for profit or to advance a political agenda.

The fact is, Texas is a big state with several universities; and universities, for the most part, have often been a refuge and breeding ground for radicals.

CES schools have always relied heavily on the school-university partnership to implement and advance K-12 reform. ‘Professional development schools‘ are often created wherein universities and schools collaborate to ”prepare new teachers, to renew the professional knowledge of veteran teachers, and to conduct site-based research into teaching and learning”.


In many states, CES has infiltrated and affected university course offerings for up and coming teachers, principals, and superintendents.

For example, Sam Houston University, as a requirement for superintendent certification, offers an internship course led by Dr. Shirley Johnson. Johnson is the executive director of Texas Coalition of Essential Schools.


According to Johnson’s course syllabus and guidelines, all interns must complete a “Leadership Profile”, the cost of which is to be paid by the student directly to Texas CES. Students are then given the opportunity to attend a feedback session related to the leadership profile — no doubt to allow the instructor to gauge whether the student would be a productive leader in a CES-style school.


Several other avenues exist for identifying prospective radical educators for placement in these indoctrination centers. Texas ASCD, for example, who partners with CES and actively promotes and expands CES reform, identifies, recruits, and trains teachers and curriculum leaders, many of whom are identified in collaboration with local universities.

Read about the connections between Texas ASCD and educators behind CSCOPE and Common Core here and here.


CSCOPE is Common Core


In January of 2010, Governor Rick Perry formally rejected the nationally proposed Common Core State Standards, stating that he would not “commit Texas taxpayers to unfunded federal obligations or to the adoption of unproven, cost-prohibitive national standards and tests”.

Ironically, the very people behind Common Core were already actively working within Perry’s state and had been for many years.

Linda Darling Hammond, one of several radical educators behind the design of CSCOPE, has worked with Texas schools for years through her organization, School Redesign Network.

Achieve, Inc., an organization that has aided in authoring the Common Core standards, launched the American Diploma Project in 2005. Texas was one of 13 states to join the America Diploma Project Network.


As I wrote here, Achieve, Inc. is not only made up of several Coalition of Essential Schools/Annenberg reformers, but it was literally created by leaders of the National Governors Association and the Annenberg Institute.


The Grow Network (now owned by McGraw-Hill) was founded by David Coleman, who is said to be ’the architect’ of Common Core. In 2004, the Texas Education Agency entered into a four-year, 17.7 million dollar contract with Grow Network for online Personalized Study Guides to be provided to Texas educators and students.

Considering many of the same educators behind CSCOPE are also behind Common Core, and considering the rumor that Common Core offered to purchase the CSCOPE program for use with the national standards; it appears that CSCOPE was a ‘test-run’ for Common Core.


It seems likely that Texas is the guinea pig and CSCOPE a pilot project –being tested before going all in and using it with Common Core standards in more than 45 states.

It can’t be a coincidence that the same educators behind Common Core just-so-happened to have been chosen to contribute to the design of CSCOPE. Those educators, Wiggins, Tighe, Hammond, Jacobs, and others, have spent years providing professional development to Texas educators over, and over, and over on how to use their designs and teaching strategies, the same designs they are teaching Common Core states to use with Common Core standards.


Here’s an interesting side-note – Although it has been more than three years since Texas rejected Common Core, former Austin ISD Superintendent Pascal Forgione, the same superintendent who has worked hand-in-hand with Alinsky’s IAF and Linda Darling Hammond’s School Redesign Network, is participating in a conference later this year inAustin to discuss Common Core.


Forgione is now executive director of Educational Testing Service’s K-12 Center located in Austin.


K-12 Center works in partnership with the CCSSO and other organizations to develop Common Core assessment systems and also partners with the Alliance for Excellent Education, where Linda Darling Hammond serves on the board.


The conference on Common Core, in which Forgione will be the keynote speaker, is scheduled to take place August 12th-14th in Austin.


Did Forgione not get the memo that Texas rejected Common Core, or does he know something that we don’t?

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Texas School Superintendents Not Doing Their Jobs!!!!

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I have been amazed how many Texas superintendents are failing to do their job in protecting your children. Despite the fact that parents and communities are speaking out across the state and want CSCOPE, a curriculum that is based on Marxism and is also under the review of the Texas Attorney General removed from their school districts, superintendents are standing their ground and digging in their heels stating that CSCOPE is wonderful and parental concerns are unwarranted.

Rockwall County Republican Women Group hosted quest speaker Jeanine MacGregor Monday night April 8th. Ms. McGregor has become a popular figure in traveling and exposing CSCOPE for what it is. Parents and community members came out in numbers Monday night to hear Ms. McGregor and the danger and why they need to be concerned about CSCOPE. CSCOPE has been purchased and implemented in over 70% Texas school districts.


The fact that you have Superintendents across the state that will not honestly address the concerns of parents and stop the implementation for the sake of your children has been shocking and unexplained.


What man would send a woman into a lion’s den to do his bidding? Rockwall’s superintendent Jeff Bailey would and did Monday night. Mr. Bailey sent Rockwall ISD’s communications director Ms. Sheri Fowler to speak and answer questions on his behalf. A job Bailey should have done himself as the superintendent of the school district.

Sheri Fowler - Executive Director of Communications, Public Relations and Marketing


What was expected to be a heated meeting due to parents grave concern of Rockwell’s use of CSCOPE Mr. Bailey chose the easy way out by not attending and confronting concerned parents and community members that have every right to seek answers to. I guess you can say Mr. Bailey lacked the testicular fortitude to do what a man in his position should have done. Ms. Fowler had no knowledge of CSCOPE and purported the idea that parents are going to be able to view all the  CSCOPE curriculum within the few hours Rockwall ISD has set up for the community to view the curriculum. OUTRAGEOUS!

Mr. Bailey contract states he makes $222, 500.00 yearly, plus 600.00 monthly car allowance, 110.00 monthly mobile phone allowance, +additional bonuses. What is Mr. Bailey actually paid to do? He doesn’t seem concerned that he has purchased a Marxist curriculum set up to indoctrinate the students.

Here is the schedule for the teachers salaries in Rockwall. In my opinion teachers are underpaid and work twice as hard as these superintendents.


Mr. Bailey needs to set up a town hall for parents to voice their concerns about CSCOPE. Will he?


Jeff Bailey

Rockwall ISD Superintendent

               Jeff Bailey


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FREE TEKS-based Professional Development


TEA and the 20 ESCs created professional development to give Texas Teachers a scope for every K-12 TEKS in every subject.  This material was funded by a grant worth $31,900,000.

ESC Representative Hides Free Materials

Why isn’t this material posted on the TEA website?

How did the 20 ESCs develop the material for the Statewide Professional Development Initiatives K-12 for every subject and at the same time develop comparable materials for CSCOPE?

CSCOPE is sold to schools.

The Statewide Professional Development Initiatives, which has more information about the TEKS than does CSCOPE, is free to schools.

Why are superintendents purchasing CSCOPE from the ESCs instead of using the free materials from the ESCs?

A better questions is—Why are the ESCs selling CSCOPE when they already have a program that is free?
Are the two programs the same?

Following is on the TEA website. It is a thank you note to school districts who used the free materials and gives a brief description of the program.


Boots on the Ground Action Plan

Ask your superintendent why your school district is buying CSCOPE intead of using comparable free materials.


October 3, 2011

To: The Administrator Addressed
Re: Professional Development Opportunities and New Resources in Project Share

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) would like to thank the many districts and open-enrollment charters that participated in the professional development opportunities made available during summer 2011. All professional development, funded through Rider 42, the 81st Texas Legislature’s Student Success Initiative, will continue throughout the 2011-12 and 2012-13 school years and into summer 2013. The professional development trainings are provided to educators at no cost and are available through the twenty education service centers (ESCs).


TEKS-based professional development is available to Grades K-12 teachers and administrators and addresses various topics such the new social studies TEKS; end-of-course success for math, science, English, and social studies; math, science, and social studies academies; English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) academies; and Texas Adolescent Literacy Academies (TALA). All professional development is designed to address content specific TEKS as well as the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS), the ELPS, and the Response to Intervention (RtI) model. In addition to the training that is offered in face-to-face settings, online professional development courses are also available through Project Share. Eligible participants, both face-to-face and online, are able to earn continuing professional education credits (CPEs).Your service center is prepared to provide more information about each academy, including participant eligibility, face-to-face and online options, and training schedules. For a list of available online courses, a course catalog is available through the Project Share website at

We are pleased to report that, in addition to professional development offered through Project Share, the statewide online platform continues to grow and to offer new options in online resources, collaboration, and learning for both educators and students. New resources such as McDonald Observatory’s StarDate and NASA at 50 are available through the content repository, and ESCs are now prepared to share state-developed OnTrack math and science lessons with districts and open-enrollment charters that elect to use the online resources as supplementary materials in Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II, biology, chemistry and physics. Districts interested in receiving electronic copies of the OnTrack lessons can contact an ESC Project Share representative to learn more about how to import and manage district-level copies. A list providing Project Share contacts for each ESC is attached to this letter. OnTrack lessons will also be made available through iTunesU.

TEA plans to continue to develop and share online resources and provide information about Project Share at the Project Share website at and through institutional announcements within the Epsilen platform. Also in development is the Project Share 2020 strategic plan that outlines the goals and objectives for Project Share through the 2020-2021 school year.

Throughout the summer, districts began to add student accounts, and Project Share account numbers now approach 500,000. We are excited about the growing opportunities made possible by Project Share and look forward to continued collaboration and sharing with Texas public schools. For additional information about professional development and Project Share, please contact your regional ESC or contact Kerry Ballast, Director of Special Projects at or (512) 463-9087 or via the Project Share mailbox at


Anita Givens

Associate Commissioner

Standards and Programs

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$100,000 Spent by Ector County ISD to Advertise Itself

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[4.4.13 — The Ector County ISD administrators told the teachers that the school district did not have enough money to fund the very inexpensive handwriting books (Zaner-Bloser) that are needed to help teachers to teach cursive writing in Grade 3 as required by the Texas curriculum standards (TEKS).


Please remember that Ector Co. ISD announced on 8.1.12 that they were spending $1.7 Million on CSCOPE  – .


 Yet Ector Co. ISD has the money to fund an advertising campaign with “friends” at a local advertising agency.  The new advertising slogan is “Educate. Connect. Inspire. Succeed. Dream.” Perhaps if Ector Co. ISD actually did what its slogan claims, the taxpayers would not be so upset. However, the most recently released STAAR/End-of-Course test results from last year indicate that Ector Co. ISD’s students fell far below the state average. Something is wrong with this picture! – Donna Garner]



4.4.13 – Odessa/Midland newspaper –

$100,000 ECISD news campaign begins



An electronic ad for ECISD displays on a billboard at Dixie Avenue and Eighth Street.

Posted: Thursday, April 4, 2013 8:27 am


 How will the community know that its public school district is finding success in its classrooms, helping students realize the college dream, inspiring excellence and connecting families and teachers?

 The answer for Ector County ISD is to do it with a positive advertising campaign costing the district $100,000, which was approved by a 7-0 board vote.

 However, the steep price tag and the push to feed the community only positive information is not sitting well with some.

TV commercials, magazine ads, newspaper ads, two billboards and a secondary informational website created by Hunt Advertising and Consulting Inc. have been out since Monday. Board members and ECISD staff say it’s a good move for ECISD because other Permian Basin mainstays such as Odessa College, the University of Texas of the Permian Basin and Odessa’s two hospitals utilize professionals to put out their message via media. The decision had been a long time coming, several trustees said.

“The multimedia approach, we as a school district have never done before,” Director of Communications Mike Adkins said.

 The Hunt Advertising team gathered for a meeting at its office with Adkins to discuss the project in person about each facet. Months ago, the team brainstormed and came up with using ECISD as an acronym for“Educate. Connect. Inspire. Succeed. Dream.” The phrasing and color theme carries throughout the new website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the advertisements.

 “We hope it will be in everybody’s minds,” Jed Duesler, Hunt’s social media consultant, said.

When asked how many visitors the new website received on its first day, the team declined to divulge. Webmaster Michael Horton said the web traffic did exceed expectations.

 Social media is rolled into the contract as well, though Adkins is still responsible for keeping those pages updated and responsive to readers. They’re adding a YouTube channel where media can check in and use video footage produced by the communications department or of school board meetings if needed, Duesler said.


Mary Hunt, president of the firm, said she invited the OA to her office to offer “their side,” adding that the $100,000 contract did not come from the $129.75 million voter-approved bond fund as has been suggested by some, she said. However, everything spent by ECISD hails from tax-supported money, which has ruffled the feathers of some Odessa watchdogs.

 “When and what mechanism compels the school district to tell us the ugly truths about where we are at ECISD? Everybody is for the good news and happy news … but sometimes we have to deal with the present,” Jason Moore said.

 Moore is a local radio show personality and parent of ECISD students. His afternoon radio show is 5 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday on 1070 a.m.

 Moore questioned why a second website was needed when the information on the new site can be found on the old ECISD site.

 “It’s getting disgusting when the alarm bells go off that the apocalyptic event of cutting something happens … then they always come up with money to frivolously waste on a PR site,” he said. “That’s the nature. They know they’re the blob of government that goes on in perpetuity, and wears the citizenry down.”


Former school board member Doyle Woodall is challenging incumbent Tom Pace in Place 4. Woodall said he would have never voted for the contract.


“If a school district has full disclosure, if everything is transparent, if all of your policy and board decisions are in the best interest of teachers and children, you don’t have to do any advertising,” he said.


“It’s definitely a waste of money. That’s $100,000 we could have bought school supplies and equipment,” Woodall said.  


Candidate Teri Wheat Ervin, a lifetime educator who is facing Fay Batch for Place 2, said had she been on the board, she might have “looked harder on how we can reach out to the public than to spend $100,000 on advertisement,” she said. Ervin suggested less costly ways like utilizing the current website or getting children involved perhaps via a newsletter.


The Hunt Advertising bid was the only one submitted for the job that was posted last year and voted on by the board in January with no dissenting voice from school board members.


In 2006, ECISD’s strategic plan was finalized that included one on communication that says the district should recognize those who have carried out the message of the district, training for ECISD leaders, using market research data to determine expectations, utilizing public service announcements, holding a monthly press conference and organizing town hall meetings as appropriate.   


ECISD’s five TV commercials feature: Sheila Wilson, a Milam Elementary School teacher; Mike Hinojos, parent; Gerardo Ramirez, New Tech facilitator; Renee Earls of the Education Foundation; and Jorrion Wilson, Permian senior. Each person volunteered to star in the commercials and each takes on one of the keywords in the ECISD acronym.


The bottom line, Adkins said, is this is an opportunity to show off the positives of the district.

“We’re emphasizing the good work, the accomplishments taking place,” he said.


 Tom Pace, who is seeking re-election, said the approval of the contract came after settling on a strategic plan that gathered the input of employees, parents and others nearly five years ago. Part of the plan is to better communicate with the community on the positives at ECISD, along with providing ways to get information to households. The ad campaign is completing that service, he said, though he hadn’t had the chance to look at the website yet.


Trustee Luis Galvan said he’s tired of seeing “bad news” on the news and that ECISD “wants to show the good news.”


In response to the question of why ECISD needs to advertise when there’s no competition in town, Galvan said that there is competition with the charter schools (Compass Academy, Richard Milburn Academy and Harmony) and people should know “we’re providing an excellent education.”


[Message to Ector Co. ISD constituents: Harmony has been usurped by Obama’s takeover of the public schools through Common Core Standards. Because Harmony applied and received the RTTT-D grant, Harmony must now teach its students the social justice agenda of the Common Core Standards. This is indoctrination – Donna Garner]


The campaign is not a recruiting tool, Adkins said.


Galvan said the commercials are a great idea because children might see them on TV and it can start a conversation about school.


“It’s a great thing. I have to advertise my business to get attention, so why can’t we boast about the good things happening here?” he said after an ECISD workshop Tuesday.  


[To state the obvious:  “Galvan does not use public tax dollars to advertise his business. Ector Co. ISD does.  If Galvan does not run a fiscally responsible private business, he goes belly up.  – Donna Garner]


Under the “educate” page on, the results for Permian and Odessa High’s TAKS science scores are listed with this tagline: “With consistent, structured curriculum, there has been an 11 point increase in math and science test scores. All classrooms are teaching the same thing so students don’t miss anything.”


When asked why some positive stats are being used over others, Adkins said since CSCOPE was implemented in science and math first the district believes the large gains on those tests are linked. And anytime test scores come out, they’re put on the main ECISD website, sent in a press release and covered in the media repeatedly, he said.


“This is an image campaign,” Adkins said. He added that the .info site is another avenue for the community and because the current .org site has so much information with every department of ECISD’s 27 school system. It’s the largest employer in Odessa with more than 3,400 employees.


He said the current site can prove difficult to navigate because of the sheer information amount and template they’re bound to use for now, Adkins said.


The .info site is intended to be “an information portal that hits on the most asked questions,” Adkins said. The Communications Department — of Adkins and assistant Gabriella Granado — will eventually have to maintain that site once the contract expires Aug. 31, unless it’s renewed.


“It’s providing a clearer view of what New Tech Odessa is all about, that it’s not a career and technical center, it’s all about 21st century learning,” Interim Superintendent H.T. Sanchez said. He said the parent perspective and teacher perspectives in the ads are more than showing off accolades for ECISD but an opportunity to get involved to be a valued partner in Odessa.




It took several email and phone calls to get the specific breakdown of where the money was spent. During questioning on the breakdown Adkins interjected that the scrutiny given to ECISD on this issue shows the bias of the OA against ECISD, over say UTPB or OC, who Adkins guessed spent “hundreds of thousands of dollars” with the OA in advertising.


Here’s how Hunt Advertising figured the $100,000 budget:

  • $22,185: Television ads, on KMID, KOSA, KWES, KPEJ, 229 paid spots and 228 donated matching PSAs.
  • $18,000: Web development.
  • $15,000: Broadcast production.
  • $10,000: Creative concept.
  • $10,000: Print and billboard production.
  • $8,216: Odessa American ads, eight ads at the nonprofit rate.
  • $7,725: Billboard ads (Eighth Street and Dixie Boulevard; West County Road and University Avenue).
  • $5,000: Social media development.
  • $3,690: Magazine ads in “An Apple A Day,” a free health publication with a circulation of 3,000 (three ads paid, two ads donated) and “The Odessan,” a paid magazine (two editions of May/June and July/August).

“An Apple A Day” lists Mary Hunt as the publisher and her name is listed under “sales” on page 3 of the April issue that’s distributed in local doctor’s offices and stores such as Walgreens.


The OA requested how much of ECISD’s money was used to publish the ads — produced by Hunt Advertising — in Hunt’s magazine, but did not receive the information as of press time.  

Hunt said “An Apple A Day” is a “good publication whether I published it or not” and said she would have recommended placing ads in it nonetheless.


To Woodall, he said it’s a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.


“When you’re paying for two superintendents and now you have someone paying themselves to pay for something you’ve hired them to do already. … You can call a skunk a pussy cat, but it still stinks,” he said.



Donna Garner


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CSCOPE is the controversial online curriculum currently used by about 875 school districts in this state. It’s the one that has taught Allah is GOD, Christianity is a cult, and that dumping British Tea was a terrorist act. Students have even designed a flag for a new Socialist /Communist Country. Wow ! Everyone is doing CSCOPE. It must be terrific. Has anyone heard of any field testing that might have been done? Does anyone know anything about the the writers and consultants hired to put this together? Is anyone aware that students have been asked to read material from Socialist Robert Owen who promoted Agenda 21 where people no longer own private property but all things are granted to them through a kind Socialist Government? An article in the Brownwood Bulletin, written by a BISD staff member, defended CSCOPE Sunday, March 10, 2013, but failed to mention controversial material in the program.
CSCOPE curriculum was developed by leaders and staff of the twenty Texas Educational Service Centers using contract writers, outside curriculum consultants and technology. It is a comprehensive K-12 program, providing an early foundation, then adds layer after layer of information as the student progresses through the program. The indoctrination begins when the child enters Kindergarten.
The online curriculum system is designed to develop COMMON scope and sequential learning across the District, and most of the State. The material covers language arts, math, science and social studies. These are the four core subjects that make up Texas education standards. Throughout these core areas, CSCOPE authors have chosen words and ideas which indoctrinate rather than educate students.
Socialist doctrine is presented as an ideal state for society through writing and presentation. The material also contains factual errors, grammar/usage mistakes, and inappropriate content. Lessons are taught and there is built in frequent assessment to determine mastery of the information.
CSCOPE content has not been reviewed, monitored or controlled by the Texas State Board of Education. Classified as supplementary materials, that oversight was avoided. It is based on the premise that education should be more about how students feel about things, rather than facts. It becomes important to promote positive feelings for what they want society to be, rather than what society actually is. Thus the ongoing lessons about Socialism, the down play of the Christian religion, and the promotion of Islam. This confluence of various writers who have chosen to push their political and personal ideology has created an end result that is neither trustworthy or to be respected.
It is important to note that Region 4 Service Center Director, Dr. William McKinney, serves on the Board of Directors for Fetullah Gulen’s International Science Fair Organization. Perhaps that is why Islam has been given such extensive positive coverage in CSCOPE, and Christianity given such a short mention with negative connotation. There are about fifty Gulen Charter Schools in Texas where taxpayer funded school busses stay late, and students participate in after school religious Islam education. They are then driven home in taxpayer funded vehicles.
Although CSCOPE was paid for by taxpayers, CSCOPE leaders chose to illegally form a Private Corporation to copyright curriculum material. It is rented to the Districts each year. Parents have not been allowed to view the lessons, and teachers have had to sign non-disclosure statements.
Parents and educators brought their concerns about CSCOPE to the Texas Legislature and a Senate Hearing was held in January, 2013. There much of the controversy over the material became public. Texas Service Center leaders became testy and defiant during the hearings, and provided conflicting information to the Senate Committee. CSCOPE staff had consistently denied the existence of controversial material in the curriculum, but admitted the existence during the Senate hearings. They defended the non disclosure to parents and public stating public viewing would infringe on the copyright. The Committee recommended sharing all information, while test materials would be kept private.
Changes to allow more public and parent material review were promised. This was touched on by a BISD representative in an article published in the Brownwood Bulletin March 10, 2013. Despite the January hearing, there remain many unanswered questions about the material and limited access for parents and interested taxpayers to see what they have bought. We must remember at a 2012 training session, the following document was handed out:
“To support implementation of this detailed curriculum, districts must have processes and people in place to insure that there are sustained monitoring of the curriculum and that individual teachers do not have the option to disregard or replace assigned content.”
CSCOPE was developed, in my opinion, by Common Core advocates who were unable to get the Common Core standards pushed by Washington established in Texas through the legislative process. Consequently, CSCOPE was born. Common Core Standards are those authored by the Federal Government which define what students should learn and form the basis for national tests. The Feds used money to encourage adoption of Common Core Standards, and they are now in use in 45 states. They were adopted by those who believe mental sugar pills will make all students college ready with little thought or consideration of the dangers inherent in the acceptance and use. Common Core is a transparent attempt by the Obama Administration to nationalize public education and eventually control curriculum content with little parental oversight.
That appears to be the direction CSCOPE is going with little thought to what it will do to education in Texas. I believe the project was begun with good intentions, but went awry quickly as writers and consultants injected radical ideology.
The Texas Association of School Administrators has been lobbying vigorously for federal “Race to the Top” funds, which are contingent on the acceptance of Common Core. They will soon use state dollars to attend a conference in California where radical activist and documented Bill-Ayers associate Linda Darling-Hammond will speak. According to some, Mrs. Darling-Hammond is actually writing C-Scope material, though she is listed as a professional development consultant in CSCOPE project materials.
As an aside, perhaps many of you do not know about Obama friend Bill Ayers. He is a committed Communists/Socialist terrorist who bombed the Capitol, the Pentagon, and was instrumental in the murders of federals officers in the early 70’s. His conviction was overthrown, and he has been free all these years to spread his radical ideology as an education professor at the University of Illinois. Most recently he organized and taught in the “Occupy” movement and he remains active and committed in to destroy the free market system of the United States and bring about Socialism. He is a colleague and dear friend of Linda Darling-Hammond, whom he endorsed for US Secretary of Education prior to Arne Duncan’s appointment.
District leaders are using textbook funds rent CSCOPE each year at a cost of approximately $7.00 to $10.00 per student. The program has never been evaluated except by the users . It should be.
Many Texas Association of School Administrators members don’t know a whole lot about education. They do know a lot about perks if they follow TASA leaders. CSCOPE is a group think, collective product, adopted by districts with no research or study. It is the prelude to Common Core which your school Administrators will be learning about from the Radical Activists. . Administrators want it because of Federal money it will bring to their District., It is possible CSCOPE could, with some modification be approved by the US Dept of Education as equal to COMMON CORE and generate federal funds for the districts. In fact, there is a section in CSCOPE Corporation documents which state the federal government can take over the curriculum if Texas Education Service Center CSCOPE Corp. dissolves. Aha! Never mind this product is toxic. Remember, as soon as someone tells you something will save education; hide your children and your back pocket.
Information provided by BISD about CSCOPE indicates that all 8 principals, four teachers from each campus and three central office staff will attend the state CSCOPE conference in the summer of 2013. Conference attendees will then return and set up district staff development and learning communities to train all staff.
Parent access will probably be on demand, and they may see only what the leaders show them, rather than having blanket access.
Brownwood Independent School District should establish a parent/community review committee made up of interested parents, retired teachers trained in the subject matter, or perhaps subject matter specialists from a neighboring University. CSCOPE material should be reviewed by this committee before students are given access to the material. If that is not possible the material should be removed from classrooms, and the $100,000 or so the district spends then spent on quality supplementary materials.
Is this what is to become of Public Education? School Choice may now be almost the only option for parents who insist on quality education. When school choice is available education dollars stay with the student, rather than the district. Top charter schools that promote factual information and pride in our heritage as Americans can and should be developed. The Muslims are doing their thing in Charter Schools all over Texas. Texas families who want quality programs for their children can do it too.
There is danger ahead. Texas School Superintendents may hand Texas Public Schools over to the Federal Government without another thought, in exchange for dollars. This cannot happen .

Mrs. Mickey Mathis (RetiredSchool Administrator and School Psychologist)

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4-4-2013 11-45-40 PM

Worst CSCOPE Lesson


The following is a section of a CSCOPE lessons that teaches kids how to use propaganda. The content of the roll playing script for the teachers is puts the teacher on the students side. The bad guys are parents as well as the principal and even the state board of education. Students have just finished a very unstructured activity in which students move around the room and even outdoors. Now they are back in class and news of how the class is to be restructured because of parent complaints. Be sure to get the picture that kids have been learning how our politicians mislead, lie, and stretch the truth with what is called political propaganda.CSCOPE-Instructions-for-Manipulating-Parents

Now that the scene has been set, it is time to drop the bomb that they will have to use textbooks from now own because of parent complaints. This is what is called the Delphi Method, which is a method of  presenting a situation in such a way that you control the response of the group.

What is most disturbing is that CSCOPE is using manipulating the thoughts of minors to support their own anti-book program. To make it more real to the kids, they throw in examples, such as manipulating parents when they want to go somewhere. Manipulating parents when they have a bad report card grade.



Parents, no matter what I do. No matter how many senate education committee meetings and TV and radio announcements about CSCOPE, none of this is going to save your child. If you want something done immediately so your child has a chance of being educated instead of being indoctrinated, you have to stand up and take action.


1. Read each of the Boots on the Ground Action Steps. 


2. Make an appointment to speak with your superintendent. Go in a small group so that
you have witnesses of what is said. Record the meeting if possible. Many phones have this capability and it works well.


3. Ask the superintendent to show you the CSCOPE Propaganda lessons being taught in high school. This is a US Government lesson, Unit   Lesson ?.


4. This US Government lesson pits students against Parent and Authority.
When you send your children to public school, they enter a training camp. They are learning about propaganda techniques. Techniques to use against authority.


– See more at:

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4-4-2013 8-01-06 PM

Published in the Chandler & Brownsboro Statesman


CSCOPE earns an “F”. Test results are in, a survey of the 2011-2012 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness/End-of- Course (STAAR/EOC) scores from over 950 Texas Independent School Districts show that CSCOPE students have 36% HIGHER UNSATISFACTORY RATINGS than do Non-CSCOPE students. CSCOPE is sold through the Texas Education Agency’s Service Centers as a “GUARANTEED & VIABLE CURRICULUM”. The Administrators of CSCOPE schools have some explaining to do to their parents, their tax payers and their School Board.

CSCOPE, the controversial Texas school curriculum in over 70% of Texas school districts, was never field tested, reviewed or approved by the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE). Perhaps this explains the FAILING GRADE by CSCOPE and why parents and tax payers are yelling at school administrators – OR SHOULD BE!

This CSCOPE Study was compiled by the 9th Grade Business Class, Blanket ISD, Blanket, Texas. E.W. Burt, Business/ Marketing teacher, being creative, was asked by his class what CSCOPE is and if it works. I told them, “Let’s find out if schools that use CSCOPE score better or worse compared to schools that do not use it.” Here is what we found:


Percent of test takers scoring unacceptable on STAAR/EOC tests – ALGEBRA I: CSCOPE/20.35% vs. Non-CSCOPE/13.74% (48% more CSCOPE students scored unsatisfactory than Non-CSCOPE): BIOLOGY 1: CSCOPE/14.86% vs. Non-CSCOPE/10.50% (42% more CSCOPE students scored unsatisfactory than Non-CSCOPE); ENGLISH WRITING I: CSCOPE/46.30% vs. Non- CSCOPE/39.48% (19.57% more CSCOPE students scored unsatisfactory than Non- CSCOPE); GEOGRAPHY: CSCOPE/23.30% vs. Non-CSCOPE 17.78% (37.06% more CSCOPE students scored unsatisfactory than Non-CSCOPE): AVERAGE 36.67% higher unsatisfactory scores among CSCOPE students on all tests. (Data used is publically available.)

OPT OUT: What can a parent do to ensure their children are not exposed to this failing curriculum, the socialistic teachings, ideology/ indoctrination and misaligned, inaccurate and inappropriate content?

According to the TEXAS EDUCATION CODE: Texas Statutes – Section 26.010: EXEMPTION FROM INSTRUCTION – – “A parent is entitled to remove the parent’s child temporarily from a class or other school activity that conflicts with the parent’s religious or moral beliefs if the parent presents or delivers to the teacher of the parent’s child a written statement authorizing the removal of the child from the class or other school activity.”


Bill Hussey,
Llano, Texas



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There seems to be nothing new under the sun with the TEXAS MARXIST CURRICULUM, CSCOPE and their indoctrination of our Texas School Children. Every rock turned over leads to more deception and indoctrination aimed at our children.

I found this  CSCOPE powerpoint outrageous on pollution.

If your  in the cork industry you may be able to get a federal grant from the environmental agency and turn a profit by plugging up the behinds of our livestock. You see according to CSCOPE our students are taught methane gas produced from livestock flatulence contributes to our  pollution! Seriously? Part of me wants to roll over with laughter but when it comes to the indoctrination that our children and what kind of America my children and grandchildren will have in the future I get ANGRY! Those responsible will have to answer for this. Sad their interest seek deep pockets and not the interest of our children.

Cow Farts

It appears that I have become unpaid  CSCOPE (TESCCC) employee. Every time I reveal their indoctrination they correct or remove it. Why? Would it be that they have used taxpayers money to fund the indoctrination of our children and don’t want to be found out or could it be they have yet to disclose where all the BIG MONEY has gone? 

After blogging the above content TESCCC removed the powerpoint thought the instruction for using it in the lesson is still in there as you can see below. 



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“CSCOPE HEARING: Two Sides of the Coin”

by Donna Garner



*I took notes of this meeting as fast as I could, and I trust that the information presented is accurate.


Same story, second verse — Back on Jan. 31, 2013, the Texas Senate Education Committee held a public hearing on CSCOPE. Today, April 2, 2013, another public hearing on CSCOPE was held by the same Sen. Education Committee; but this time the hearing was tied to a piece of legislation — SB 1406.


SB 1406 seeks to give the elected members of the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) oversight and direction over CSCOPE.




Basically two groups of people testified today.  One group was made up of the school administrators and school boards who think they cannot live without CSCOPE.  They claim CSCOPE is a much-needed management tool and that their districts cannot possibly afford the expense of writing their own curriculum. Hence, CSCOPE is the answer to all their problems!  Never mind that qualified teachers have always been able to write their own excellent lesson plans for eons. 


The other group was made up of the parents and the citizens of Texas who are concerned with the many very troubling aspects of CSCOPE and who either want the Texas State Board of Education to be given oversight and direction over CSCOPE or else want to put CSCOPE completely out of business.


The first group seemed more concerned about CSCOPE giving them a system to micromanage classroom teachers while the latter group talked about their concerns over what their children and other Texas children are actually learning in the CSCOPE lessons.


In other words, the first group was concerned about control; while the latter group was focused on students’ learning and the damage done to children’s

vulnerable minds from being taught erroneous and sometimes biased CSCOPE lessons.


It is important to point out that all of the many school administrators who came to testify were getting paid for their mileage, meals, time away from school, and overnight accommodations. 


The parents and the public who came to testify did so on their own dime. They took off work or else left their families to drive all the way down to Austin. If I were a Texas Senator, I would take much more seriously the concerns of those people with no vested interests.


The school administrators all talked from the same playbook (as usual). Most of them had been misinformed about the bill and thought it was a bill to take local control away from their districts.


As Senator Dan Patrick stated, “Wouldn’t it make you sleep better in the future if you knew that the SBOE had looked over the lesson plans so that you won’t have to worry about what’s in them?”


Senator Campbell explained to the school administrators that legislators appropriate dollars for education and are accountable constitutionally (1) to make sure those funds are spent efficiently and (2) to see that an adequate education is provided for Texas’ public school students. 


The Senator said that since CSCOPE is flawed with errors and had been shrouded in secrecy that a light needed to be shined on it.  She emphasized that SB 1406 does not take away local control.  It makes sure that legislators are held accountable for the funds that are entrusted to them by the taxpayers. 




Barbara Cargill, chair of the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE), described how she had been asked by Senator Patrick to appoint an ad-hoc committee. It met on Friday, March 29, in Dallas, Texas. The ad-hoc committee is made up of four SBOE members and three CSCOPE directors including the state TESCCC director. 


Cargill explained that on April 22 – April 29, the public can start applying to be on the review panels.  May 13 is the hard deadline for SBOE members to submit their panel nominations. Three to nine people will be chosen for each panel based upon the number of CSCOPE lessons assigned to them.  Selected panel members will be notified by May 20, and passwords will be assigned. All of the reviews will be done virtually. 


The end goal is to review all of the 400 lessons and tests in the Social Studies component of CSCOPE.  (The total of CSCOPE lessons in all four subject areas is close to 1,600).


The panels are to finish going through the first two six weeks of lessons between June 3 – 16.  If the panel members need to meet, they can go to their nearest Education Service Centers and participate through videoconferencing.  This will keep the costs down and will keep the panel members from having to travel and be gone from home.


The SBOE approved operating board rules in its January 2013 meeting; and taking the objectives for instructional materials approved by the Board, Cargill hopes to combine these to form an easy-to-use, objective checklist that the panels can utilize in their evaluations.


SB 1406 does not require TESCCC/CSCOPE to implement the recommendations of the review panels, but it is hoped that TESCCC/CSCOPE will choose to do so rather than experience the public’s animosity if the SBOE’s good faith gesture is ignored.  Cargill pointed out that the SBOE is doing this review without any cost to TESCCC/CSCOPE and that they should be glad to utilize the panels’ findings. 




Barbara Cargill came prepared with a large packet made up of copies of CSCOPE lessons that contained factual errors, grammar/spelling mistakes, and questionably left-leaning examples from CSCOPE lessons.  These included such examples as:


·        Readability problems with Grades 1 – 5 lessons written above grade level and Grades 6 – 12 written below grade level 


·        Many sentences with no periods, improper punctuation, incorrect usage such as “affects” instead of “effects”


·        Two diagrams (triangles) in an Algebra I lesson that math teachers say is an impossible problem to solve

·        A Grade 5 science unit on forces that contains incorrect examples of a hypothesis vs. observations


·        A diagram of a circuit without the wires being wrapped around the ends of the bulb


·        A lesson on law and motion using a hammer but pictured with an incorrect angle


·        A lesson using a spinner to graft the data of a student’s blood sugar level but that indicates incorrect medical information that could put a person’s life in danger


·        Incorrect medical information about running a fever or vomiting


·        A lesson which puts the U. S. under a questionable label that should say “free enterprise and capitalism”

·        A lesson with a very tiny picture of the U. S. Capitol under a label that could lead children to disrespect America


·        A derogatory term used to describe a family member


·        A deliberately prejudicial reference to the SBOE and its authority over instructional materials (i.e., textbooks)


·        A diagram of a man climbing a staircase that shows Communism as superior


Throughout the five-hour hearing on SB 1406, it did not seem to matter how many mistakes, flaws, misspellings, grammatical errors, factual errors, inappropriate, and biased statements were documented.  The school administrators sang CSCOPE’s praises as if they had not even heard any of the  negatives that were presented.  Hardly any of the administrators seemed bothered about CSCOPE’s secrecy, lack of transparency, the teacher “gag” order, and the highly unethical (or illegal) incorporation of TESCCC  operating as a shell company after using taxpayers’ dollars to create its product — all done without permission from the Texas Legislature.  


Under questioning by the Senators, an ESC/TESCCC director indicated that a list of about 200 CSCOPE writers had been provided to the Senators and that some of these wrote entire lessons and some wrote only parts of lessons.  He also admitted that insufficient oversight and review of the CSCOPE lessons had occurred.


Sen. Patrick asked one of the ESC directors to provide the Senators with a breakdown of how the $15 to $16 Million paid to CSCOPE last year was utilized (e.g., how much was paid to the writers, etc.)  The director stated that the people at the ESC’s who work on CSCOPE draw their salaries from the ESC’s and that their jobs are dependent upon CSCOPE’s success. 


Since the Jan. 2013 public hearing, TESCCC has agreed to dissolve itself; but Sen. Patrick said that if CSCOPE continues to stay in the lesson plan business, it may be necessary to create a statute that will make sure no backtracking occurs. 




Witness Colleen Vera presented documents she was finally able to get from TESCCC’s released board minutes that showed the directors had talked about selling CSCOPE to other states. She also found a statement from a 2011 meeting in which the directors were discussing whether CSCOPE’s primary goal should be just making money or serving the children of Texas. 


John Griffing provided testimony that proved that CSCOPE schools did worse than non-CSCOPE schools on the STAAR/End-of-Course tests (2011-12 School Year).  He stated, “CSCOPE does not work on STAAR/EOC.  Why remake the wheel?  Why not emulate the schools that are succeeding?  Why trust something that has shown us only failure?”


Testifier Peggy Venable who travels widely around the state of Texas said she has heard CSCOPE complaints everywhere she has gone.  She said she has yet to meet any citizens and/or parents who like CSCOPE. 


Jeanine MacGregor presented the Senators with actual examples of CSCOPE lessons that have been plagiarized.  She also showed the Senators a slide (Slide #8) from a CSCOPE/TESCCC power point that vilified by name some of the people who had come to the Jan. 31, 2013 Senate Education Committee  hearing and had testified against CSCOPE. 


Sen. Patrick was visibly upset that such a list had been circulated and said the Texas Attorney General would be notified so that he could track down who (ESC, TESCCC, local school district, individual) had initiated Slide #8. 


Neal Fry offered a replacement bill for SB 1406 that would take care of the glaring double standard that exists in SB 6 regarding textbooks vs. online curriculum. 


Deborah Parrish presented her concerns about the lack of phonics instruction in CSCOPE. She said that research from Johns Hopkins shows phonics is a major tool especially with low-income students. She stated that the 60% of Texas children who come from low-economic homes are the ones who are being hurt by CSCOPE the most because of the lack of phonics instruction.




Senator Campbell voiced her concern about the questionable CSCOPE lessons that have been removed by TESCCC once located but that have misinformed students for many years.


Sen. Patrick indicated his concern with the large number of curriculum standards that are found in the TEKS and wants the next legislative session to consider reducing the number of TEKS elements. 


A number of people chose to register their positions rather than to testify, and the total number of people for and against SB 1406 appeared to be about equal.


Donna Garner


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Apr. 2, 2013 10:10am 

As a greater level of scrutiny is being placed on the controversial curriculum systems CSCOPE (in Texas) and Common Core Standards (nationwide), concerned parents spoke to TheBlaze about their troubling experiences, revealing that not even home-schooling is beyond the reach of these encroaching systems.

Home-schooling not beyond the reach of Common Core?  

Keven Card, a former Marine from Houston who has home-schooled his children for the last six years, thought his family was safe from the reach of Common Core, but soon learned otherwise. As noted on his blog, two years ago Pearson Education, which is linked to Common Core, acquired Texas Connections Academy, the online charter school Card uses to homeschool his ninth-grader.

One lesson plan featured a video dubbed, ”China Rises,” that appears to tout the virtues of Communism over capitalism.

“It blew my mind,” Card told TheBlaze in an interview.

“They make kids watch a video that makes capitalism look bad and Communist China look good. It’s absolutely unbelievable.”

Below are several screenshots of the program, “China Rises,” along with a video that Card was able to record and save for his own records.

Want to See What CSCOPE and Common Core (Even Homeschooling) Lessons Look Like? These Parents Opened Up to TheBlaze

The captions below read:

The next time you go shopping for clothes, electronics, shoes, toys, or even food, check the label. There’s a good chance it says “Made in China.”

As you might guess, China has one of the most productive economies in the world, and it has been growing at a rapid pace in recent decades. This growth has brought great wealth to Chinese entrepreneurs and businesses and improved standards of living for millions of people.

Want to See What CSCOPE and Common Core (Even Homeschooling) Lessons Look Like? These Parents Opened Up to TheBlaze

The China Rises website provides preview clips and information on the content featured in the program. Notably, the “Party Games” and “Getting Rich” sections, Card explained, are of particular interest as they “address the changing politics and economy of China.”

It is also worth pointing out that the documentary was produced in partnership with The New York Times and Discovery Times.

Card notes that the video preview made available under the “Getting Rich” sub-section of the site talks about capitalism’s “cruelties” as it shows a man whose lost his hand in a machine. The section appears at the 1.12 mark.

Want to See What CSCOPE and Common Core (Even Homeschooling) Lessons Look Like? These Parents Opened Up to TheBlaze

When asked how long questionable lessons like China Rises have been on his son’s roster of studies, Card said he first noticed curriculum changing roughly a year or two ago when a religious studies lesson favored the Muslim faith over Christianity.

“I wrote a letter to the principal of the Texas Connections Academy, but never received a reply,” the concerned father said. Pearson acquired our school in 2011.


What is StudentGPS and what does it track, exactly?

A Texas mother whose child is enrolled in the fifth grade at a Texas public school told TheBlaze that while some of the lesson plans at her child’s school are worrisome, she is most concerned about data mining, especially in light of the fact that, come next year, her school will implement something called “StudentGPS dashboards.”

“I’m not sure if it will be just at our school or all of them,” the Blaze reader, who asked to remain nameless out of concern for her child and school faculty explained. “I have a feeling our school will be one the earlier ones to implement the StudentGPS.”

According to the StudentGPS website, the program is part of a partnership with the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation (MSDF), are particularly beneficial in identifying “at-risk students” by providing educators a “collection of reports and metrics that provide educators with access to historical, timely, and predictive information on all students to help improve education outcomes for all Texas students.”

The dashboards are said to “flag emerging issues such as problems in attendance, class work, and test performance as early as possible” as well as “provide instant access to analyzed data, instead of requiring requests to a data analyst for ad hoc reports.”

While the site states that “loading dashboard data to TSDS is strictly optional,” schools are encouraged  to do so as they provide a “rich, sophisticated, empirical approach to teaching that help schools, classes, and individual students get more from their educational opportunities.”

The Blaze reader said she found out about the GPS “dashboards” while on a call with the school principal about the district’s plan to allocate iPads to all students next year. She said that she was concerned about the kinds of data that would be tracked on the iPad, but that once she heard about StudentGPS, she was concerned “even more.”

Below are tutorial videos provided by the StudentGPS Dashboards official website, which is part of the “Texas Student Data System.”

Student GPS dashboard overview

“StudentGPS – Attendance

StudentGPS – Intervention

Kids know about global warming and wars

Another item the concerned mother noted was that her 5th grader brought home a questionable homework assignment earlier this week. The parent told TheBlaze that the lesson (screenshots of which are featured below) is being used as practice for the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) exam, which is to be administered by schools next week.

The lesson in this case was not produced by CSCOPE, but rather a independent company. Nonetheless, some of the language and themes will still raise eyebrows.

“The content seems designed to undermine parental authority,” the Texas resident said. “Adults are just too stupid to get anything right. I assume the intent is to drive a wedge between parent and child.”

The excerpts below ask why children are not permitted to vote, especially when (see section 3) they understand “global warming and war” and know that adults have only made the world’s problems worse.

The Texas mom said that while CSCOPE is implemented at her school, teachers are not forced to use its lesson plans. She added that while that may be a good thing, she has still “come to expect verbiage on global warming and fossil fuels” and believes CSCOPE’s influence will only increase. The Blaze reader also expressed concern over the fact that experienced teachers are growing tired of trying to overcome “the hurdles” and will likely leave the schools out of sheer frustration.

“We are part of a good, close community, which makes this [CSCOPE implementation] that much harder,” she explained.

Below is an excerpt of the homework assignment:

Want to See What CSCOPE and Common Core (Even Homeschooling) Lessons Look Like? These Parents Opened Up to TheBlaze
Want to See What CSCOPE and Common Core (Even Homeschooling) Lessons Look Like? These Parents Opened Up to TheBlaze

Those cases cited above are but a fraction of the questionable lesson plans that seem to be par for the course with Common Core and CSCOPE. As a result of TheBlaze’s coverage, other concerned parents may also come forward to express their concerns and experiences with these controversial curriculum systems.

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