Big Problems for Irving ISD

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Donna Garner


“Big Problems at Irving ISD”
by Donna Garner

The Irving ISD School Board voted 4 – 3 to censure board member Steven Jones on 4.1.13 (#1 Dallas Morning News posted below). Not only does Steven Jones want to replace bilingual education with English immersion (“works every time it’s been tried”), but he also has been outspoken about his opposition to CSCOPE which costs Irving ISD at least $260,000 per year and has not raised students’ STAAR/End-of-Course test scores.

According to the 3.10.13 article (#3 news article posted below), “…Irving’s students fell far behind the state average last year on STAAR [School Year 2011-12], the state’s new standardized test that CSCOPE was supposed to prepare them for…”

It sounds to me as if the Irving ISD administration does not like Steven Jones questioning its choice of poor curriculum such as CSCOPE (#4 Dallas Morning News article posted below). Irving ISD has been using CSCOPE at least since Sept. 2011. A 9.29.11 article from the Dallas Morning News describes CSCOPE’s use in the Irving ISD:

Grassroots citizens through filing Public Information Requests found that over the last two school years, Irving ISD has paid TASA (Texas Association of School Administrators) and TASB (Texas Association of School Boards) $905,028 (2.13.13 — ) These were taxpayers’ dollars. Just think how many classroom teachers’ jobs could have been financed by that $905,028. No wonder Steven Jones is questioning the Irving ISD expenditures!
Please read Lynn Woolley’s 4.1.13 column (#2 Dallas Morning News article posted below) in which he praises Steven Jones for his courageous efforts as a school board member to question the way the Irving ISD administration has spent taxpayers’ dollars. – Donna Garner



Split vote by Irving school board publicly condemns trustee Steven Jones’ behavior

Staff Writer
Published: 01 April 2013 09:09 PM

Excerpts from this article:

In a rare public condemnation, the Irving ISD school board voted 4-3 Monday to censure trustee Steven Jones…

Steven Jones has denied any impropriety.

Trustees Jerry Christian and Gwen Craig also voted in favor of censure.

…In the meantime, Valerie Jones acknowledged at the meeting, censure carries “no legal or practical consequences.”

…Steven Jones listened to the accusations with no visible emotion. He had acknowledged making the phone calls, but he said the emails distorted their innocent and legitimate intent.

When it was his turn to speak, Jones looked out at the packed audience and decried “these attempts to assassinate my character.”

He said the district had spent $23,000 in legal fees “trying to find ways to throw me off the board.”

Jones, who has been on the board since 2011, seemed no more concerned about the prospect of public condemnation than he had last week when the vote was called. He had correctly predicted the way the trustees would vote.

Monday’s vote may be one of the school board’s last major acts before its politics are transformed.

Two of the trustees who voted for censure Monday — Huffstetler and Christian — are stepping down after the May election. A third, Craig, is up for re-election.

Jones is backing candidates in all three races. One of them is running unopposed and is expected to give Jones’ allies a majority.

“We will have a conservative majority on this board beginning May 20,” Jones told the crowd before the vote. “The new board will focus like a laser beam on student achievement. Our focus will no longer be PR and spin…”


Lynn Woolley: Irving trustee Steven Jones right to challenge schools’ status quo

Published: 01 April 2013 09:25 PM
Excerpts from this article:
Steven Jones has done the unthinkable. As a member of the Irving school board, he has challenged the status quo, questioning wasteful spending and the district’s fixation with bilingual education.

…His first crime was his decision to run for the Irving board of trustees. School board members are not supposed to be conservative businesspeople who have designs on change. They are supposed to be former teachers or liberal activists who will bow to the whims of the school superintendent.

Jones’ second crime was that he won. And get a load of his platform. During the campaign, he said, “I am running for the Irving school board because I have watched the actions of the current board and question its judgment on three major items.”

…But Jones dared question the board when it voted to extend the superintendent an additional 36-month contract after just seven months on the job. The board said it wanted “stability.” Jones wanted “excellence.” He also noted that while no teachers were being hired, the board was openly searching for two more assistant superintendents. He thought the district needed fewer bureaucrats and more teachers.

His biggest crime of all, though, related to education’s biggest sacred cow: bilingual education.

Back in 2011, WFAA-TV’s Gary Reaves did a story about then-candidate Jones’ desire to add an English immersion program to the bilingual mandate required by the state.

…Jones’ additional crimes include “micromanaging” duties reserved by law for the superintendent; explaining to a new assistant superintendent that her job was “wasteful” and might be eliminated; and explaining to the district’s “director of world languages” that the board wanted to push for that English immersion plan.

…A board member who is a conservative, who questions stupid and costly decisions made by the board and actually attempts to represent the interests of children, parents and taxpayers instead of just the education establishment? …Jones’ real crime is his opposition to bilingual education.

In a district where 70 percent of the children are Spanish speakers, you simply do not speak of such things as English immersion — even if it does work every time it’s been tried…

Lynn Woolley is a Texas-based radio talk show host and may be contacted at lynn@BeLogical .com.



“CSCOPE: Irving ISD Did Poorly on STAAR/EOC Tests – What If Lost Measuring Stick?”
by Donna Garner

Irving ISD paid $265,000 (per year) for CSCOPE. Did it raise their students’ STAAR/EOC’s? According to this article, “And for all those efforts, Irving’s students fell far behind the state average last year on STAAR, the state’s new standardized test that CSCOPE was supposed to prepare them for.”

Some Texas legislators are trying to do away with the STAAR/End-of-Course tests at each grade level (Grades 3 – 11). These tests serve as a measuring stick, a yardstick, a ruler. If we lose the “measuring stick,” how would parents and the public ever prove whether regular public schools, charter schools, CSCOPE, Turkish Gulen Harmony Charter Schools, dual-credit courses, Texas Virtual Academy, online learning, Advanced Placement courses, International Baccalaureate programs, Web 2.0 Tools, and Safari Montage are actually pulling up our children or dumbing them down?

School board elections are coming up on May 11, 2013, in many towns and cities throughout Texas. In Irving ISD, these elections will evidently settle whether or not CSCOPE will be removed from the District.

My hope is that numerous schools will take the money they have wasted on CSCOPE and use it to purchase the new English / Language Arts / Reading textbooks that are totally aligned with the new curriculum standards adopted in May 2008. These textbooks contain the systematic teaching of phonemic awareness/decoding skills (phonics), grammar, usage, spelling, composition – all of the back-to-the-basics skills that must be learned by students to help them to be successful in the rest of their school subjects, on the STAAR/End-of-Course tests, and in life.

Donna Garner




Staff Writer
Published: 10 March 2013 11:07 PM
Excerpts from this article:

Irving ISD administrators say the [CSCOPE] package — which costs roughly $260,000 a year…

Norma Gonzales, who is running unopposed for an open seat on the board, says she wants to phase out the program when she takes her seat. By then, CSCOPE’s detractors on the board should have a majority to do exactly that.

Trustee Steven Jones said at least 40 teachers in the district have made similar complaints to him.

And for all those efforts, Irving’s students fell far behind the state average last year on STAAR, the state’s new standardized test that CSCOPE was supposed to prepare them for…

“A lot of the complaints we heard about had to do with the assessments.”

…The teacher, who asked for anonymity to protect his job, said educators were promised CSCOPE would prepare students for STAAR.

“It simply didn’t happen,” he said.

Instead, the teacher said, he wasted hours photocopying CSCOPE handouts no better than the material in the textbook — some of it worse. He said if his principal walked by the classroom and saw him using the book, or deviating at all from CSCOPE material, he would be “redirected” back to the new program.

…Trustees’ complaints about CSCOPE go beyond classroom flexibility. Jones said the program had Marxist origins and appeared designed to “do an end run” around the Texas Board of Education and adopt federal curriculum the state has rejected.

At board meetings, he and trustees Larry Stipes and Gail Conder Wells have claimed that CSCOPE lessons indoctrinate students into Islam and socialism. A state Senate hearing in January heard similar complaints from other districts.

“Nobody knows what’s in CSCOPE,” Jones said. “It’s very secretive.”

In an effort to settle the matter, the district is preparing a teacher survey on CSCOPE. But even that has turned political, with Jones, Stipes and Wells complaining staff won’t include their questions…

Donna Garner

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Colleen Vera


(Updated: 3/29/13 Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott has now promised a full investigation of TESCCC and CSCOPE.)

As a retired Texas pubic school teacher, the recent concerns being raised over CSCOPE curriculum sparked my interest.

I wanted to know more about the business side of CSCOPE, so I filed a Public Information Request for the meeting minutes of their governing board. Instead of finding answers, all I found were more questions.

#1 – If a State agency used tax dollars to develop a product, doesn’t the product belong to the People of Texas?

Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC)’s own attorney gives this CSCOPE background:

TESCCC was originally established as a collaborative of several of the Education Service Centers (ESC) in Texas with the stated purpose to provide high quality curriculum and instruction materials, resources, and professional development for Texas public school districts. Subsequently, TESCCC developed CSCOPE which is a comprehensive, user friendly, curriculum support system. As CSCOPE became widely used among Texas school districts, it was necessary for TESCCC to formally organize itself to better protect its intellectual property and serve its customers. Now, TESCCC is a non-profit corporation organized under the Texas Business Organization Code. TESCCC was incorporated in 2009 and was granted non-profit status under 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code …Today 816 of the approximately 1230 Texas public school Districts and charter school systems use the CSCOPE product. Although the Attorney General’s office determined in OR2012-04869 dated April 4, 2012 that TESCCC was subject to the Public Information Act, TESCCC operates in every other way as a private corporation.
Public funds paid for the development of CSCOPE. TESCCC is a committee of paid State employees. How can paid employees of a state agency simply transfer ownership of CSCOPE from the People of Texas to a private corporation? Were The People compensated at fair market value for CSCOPE or did TESCCC simply claim eminent domain?

Did the 19 ESC Executive Directors who make up the TESCCC have votes of approval from the 19 elected ESC boards that oversee them? Did TESCCC get written approval from the Commissioner of Education before transferring State property to a private corporation?

#2 – What is TESCC trying to hide?

In April of 2012, the Texas Attorney General ruled that CSCOPE’s governing board, TESCCC, is a “governmental body.” A quote from the ruling:

… upon, review we conclude that the collaborative is funded through public funds, and the collaborative is governed by governmental bodies, namely the member ESCs through its governing board…Accordingly, we conclude that the collaborative falls within the definition of a “governmental body” under section 552.003(1)(A)(xii) of the Government Code.

But TESCCC refused to release all their meeting minutes. Instead, they went back to the Attorney General for another ruling claiming :

…when read as a whole, the minutes TESCCC seeks to withhold offer insight into how the board operates …access into the inner-workings of the organization and how it makes decisions…

REALLY??? They paid a lawyer to write this???
Isn’t that the true purpose behind open meetings and open records? Giving the public insight into how governmental boards operate and how decisions are made?

In fact, Texas law specifically states:
§ 551.022. The minutes and tape recordings of an open meeting are public records and shall be available for
public inspection and copying on request to the governmental body’s chief administrative officer
or the officer’s designee.
I didn’t ask for anything from closed sessions, simply the minutes from meetings I could legally have taped myself. What is in those minutes that State employees are afraid the people who pay their salaries will find out? What are they going to so much trouble to hide?

#3. Have TESCCC meetings been legally posted?

Texas laws are very specific about the posting of public meetings.

Two that appear to apply to TESCCC are:
§ 551.041. A governmental body shall give written notice of the date, hour, place, and subject of each meeting held by the governmental body
§ 551.044. Governmental Body With Statewide Jurisdiction (a) The secretary of state must post notice on the Internet of a meeting of a state board,
commission, department, or officer having statewide jurisdiction for at least seven days before the day of the meeting. ..
Yet, a search of the Open Meeting Archive on the Texas SOS website shows no record of TESCCC meetings ever being posted.

The law goes on to read:
§ 551.141. An action taken by a governmental body in violation of this chapter is voidable.

§ 551.142. (a) An interested person, including a member of the news media, may bring an action by mandamus or injunction to stop, prevent, or reverse a violation or threatened violation of this chapter by
members of a governmental body.
If the TESCCC board meetings have not been legally posted with the SOS, who is responsible for voiding TESCCC’s actions and stepping in to oversee the millions of dollars in public funds they control? The Commissioner of Education? The State Comptroller? The SOS? The AG? The Legislature? Who is watching out for the People?

(After the Texas State Senate Education Committee held a public hearing on CSCOPE 1/31/13, TESCCC held its first publicly posted meeting on 2/18/13.)
(Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, has promised a full investigation into TESCCC and CSCOPE.)
#4. Should employees of the State of Texas be doing work for a private corporation while being paid by the taxpayers to work for the State?

In the letter TESCCC’s attorney sent to the AG to block release of their meeting minutes he states:
Although the Attorney General’s office determined…that TESCCC was subject to the Public Information Act, TESCCC operates in every other way as a private corporation…
Really? A private corporation and not an extension of Texas Educational Service Centers? Then…

why do job postings at ESC13 read,”Serve as representative of the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC) and ESC Region XIII”?
why is the State Director of CSCOPE, who works for TESCCC, listed as “staff” at ESC 13?
why does his job description read: “Serve as a representative of the Center and TESCCC.” ?
why is his email address on a tax supported website and not a corporate site?
why does he have the same email and phone number as he did when he was presenting a Block Scheduling seminar for ESC13 in 2007?
why did the link to register for the TESCCC sponsored state conference in 2012 go the tax supported ESC13 website instead of a corporate site?
why does a reply for a request for public information sent to TESCCC get returned from:
Mason Moses Public Information Officer
Texas System of Education Service Centers
Office: 512-919-5349
Fax: 512-919-5232 ???

But more importantly, who is keeping track of the hours State ESC employees are spending developing a product owned by a private corporation?

Some excerpts from TESCCC minutes show that State ESC employees are doing TESCCC work on taxpayer time.

10-11-10 TESCCC Governing Board Meeting @ ESC 13
J. Vasquez (Ex Dir ESC19)commented that 2/3 of his staff have been tied down with CSCOPE work at this point in time…C.Bayuk commented that it is better for ESC staff to be part of the development process and not just have contracted personnel…she encouraged a model where each member ESC devotes staff to some degree throughout the development process
8/6/12 TESCCC Governing Board Meeting @ ESC 13
A. Poplin (Ex Dir ESC9) added that her own secretary has taken on a lot of CSCOPE work since there is no administrative support for W. Labay or the State Office in general.
Meeting minutes also show that the TESCCC board meetings coincide with the State CCRS meetings. It appears that ESC directors travel to Austin for the TESCCC meetings using travel allowed for CCRS. Does that mean pubic funds are paying salaries and travel to benefit a private corporation? The two meetings are so intertwined that…

on 2/14/2012 the TESCCC minutes read: “J. Bass stated that the date of the next CCRS meeting will dictate the date of the next Governing Board meeting.”
on 8/8/11 the TRSCCC minutes read: “Adjourned at 11:37am and reconvened at 3:58pm after CCRS meeting.”
on 5/7/12 the TESCCC minutes read: “Approval of the ESC Public Information Specialist position – postpone that for CCRS”

What private corporation has the approval of a State Agency Public Information Officer position on its agenda???

Minutes also show that ESC13 is listed as the “fiscal agent” for TESCCC and the TESCCC State Staff is housed at ESC13. Does that mean employees of a private corporation are able to earn state employee benefits like state sick leave credits and/or state retirement credits because they are paid via ESC13?

Does TESCCC provide an extra stipend to its board members or do the taxpayers pick up the entire tab for their extra work on the TESCCC Board, its committees and CSCOPE?

(Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, has promised a full investigation into TESCCC and CSCOPE.)

#5 – Should State agencies use tax dollars to operate businesses to compete with private enterprise?

Should 19 State employees be allowed to operate a private corporation inside a Texas State agency and block the taxpayers from information on what they are doing? Is it really saving taxpayers money when the taxpayers are the investors, the debt holders and the clients?

TESCCC meeting minutes state:

…approximately $4.1 million to develop CSCOPE from the beginning…based from the work done for the FAST Report of 2010. However, the costs would have increased since new components have been added and that original estimate was completed in 2010.

Plus it appears that each participating ESC pays TESCCC:

“one flat rate amount” to join TESCCC and earn the right to sell CSCOPE,
another annual “flat rate amount”,
12-14% of their CSCOPE revenue each year based on $7.oo per ADA
plus 12% recapture amount from NER back to TESCCC based on invoiced costs (minutes 3/31/11 +5/9/11)

Does this mean that:

A State agency used State funds to develop CSCOPE…
State employees gave CSCOPE to a private corporation….
State taxpayers pay the salaries of the board who runs it and the directors who oversee it….
State taxpayers pay yearly fees for the right to sell it to local taxpayers…
Local taxpayers pay for their school districts to use it…
And a private corporation gets the “profits”…????

What a racket…and just think of all the State employee expenses and benefits the taxpayers are covering along the way.

(Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, has promised a full investigation into TESCCC and CSCOPE.)

Why does it have to be so complicated? Why can’t the school districts just buy CSCOPE from an ESC like other products?

Could the answer be in the spirit of Texas Education Code Sec 8.056 which places limits on the ESCs charging school districts more than their administrative costs as well as restrictions on ESCs retaining profits in certain situations?

It appears from the TESCCC minutes that in 2011,
the school districts paid their local ESC for CSCOPE
the ESC paid NER (National Education Resources, Inc)
NER sent TESCCC back 12%

With monies moving around this way, the ESCs don’t technically charge above their administrative costs and don’t technically keep any “profits.” It is technically a “private corporation” that keeps the “profits.”

Just how much “profit” are we talking about?

TESCCC incorporated in 2009 and claims their fund balance on 8/8/11 was $1.8 million. That means TESCCC nets an average of $900,000 per year. Not a bad “profit” for a “non-profit.”

But, beyond the money aspect is the question of “competitive advantage.”

TESCCC argues that they should not have to release meeting minutes to the taxpayers for a number of reasons, two being…
TECSSS could lose its competitive advantage over its for-profit competitors and
TESCCC will suffer specific harm if its RFP process, how it maintains its vendor relationships, and how strategic decisions are made for the development of CSCOPE are known

Just what do the TESCCC meeting minutes tell us about their management?……





Part I raised numerous questions about the business side of CSCOPE but now it is time to dive deeper.

Let’s start with the question:  WHO OWNS CSCOPE?

To help find the answer, you need to know a little about the  education system in Texas. So the teacher in me is going to give a quick review with the help of the flowchart I made below:

cscope flowchart

In Texas, we elect the Legislature that makes the laws governing public education, as well as  collects and distributes the public funds (our money) needed to run it.

The people elect the State Board of Education (SBOE) and the Governor. Two duties of the SBOE are setting Texascurriculum standards  and the review of educationalmaterials purchased with State funds for Texas  public schools.

The Governor appoints the Commissioner of Education who oversees the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and 20Educational Service Centers (ESC) throughout the State. He sets the process for each ESC to elect a Board of Directors, controls the distribution of  State funds to each ESC, and is responsible for their yearly evaluation.

The Board of Directors of each ESC hires an Executive Director who serves as the CEO and may employ other personnel as needed.

In 2006, CSCOPE was a new curriculum productdeveloped by the ESCs to sell to school districts.

But in 2009, 19 ESC Executive Directors transferred CSCOPE to a private non-profit corporationcontrolled by them  called the Texas Education Service Centers Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC.)  TESCCC charges each ESC a membership fee ($200,000 – $300,000)which gives ESCs the right to sell CSCOPE to their local school districts. ESC 4 chose not to participate originally, but Pam Wells, Executive Director of ESC 4 in Houston, has now joined.

When the TESCCC sells CSCOPE to a school district, they require that all school personnel sign non-disclosure agreements to make sure no one else, including parents, is able to view CSCOPE materials. (TESCCC is now promising the public will be able to view CSCOPE by April 2013.)

The CSCOPE product is designed to REPLACE  textbooks in the classroom even though the CSCOPE curriculum has never been reviewed by the SBOE. Instead, TESCCC bypasses the SBOE process and sells CSCOPE directly to school districts. This is possible because in the last session, the Texas Legislature changed the law and now allows school districts to use State funds to purchase educational materials that have NOT been reviewed and approved via the SBOE process.

Even though TESCCC’s Governing Board is made up of State employees who meet on State property while beingpaid with State funds, the TESCCC  refuses to allow the public to attend its Board meetings,  refuses to release all the minutes of its Board meetings and the Texas Attorney General ruled that CSCOPE materials are exempt from disclosure because release could harm CSCOPE’s “ competitiveness in the marketplace.”

(After the Texas Senate Education Committee held a public hearing on CSCOPE 1/31/13, TESCCC held its first publicly posted meeting on Feb. 18, 2013.)

So that means public money produced CSCOPE,  public money is used to pay a fee for the right to sell it, and public money is used to buy it. But, the public has NO right toknow what is in it.

Is there a name for a scheme like that? Is it considered self-dealing? Where else in Texas are the taxpayers being scammed????

(Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, has now promised a full investigation into TESCCC and CSCOPE.)

All this raises many questions about CSCOPE. Questions like:

  • Who owns CSCOPE?
  • Why the need for secrecy?
  • Why bypass the elected SBOE?
  • Who allowed a public product to be transferred to a private corporation?
  • Should the government use public funds to operate private corporations that restrict public disclosure?
  • Should state employees have control over millions of dollars of public funds without any oversight from elected officials?….and so on…..

While I wait for the Texas Attorney General to rule if TESCCC must release all the minutes from its Governing Board Meetings, more questions arise from the minutes I was able to obtain:

  • What is the true mission of TESCCC and CSCOPE?
  • How did CSCOPE sell so fast?
  • How dysfunctional is the TRSCCC management process?

What is the true mission of TESCCC and CSCOPE?

TEC Sec 8.002 says the purpose of ESC’s is to assist school districts in improving student performance and  operating more efficiently. Sec. 8.053 allows ESCs to offer any service requested and purchased by a school district.

So, if the ESCs have a product, and school districts request it, the ESC can sell it. There is no need to set up private, secretive corporations, unless…..

You read TEC Sec. 8.010: Sunset Provision

 Regional education service centers are subject to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the centers are abolished and this chapter expires September 1,2015. Added by Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. 1232, Sec. 2.01, eff. June 17, 2011.

You see, in the “old days”, before DVDs and the internet, ESCs played a role in many classrooms. For example, because it was too expensive for every school to purchase 8mm films, ESCs offered educational films teachers could simply check out. In the days before Xerox when teachers still used mimeograph machines (the copies with purple ink), ESCs offered workrooms for teachers to make professional looking posters, lettering, and other supplies for their classrooms. They also had educational reference libraries and offered a variety of teacher training workshops. There were 20 ESCs spread across the State to make it easier for all schools to have access to their services.

But the world has changed. Most of the services provided by ESCs in the “old days” aren’t needed anymore. Private Educational Service and Consulting companies have sprung up everywhere and are now competing with the ESCs for school district business. Technology changes daily and the ESCs battle against private companies to stay relevant.

The ESC Executive Directors know they have a very short window of opportunity to come up with something they can use to claim they are still relevant,  or they all have to look for new jobs on 9/1/15. (The date the Sunset Provision could shut down all ESCs.)

What better way to claim they are not only relevant, but NECESSARY, if the majority of  school districts in Texas rely on their product for  curriculumlesson plans, tests,  and all teaching materials? ESCs could claim that if they closed,  there would be chaos in schools across Texas!!! Of course, that is NOT TRUE, but if they scream it loud enough, some people might believe them.

They also know that the citizens of Texas are now awake, politically active, and sick and tired of their hard earned money going to unnecessary  government agencies. So, there is an excellent chance that 20 ESCs will no longer be open all around the state come 2016.

So the TESCCC Board members could simply make money off of CSCOPE via TESCCC instead of being employed by an ESC. They could follow in the footsteps  of past Board members from the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) who have found clever ways of making money from service on their Board.

Take for example the Mayor of Katy, Don Elder. When he left the HCDE Board,  he was hired as a “consultant” for one of the non-profit corporations set up by HCDE  and has been paid around $100,000 every year.

Another HCDE board member, Roy Morales, uses a different technique. He is a “Business Development Consultant – commissionable /independent contactor “ for a company that has multiple contracts with HCDE and HCDE’s non-profit corporations. So after he leaves the Board in January, he can still earn income from the work he did to expand the company’s business with HCDE and its non-profit corporations.

Roy Morales Phonoscope 1 Roy Morales Phonoscope 2

So, what is the true mission of TESCCC and CSCOPE? To assist school districts or the Board members? To ensure the quality of education  for Texas students or the  quality of life of Board members?

All I know for sure is that HCDE uses the same tacticsTESCCC is using to attempt to block the release of public records – arguing release  would harm their business interests.  But, without release of business records, taxpayers would have never known that an HCDE Board member could earn commissions from  district contracts.

Could this answer the question:   Why the need for secrecy at TESCCC?

How did CSCOPE sell so fast?

It took Smart Phones 2.5 years to capture 50% of the cell phone market and people don’t need school board approval to buy one.

In sales, the average  Conversion Rates is  about 29%. That means 1 actual closed sale for every 3 product inquires.

To establish “monopoly  power” the US Court of Appeals  requires a minimum market share of 70-80%…… and…… Sec. 26  the Bill Of Rights in the Texas Constitution states that monopolies “shall never be allowed” in Texas.

Yet, in only 2.5 years, TESCCC has captured 70% of the Texas School District curriculum market –  the cusp of “monopoly” status – with CSCOPE –  a product that was still in thedevelopmental stage  and had never been reviewed or tested…… and……TESCCC  only marketed their product at two conferences –  TASA/TASB and TASA Midwinter.

That is either a sales record that belongs in the Guinness Book  or something fishy is going on with CSCOPE.

Why did 70% of Texas Superintendents convince their School Boards to approve funds for a curriculum product that had never even been tested or reviewed? Did they not know what they were buying? Did they assume that if it was sold by ESCs, it had the approval of the SBOE?

Or, was it sold as a product that could help to guarantee that ESCs in Texas would stay “relevant’  – and thus – stay funded?

Why would they care? Could it simply be the oldest reason in the book….$ MONEY $?

There is a very limited market for top tiered school administrators in Texas and they watch out for each other like a fraternity. There are limited places for them to earn big bucks after leaving ISDs. If ESCs close, a gravy train of State funds dries up for them.

As one  State Legislator said to me, “Everyone knows ESCs are where old school administrators go to retire.

How dysfunctional is the TESCCC management process?

The minutes of the TESCCC Board meetings I was able to obtain raise even more questions about what is going on inside TESCCC and who has oversight over the public funds they control?

One example of very questionable  business practices is TESCCC’s dealings with a company called National Education Resources (NER.) This is what I can put together from the partial minutes released.

It appears  that for the first two years, all funds from  CSCOPE flowed through NER at some time. Districts paid ESCs, ESCs paid NER, then NER sent a percentage back to TESCCC.

Millions of dollars in public funds changing hands..

……. yet….

  • Months without a formal contract?

(8/10/10) …emphasis on need to have a formal contract with NER…(10/11/10)… The (NER) contract under construction now is to simply capture the current agreement between the TESCCC and NER…(11/8/10)…J. Bass mentioned that the draft NER contract was just finalized and reviewed by legal…                                                                  (1/10/11)… G. Gibson updated the Board on the NER contract development process.


  • Contracts that “guess” performance?

(11/8/10) … Greg Gibson emphasized that this is an agreement to represent what is currently in place with NER and the TESCCC. It is an attempt , with some “guessing” to capture what is currently in place with NER in terms of performance, etc…


  • No check of the company’s financials?

(11/8/10) … D.Lovett asked if there were more specifics on the financial health and state of NER’s operation. G. Gibson said that no work was done on the financial state of NER outside of this agreement..


  • No required audit?

(1/10/11)… G. Gibson updated the Board on the NER contract development process. …the motion also included the elimination of the requirement to have a SAS 70 audit. Instead, TESCCC will retain the right to conduct a technology audit of NER facilities at any time. The Board unanimously approved.


  • Nothing in place to review billing?

(2/13/12)…A.Polin explained that some ESCs have noticed discrepancies in invoicing from NER. A Poplin asked that the Governing Board members review and confirm that they have been correctly invoiced.


  • No record of data collection?

(4/16/12)… A.Poplin explained that it is necessary tosurvey districts to find out what locally customized data is in the NER Developer. That knowledge is necessary to validate that NER has transferred all of the data to the State (CSCOPE) Office.

**Note: July 2012 appears to be the  final month of services from NER.

Did no one at TESCCC  – or the lawyers or consultants they hired – even do a simple Google search to find that NER’s address is a home in NY and notice that there is no  company website ?

Concerns over the management practices at TESCCC don’t stop with NER. 

  •  TESCCC employees amended the budget and spent public funds without Board approval.

(9/13/10)… W. Labay discussed the 09-10 budget, providing summary and detailed documents. SOME MEMBERS QUESTIONED CERTAIN BUDGET AMENDMENTS AND EXPENDITURES THAT WERE MADE WITHOUT BOARD APPROVAL.When it was revealed that the funds in question needed to be expended during a month when there was no Board meeting, the members agreed that a procedure must be written that delineates the actions that need to be taken under such circumstances…


  • TESCCC appears more concerned with making money than providing school districts with services:

(2/14/11)… The science lessons will be ready on schedule. We are releasing only the first 12 weeks because there is concern that districts will download a year of lessons and then end or not renew their CSCOPE contracts…

(3/31/11)… W. Labay also included that many ESCs are hosting event/conferences in the summer … somewhatpose a competitive risk to the (State CSCOPE) conference

(8/8/11)… C. Bayuk – Expresses that Leadership Team is extremely concerned about these vendors … because many are in direct competition to CSCOPE.

(2/13/12)… R.Beard explained that his staff asked if CSCOPE could be sold differently from the central practice of district-wide adoption.The Governing Board discussed that this would depart from original, systemic intent; …that some districts might downsize given the option.

(9/13/10)… Gibson summarized the negotiations with the three textbook publishers for contracts to align with CSCOPE. …although we were hoping to get a guaranteed amount in advance from these companies, they are not interested in paying a significant amount for nonexclusive arrangements with us ($50,000)…some in attendance  wanted to continue with the process since their districts had asked for the textbook alignments. Others were concerned about the amount of resources that would have to be invested to review and approve each company’s alignment; currently we don’t know exactly how much time, effort, and manpower the review would take…SEVERAL ATTENDEES EXPRESSED CONCERN ABOUT PROVIDING WHAT COULD BE SUPERFICIAL TEXTBOOK ALLIGNMENTS TO CSCOPE IF THE MISSION OF CSCOPE IS TO CHANGE INSTRUCTION IN THE CLASSROOM…Board unanimously approved to delay negotiations… and revisit the issue at the January meeting.


  • Lack of review of  curriculum materials

(2/13/12)… T. Smith stated the issue of an external review of CSCOPE is becoming more prominent in information requests. The Governing Board may want to consider the option of hiring an outside group to review CSCOPE components…The question was asked if we had any idea who might perform the external review…W.Labay stated that we could use individuals and companies who perform textbook reviews as well as soliciting statewide input.

(3/5/12)…T.Smith explained that the recommendation for an external review …an estimated cost is $75,000 per content area….A.Poplin clarified that the total cost is not included in the budget W.Labay prepared for 212-13….The Governing Board discussed the option of only reviewing one content area or one component across all content areas to begin with.

(4/16/12)… T.Smith stated that the CSCOPE content review starts with Science only

So, who is ultimately responsible for this mess?

If you go back to the flowchart, I think you will find that we are.

cscope flowchart

We elected the Legislature who funds the ESCs and theGovernor who appointed the Commissioners of Education.

If we want it clean up, we need to let them know that we expectan immediate investigation of TESCCC and CSCOPE with all findings made public.

(Attorney General, Greg Abbott, has now promised a full investigation into TESCCC and CSCOPE.)

And,  we all need to start attending our local ESC Board meetings to make sure our money is being handled properly. We can no longer assume someone else is keeping watch. We have to step up and do the job ourselves.

Your local ESC can be found @

Contact information for your Texas State Senator and Representative @

Contact information for Governor Rick Perry @

Contact information for Michael Williams, Commissioner of Education @


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 Upon originally finding out about CSCOPE and discovering their lack of transparency I filed a Public Information Request  over a year ago on CSCOPE and the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborate (TESCCC) who owns Cscope  asking for lesson content and financials. TESCCC asked for the Attorney General’s office to deem them a non Governmental entity and not subject to the Public Information Request under Texas Government Code 552.104 and 552.110.

Now get this.  The group of men and women who make up the Board of Directors of TESCCC or actually the Directors of the Education Service Centers. They receive tax money and form a non profit called TESCCC which owns the product called CSCOPE. They use state employees to sell their product to a school district who survive off of tax money as well and they want to be deemed a NON GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY? Wow.. wouldn’t that just be nice? TESCCC has taken in millions leasing CSCOPE to Texas School districts on a yearly bases. They claim they have no check register as  reported to the Attorney General’s office.

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See the Attorney Generals Ruling April 4, 2012


Many citizens  across the state have now got involved and are requesting information on TESCCC. In requesting their board minutes from the inception to the non profit organization TESCCC, those responsible can’t seem to locate them. The following are the minutes that they have located and the attorney general ordered them to be  released. Though you will find the majority of them blacked out. Why,we don’t know yet.  What do they have to hide?

TESCCC Board minutes released from the Attorney General’s Office.


In this excerpt from the minutes they were working on an  Out of State Business Plan.


out of state business plan




Notice in the following excerpt where they must have been discussing the modification of CSCOPE with Common Core and selling Cscope out of State. 


I found Thomas Poe’s statement interesting of looking at the issue of making money verses serving students of Texas. 




Our children deserve better than this. 

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Luke 24:1-2 ESVBut on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. (2) And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, (3) but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. (4) While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling apparel. (5) And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? (6) He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, (7) that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.” (8) And they remembered his words, (9) and returning from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest. (10) Now it was Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the other women with them who told these things to the apostles, (11) but these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them. (12) But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home marveling at what had happened.

Luke 24:46-47 ESV

(46) and (Jesus) said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, (47) and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

Matthew 28:2-7 ESV

(2) And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. (3) His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow. (4) And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men. (5) But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. (6) He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. (7) Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you.”John 11:25-26

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. (NIV)

Romans 1:4-5

And Jesus Christ our Lord was shown to be the Son of God when God powerfully raised him from the dead by means of the Holy Spirit. Through Christ, God has given us the privilege and authority to tell Gentiles everywhere what God has done for them, so that they will believe and obey him, bringing glory to his name. (NLT)

Philippians 3:10-12

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. (NIV)

1 Peter 1:3

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead… (NIV)


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Posted on March 29, 2013


On the day of Pentecost, after healing a lame man, Peter said…

 Acts 3:12-15  …Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk?   The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go.  But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you;  And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.

He was betrayed by one of His followers:

 Luke 22:47-48  And while he yet spake, behold a multitude, and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them, and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him.  But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?

The group that came to arrest Jesus was composed of Roman soldiers, Jewish servants, and Judas:

 John 18:12  Then the band and the captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus, and bound him, John 18:13  And led him away to Annas first; for he was father in law to Caiaphas, which was the high priest that same year.

He was tried in a Jewish court by Caiphas (although this court had no authority to execute His death)

 John 18:14  Now Caiaphas was he, which gave counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man should die for the people….

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The Apathy of Parents!

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The following article I thought hit it right on the head when pointing out the apathy of parents when it comes to their education. Parents to a fault are trusting administrators and teachers to do right by their children. Many parents just could careless to get involved with what is going on at their government run schools. Hint: Government Run Schools!! That is enough information one needs to get involved. With government anything money  seems to fly and where it goes no one knows. 

In addition I would say that if parents were not so apathetic we could have known about CSCOPE years ago. 

Parents, not curriculum, responsible for academic apathy


By Dave Mundy/
Posted March 28, 2013 – 11:08am

The last few meetings of the Luling ISD Board of Trustees have seen some pointed questioning of the district’s administration and the board from parents, community members and even board members themselves over that district’s decision to bore ahead whole-heartedly wih the CSCOPE curriculum management system.
The district’s wisdom in going all out on use of  the system at a time when its academic accreditation is at stake has drawn some pointed questions.
Over the past year or so, I’ve looked extensively at CSCOPE from top to bottom. It has its flaws, to be sure —the worst being the fact that it has, in several places, a very clear, very liberal/globalist political bias.
But CSCOPE itself is not the cause of problems in the Luling ISD; if that were the case, we’d have a similar dire situation in every surrounding district which uses CSCOPE, including Gonzales, Waelder, Nixon-Smiley and Yoakum.
The issue in Luling is about the achievement levels of specific racial, ethnic and economic demographics — and that’s a problem which is not the fault of any curriculum, teacher or administrator.
The problem is parents who are part of a culture that just doesn’t care.
For much of the last 30 years, I’ve covered public education issues from the local level to the state level to the national level. The research I’ve done in compiling in-depth stories and even a book has led me to a traditionalist view of education sharply opposed to the Deweyism currently in favor among the education elitists.
I’ve covered, and debated, the primacy of phonics-first instruction over Whole Language/“balanced literacy” programs, the importance of skills and drills in early-grade math versus the “manipulatives” and “relevance” advocates who created “fuzzy math,” and the importance of teaching history instead of “social studies.”
But you can have the best Phonics-first program around, the best Saxon Math and the best history program emphasizing American exceptionalism — and still have failing students if those children have parents who do not actively take a role in their kids’ educational achievement.
The failure is a cultural one among parents, especially those who are poor. Among African-Americans, Hispanics and whites who struggle financially, parents tend to be less adept at helping their children get the education they need to climb out of the cycle of poverty.
In fact, there are even some indications that some parents don’twant their children to do better in life than they did. I won’t term them “lazy” — but they all too often fail to communicate a positive work ethic to their children.
Curiously, that attitude affects those of Asian descent far less, regardless of their income bracket. Students of Asian descent tend to achieve at higher levels than other groups because higher expectations are set by parents. Parents who are more affluent also tend to produce better students — again, because more is expected of those students, not because of any technological advantage attributable to wealth.
Those are documented facts. We can throw as much money as we want to at public education. We can build Taj Mahal facilities and equip every kid with a laptop and IPOD, we can use any curriculum system we want to — and Johnny still won’t be able to read if Mom and Dad don’t set high educational expectations for him and get him out of the “urban street” culture which defines and glorifies failure.
While there is ample evidence that outcomes-based education — the core foundation of all modern public education today — is part of the problem for its focus on the affective (values and feelings) realm, the problem is that too many parents won’t do their job, and expect government to do it.
Here in Texas over the last three decades, the politicians have attempted to legislate schools into doing what parents should be doing. We have created pre-pre kindergarten and interventions, we have forced schools to continue to educate kids who should rightfully be starting their lifelong association with the county jail, we have schools feeding kids meals which should be the job of their parents. In some places, they even have schools running after-school programs and — yes — day-care programs for children of students.
And the failures continue to mount.
We can create all the new curriculum systems and test systems we want, but until we convince a lot of parents to start doing their jobs, we will continue to be plagued by academic apathy.

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Texas Students being Data Mined

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by The Blaze/Tiffany Gabbay


TheBlaze has been at the forefront in uncovering the disturbing details of the nationalized curriculum standard known as Common Core. One of the most troubling aspects of this federal program is that government bureaucrats are currently mining sensitive and highly personal information on children through Common Core’s tracking system.

The data will then reportedly be sold by the government to outside sources for profit.

To discuss Common Core’s practice of data mining, Glenn Beck hosted an array of guests on TheBlaze TV Wednesday, including documentarian Andrew Marcus, columnist Kyle Olson; Kris Nielsen, author of “Children of the Core”; Jane Robbins of the American Principles Project; and lawmakers T.W. Shannon, Michael Caldwell and Clarence Mingo III.

Watch part of the segment via TheBlaze TV below:

According to the conservative think tank American Principles Project, Common Core’s technological project is “merely one part of a much broader plan by the federal government to track individuals from birth through their participation in the workforce.” As columnist and author Michelle Malkin has pointed out, the 2009 stimulus package included a “State Fiscal Stabilization Fund” to provide states incentives to construct “longitudinal data systems (LDS) to collect data on public-school students.”

In other words, an aggregation system to mind personal data on children including information about their health, family income, religious affiliation and homework.

Even more off-putting is the revelation that a 44-page Department of Eduction Report released in February indicates that the Common Core data-mining system could one day implement monitoring techniques like “Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging” (scanning one’s brain function), as well as “using cameras to judge facial expressions, an electronic seat that judges [a child’s] posture, a pressure-sensitive computer mouse and a biometric wrap on kids’ wrists.”

“This is like some really spooky, sci-fi, Gattaca kind of thing,” Beck said.

Through the stimulus bill, Americans’ privacy has been increasingly compromised. Now, permission that once had to be granted by parents to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to release students’ data has changed with a January 2012 regulation mandating that all information collected by schools since 2009 can be shared among federal agencies without consent.

In the following clip, Beck lays out a new theory on how business and government are colluding to accomplish mutual collective goals in a system very similar to state capitalism. He also theorizes how GE may be involved with Common Core.
Aside from President Obama, whose administration has been a steady supporter of Common Core standards, other leaders and advocates of the system include Bob Corcoran of General Electric (which donated over $33 million to Common Core in 2012), Bill and Melinda Gates, as well as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

How can you fight back against the data mining happening within Common Core and CSCOPE? Beck and his panel of experts explain:

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Cscope Students Tested On Sharia Law

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State Cscope Director Wade Laby and Texas Education Service Center Directors will continue to LIE and tell legislators, parents and communities that Cscope is not Pro Islamic but the mounting evidence proves otherwise. Below is a History  Cscope Assessment question  testing students on Sharia Law. SERIOUSLY!! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!

Cscope aligns with the TEKS? Where in the Texas Teks is Sharia Law listed? It isn’t! If you have questions as to why Cscope is testing your child or grandchildren on Islamic Sharia Law email the State Cscope Director Wade Labay at and ask him why?




I have research Cscope for over a year. My first findings was this Islamic Powerpoint. Notice on the  Power point is dated 2008 on the bottom left of the front page. The  powerpoint accompanies this lesson titled The Islamic World which calls for the teacher to hand out verses of the Quran to the students.


Please get involved and contact your superintendents and those in your communities and inform them about Cscope. Hold town hall meetings to inform your community. Our children deserve better.


Those behind this Marxist, Pro Communist and Pro Islamic Curriculum, Cscope. 





There has been a concerted attempt lately to try to downplay the negative aspects of sharia law in order to mainstream its acceptance into Western legal systems. I think it’s important to show the reality of what sharia law entails in order for a wider audience to fully grasp its ramifications. Reading words on paper about how incompatible it is with Western law is wholly different from seeing innocent women being murdered for the slightest triviality. Video link here. (hat tip Golem)



Afghan - Found-it-on-Facebook

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More Texas Students Adorn Islam Attire

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Texas Cscope School Rockwall ISD has students adorn Hijabs in a High School Geography Class. The fact that women and girls are flogged, beaten and murdered in the name of Islam  I am sure was not taught to this Geography Class.

The students below photographed themselves and posted the photos on the popular  social media site, Istagram.

Presently in the Islamic tourist region of the Maldives a young 15 year old girl is sentenced to flogging of a 100 whippings. Her crime was ruled “SEX OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE” due to the fact that her step dad raped her continually over a period of years and murdered her baby.


I find it disturbing that Texas ISD think nothing of having our students cover themselves with attire that represents such hideous atrocities all in the name of Islam.

Is hasn’t been quite a month when Cscope School Lumberton ISD recently has students in burqas and hijabs. Read about it here.


For additional info on the Pro Islamic Marxist Texas Curriculum Cscope go to


Does you school district use Cscope? 


The days of thinking your local school administrators have your child’s best interest at heart if OVER! Get involved and find out where they are teaching you children and where they are spending your tax money.


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15 Year Old Sentenced to Flogging in name of Islam

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While women are being killed abroad or flogged in the name of Islam, Texas schools are promoting a positive view of this militarist radical religion. While schools across Texas have had the young ladies adorn themselves with Burqas and Hijabs do you think they informed the students about the horror that happens to girls and women such as the one below.

4644_g2_1_460x230 (2)


The unimaginable horror of Islamic law — a girl’s stepfather is accused of raping her for years and murdering the baby she bore. Now the court says she must be flogged for “sex outside of marriage.”

“Horror in paradise”  Avaaz.Org

To President Mohammed Waheed Hassan:

As concerned global citizens, we call on you to do more to protect vulnerable women and children. We welcome your government’s initial intervention in the case of the 15-year-old rape victim, but real justice will only be delivered when you end the practice of flogging in the Maldives, and change the law so that it better protects the victims of rape and sexual abuse.

It’s hard to believe, but a 15-year-old rape survivor has been sentenced to be whipped 100 times in public! Let’s put an end to this lunacy by hitting the Maldives government where it hurts: the tourism industry.The girl’s stepfather is accused of raping her for years and murdering the baby she bore. Now the court says she must be flogged for “sex outside marriage” with a man who has not even been named! President Waheed of the Maldives is already feeling global pressure on this, and we can force him to save this girl and change the law to spare other victims this cruel fate. This is how we can end the War on Women – by standing up every time an outrage like this happens.Tourism is the big earner for the Maldives elite, including government ministers. Let’s build a million-strong petition to President Waheed this week, then threaten the islands’ reputation through hard-hitting ads in travel magazines and online until he steps in to save her and abolish this outrageous law. Sign now and share this with everyone to get us to a million!


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communist cscope


Those responsible for Cscope are the Directors of the 20 Texas Education Service Centers in Texas.  They formed a non-profit within a state agency with taxpayers money but have failed to release lessons or financials to the public. That alone should be cause for alarm among Texas parents, pastors and taxpayers across the state.


After researching Cscope for over a year you can take my word for it. Cscope is pro Islamicdespite State Csocpe Director, Wade Labay’s attempt to cover this up.  I originally found thisIslamic Powerpoint along with this corresponding lesson that instructs  the teacher to hand out verses of the Quran to the students. I personally showed this to Cscope Director Wade Labay in January/2012 which you can hear him deny it’s existence within Cscope though he had the powerpoint removed 3 days later.


Numerous Texas School districts that have purchased Cscope have posted the followingMemo in defense of Cscope.  One portion states the following….


Does CSCOPE Promote Islam?

Absolutely not. This misunderstanding is based on lesson content that has been taken completely out of context. CSCOPE teaches the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) which are adopted by the 15 members of the SBOE. A number of the TEKS call for students to learn about and compare the various world religions. One of the religions addressed is Islam, and there is a lesson on the founding principles and history of the religion; just as there are lessons for Christianity, Judaism, and other major world religions. One part of the lesson on the basic tenets of Islam has been presented as what students are to learn about all religions, when in fact it simply describes what Muslims believe and what Islam teaches. (The lesson mentioned here is above with the powerpoint. Reminder this is the lesson calling for the teacher to hand out verses of the Qu’ran.)




Following are more examples of Cscope’s Pro Islamic content!

1) The following is from a Kindergarten lesson working to have children sympathizing with Muslim/Islam  from Kindergarten and it continues through out the upper grades. 

2) Kindergarten- Suggested book to read aloud to class….Salaam: a Muslim American boy’s story by Tricia Brown

3) 1st Grade. Lesson on Clara Barton….

The Red Crescent
The Red Crescent emblem was first used by ICRC volunteers during the armed conflict between Russia and Turkey
(1877–1878). The symbol was officially adopted in 1929, and so far 25 Islamic states have recognized it.
Originally, only the Red Cross was to be used as an emblem of the Geneva Conventions, but because it reminded
Muslims of the Crusaders, most of the Muslim nations (primarily the Ottoman Empire, later Turkey) objected to this, and
as a result an additional emblem (the Red Crescent) was to be provided for.
Though the crescent is traditionally associated with Islam, the Red Crescent is a color reversal of the Ottoman flag, which
was later adapted into the modern flag of Turkey, except that the Red Crescent does not have a star and is usually
centered on its white ground.
Iran also adopted the Red Crescent in 1980 after abandoning the Red Lion and Sun.

4) In a Six Grade Cscope lesson it has the students chart Ibn Battuta’s pilgrimage to Mecca & Medina. 


5) Within one of Cscope’s “Instructional Focus Documents” which gives direction to the Teacher on presenting the TEKS to students we find the following…..  Notice the 2nd bulleted point 2 it states “Qu’ran forbade forced Conversions so Muslims also allowed conquered people to retain their own religions“. 



Nowhere in Cscope does it point out the persecutions that have and are taking place across the Middle East in the name of Islam. The following verses of the Qu’ran are not given to Texas Students to interpret. Cscope portrays Islam as just another peaceful religion. 

Qur’an 9:29-Fight against Christians and Jews ”until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.”

Qur’an 4:91- If the unbelievers do not offer you peace, kill them wherever you find them. Against such you are given clear warrant.

. Qur’an 9:7-9-Don’t make treaties with non-Muslims. They are all evildoers and should not be trusted.

Qur’an 9:12-14-Fight the disbelievers! Allah is on your side; he will give you victory.

. Qur’an 9:5 Kill the nonbelievers wherever you find them.

Qur’an 2:191-2-Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.

Qur’an (5:51) – ”O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.”

Qur’an (2:65-66) Christians and Jews must believe what Allah has revealed to Muhammad or Allah will disfigure their faces or turn them into apes, as he did the Sabbath-breakers.

Qur’an (4:48, 4:116)-Those who ascribe a partner to Allah (like Christians do with Jesus and the Holy Spirit) will not be forgiven. They have “invented a tremendous sin.”

Qur’an (4:51)-Jews and Christians believe in idols and false deities, yet they claim to be more rightly guided than Muslims.

Qur’an (5:51) Don’t take Jews or Christians for friends. If you do, then Allah will consider you to be one of them.

Qur’an (5:80) – “You will see many of them befriending those who disbelieve; certainly evil is that which their souls have sent before for them, that Allah became displeased with them and in chastisement shall they abide.” Those Muslims who befriend unbelievers will abide in hell.

Qur’an (3:85) – ”And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.”

. Qur’an 9:6-Those who submit and convert to Islam will be treated well. (Those who don’t submit will be killed. See previous verse.)

Qur’an 5:53 Jews and Christians are losers.

Qur’an 5:59 Jews and Christians are evil-livers.

Qur’an 5:63 Evil is the handiwork of the rabbis and priests.

Qur’an 5:72 Christians will be burned in the Fire.


6) Cscope, Islam, Women and Sex


7) Cscope World History Islamic Propaganda-1

8) 6th Grade Lesson…. Islam Misconception that needs clarifying… ????

“Christianity and Islam are so similar lets not be deceived. This is the idea that Cscope hopes to portray. Islam


9) Cscope says “Allah is the Only God”



10) The Middle East Lesson the lesson states the following…”Also, the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism is having an enormous impact as it recruits terrorists to free all oppressed Islamic people to carry out the Jihad.“


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CSCOPE, Texas’ Progressive,  Marxist, Pro Communist, and Pro Islamic Curriculum used in over 70% of Texas Schools never fails to disappoint in their intent to indoctrinate our children. Below you will find a question on a 2nd grade Assessment test on good citizenship with Obama being one of the choices. When did you job/position make you a good citizen?

My home schooled college graduate adult children could and did spot a liberal professor’s slant in course work and testing and would follow along for the sake of the grade. Can you expect a 2nd grader to have the same level of objective thinking, of course not. If I still had a 2nd grader at home they would know Obama is not a good citizen and would not have circled him……and would have gotten the question wrong?

What is it about Obama that makes him a good citizen in Cscope’s eyes?


Is it his?:

1)Taking an Oath to Protect and Defend our Constitution and continuing to assault it and see it as an obstacle to his ambitious agenda of “Transforming America” into a Socialist, Marxist Society.
2)The hypocritical way that he flaunts his extravagant lifestyle while he ask Americans to tighten their belt.
3)Promises Transparency and Honesty and delivers deception and lies
4)Promotes Class Warfare
5)Race baiting
6)Demonize’s political opposition by using the media
7)Rewards our Enemies with Fighter jets and money and snubs our allies and talks about them behind their back.
8)Refusing to allow the survivors of Benghazi to tell their story.
9) Continually blaming his predecessor for his inability to achieve success.
10)Continuing to appoint the most controversial figures to positions of power baiting the political opposition into a fight.


I could fill up the whole article with the failures and bad citizenship of this President…he should get an award!





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Vulgar Cscope Teacher in Lumberton ISD

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Texas Teacher Wears “Vote Obama” Shirt at Lumberton ISD and Posts Vulgar, Anti-

Christian/GOP/Fox News Pics on Twitter – Uses CSCOPE




During the November 2012 election, several students claim that Lumberton High School teacher Michelle Champagne paraded around the high school wearing a shirt with a picture of Barack Obama and “Vote Obama” written above the picture. This Texas teacher also has vulgar, anti-Christian, anti-Republican, anti-Fox News, anti-Rick Perry messages and pictures posted openly on her Twitter page and says her fellow Lumberton residents “cling to guns and Bibles.” One tweet on her Twitter Page even refers to a Christian Cross as a Swastika! It is no surprise that this teacher also says she relies heavily on the flawed CSCOPE curriculum!

The recent Lumberton ISD Muslim Burqa Lesson and CSCOPE curriculum controversy has apparently encouraged other students and parents to speak out about things that have happened in Lumberton schools. Over the past month I have been contacted about all kinds of incidents, including this one. Parents in other cities are also standing up and speaking out. Just today I saw that a parent in Flour Bluff, TX exposed a CSCOPE approved supplement lesson that blamed the 9/11 terrorist attack on America.
I 100% believe that the Lumberton School Board and Lumberton Administration are NOT trying to push liberalism on any children. I also believe that most of the teachers in Lumberton are awesome! I do believe however that there ARE some liberal teachers who DO try to influence students with liberal ideas, even here in predominantly conservative East Texas. I also believe that, even if not intentional on the part of the school, the CSCOPE curriculum does try to negatively influence students. Thankfully, LISD has created a committee to look into replacing CSCOPE.
Lumberton Teacher Wears “Vote Obama” Shirt to School
Last week I got a call from a student who said that, during the November 2012 election, Lumberton High School teacher Michelle Champagne paraded around the high school wearing a shirt with a picture of Barack Obama and “Vote Obama” written above the picture. This allegation was backed up by other students who saw her wearing the shirt. Even after at least one student and the student’s parents complained to the school about this shirt, the teacher still wore the shirt to Lumberton High School, according to the complaining student and parent. It is not known what action, if any, was taken against the teacher for wearing the shirt.
The Burqa incident might have been as an honest mistake not meant to push anything onto the students, but there is nothing innocent about a teacher wearing a shirt to the high school that says “Vote Obama.” This shirt in my opinion, is clearly an attempt of an authority figure to push a liberal person and ideas onto impressionable students at Lumberton High School. A teacher with a shirt with “vote” written on it would be fine at a school to encourage students to get involved. I would even be fine with a shirt that just had a picture of Obama on it. But a teacher wearing a shirt that has the words “Vote Obama” is clearly crossing the line. Students wearing religious or political shirts are ok because it is student led. A teacher is in a position of authority over impressionable students who are there to learn from the teacher, so teachers are NOT allowed to wear these kinds of things.

It is interesting to note that on Michelle Champagne’s LISD Teacher Webpage,she says that the students in her class only do CSCOPE for the first 9 weeks!

This Lumberton Texas teacher labels herself as a LIBERAL TEACHER on TWITTER and has VULGAR anti-Republican pictures and messages on her Twitter
Just in case you want to try to argue that this teacher is not a liberal who, in my opinion, wants to push radical ideas onto the students in Lumberton, go check out this teacher’s past public twitter posts.
The following are some of the past tweets on Lumberton Teacher Michelle Champagne’s twitter account. These past tweets on her account have been archived at because she has now deleted her twitter page
Michelle Champagne’s Twitter Description:
Lumberton, Texas – Liberal Texas school teacher surrounded by people who cling to their guns and Bibles…


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Cscope & Common Core

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CSCOPE Curriculum Designer Employed by CCSSO Partner to Aid in Implementing

Common Core

Grant Wiggins CSCOPE and Common Core Developer

Posted on March 19, 2013 By Danette Clark

Grant Wiggins, one of eight designers of curriculum, standards and instruction of the pro-communist Texas CSCOPE curriculum, also provides professional development to aid educators in implementing the national Common Core State Standards. Pearson, the education service company widely known for publishing textbooks, has partnered with the Council of Chief State School Officers in providing training and other resources to states implementing Common Core.

Pearson is the company who helps create, prints, and scores the Texas State STAAR tests. This company also publishes booklets to help students study for the STAAR tests. These should be good booklets since Pearson knows exactly what is on the STAAR tests. UUM! Do you think this might be a conflict of interest? No more than Pat Hardy, State Board of Education member who reviews the STAAR tests and promotes CSCOPE, stating that the CSCOPE assessments and STAAR tests are similar in type. Comment by Janice 

Through the ‘Pearson Common Core Institute’, Wiggins provides instruction via several Pearson Common Core webinar videos. In one such webinar, Wiggins discusses “how issues of backward transfer relate to the Common Core”.

Why does the Texas SBOE give Pearson contracts to print GED material, all the STAARs, and then Texas allowed Pearson to purchase Texas online virtual education?

Pearson also supports TASA (Texas Association of School Administrators) who are working to implement common core into Texas schools. 

‘Backward transfer’ (also commonly referred to as ‘backward design’ or ‘planning backwards’) is part of the Understanding by Design® framework for curriculum, assessment, and learning created by Wiggins and co-author, Jay McTighe, also a designer of CSCOPE.

As explained here and here, the Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) is the progressive education reform movement behind both CSCOPE and Common Core. Grant Wiggins has worked with the Coalition of Essential Schools for many years, studying CES method and pedagogy, and incorporating them into the creation of his own curriculum and instruction design for use in CES schools. A staple of the CES reform model has long been the use of ’essential questions’ in identifying desired results of teacher instruction.

Stage one of Wiggins and McTighe’s backward design process is identifying essential questions.

In 2011 and 2012, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) partnered with ASCD (the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) to hold statewide summits in several states on the implementation of Common Core. Wiggins and McTighe’s Understanding by Design® was originally published by ASCD. Read about Texas ASCD’s involvement with the Coalition of Essential Schools and CSCOPE here and here. Also, read more about Wiggins and others behind the Coalition of Essential Schools at Name Names — The People Behind the Largest Progressive Indoctrination Movement in the U.S.


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Thank the grassroots for their hard work and involvement across the state. News today is two school districts in Texas are trashing Cscope. These districts are Lumberton ISD and Prosper ISD. Read the article below from David Bellow in regard to  Lumberton ISD which is the school that had the students dress in Burqas. 



Lumberton ISD Looks to Replace Flawed CSCOPE Curriculum. Thanks LISD! Other

         Schools Should Follow

From the moment I first brought up the flawed Texas CSCOPE curriculum to the Lumberton School Board over two months ago, and through the national controversy over the Lumberton Muslim Burqa School Lesson a month ago, I never once blamed the Lumberton ISD School Board. They, like most people, did not realize the massive problems with CSCOPE. I personally know some of the board members and I know they are Christian Conservatives who would have never allowed CSCOPE at LISD if they would have known the secret problems within CSCOPE (pro communist lessons, incorrect answers, lack of transparency, bias against Christianity, calling Boston Tea Party Patriots Terrorists like 9/11 Terrorists).

Sometimes though, change is hard to get unless you really stir things up and expose enough problems. Although I did not blame the board, what I did do (via writing articles and contacting the school board) is I helped show the board, and the Lumberton community, that CSCOPE is very bad, and then pleaded with the board to take action.

I am very excited to say that the Lumberton School Board has listened andthey have formed a committee to examine how CSCOPE can be replaced at Lumberton ISD.

The Lumberton curriculum committee is to be made up of district employees, parents and other community members, and it will present its findings to the administration and board by the June school board meeting.

I encourage other parents and taxpayers in other Texas communities to do the same thing. Go to your local school board meetings, speak to the board and plead with them to stop using CSCOPE because of all of the problems. Then take it further, get a group together and start speaking louder. They might not listen to one voter, but they will listen when a group of voters starts demanding they do away with CSCOPE.

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BY E. W. BURT — 3.18.13


March 15, 2013 – Sent from E. W. Burt, Business/Marketing Teacher, Blanket ISD:
CSCOPE Study – Compiled by 9th Grade Business Class, Blanket ISD, Blanket, Texas
My business class asked me what CSCOPE is and if it works. I told them, “Let’s find out if schools that use CSCOPE score better or worse compared to schools that do not use it.”
To this end, we took a list of CSCOPE schools and a list of STAAR/End-of-Course scores (2011-12 School Year) from public schools statewide.  Each class member took a portion of the more than 1,000 Texas public schools and recorded the STAAR/EOC test results on a spreadsheet.  We compared Algebra I, Biology I, English Writing 1, and Geography. Here is what we found:
Percent of test takers scoring unacceptable on STAAR/EOC tests –

Algebra I
   CSCOPE                   20.35%      
   Non- CSCOPE         13.74%  
48% more CSCOPE students scored unsatisfactory than Non-CSCOPE 

Biology I
     CSCOPE                14.86%      
     Non- CSCOPE       10.50%
42% more CSCOPE students scored unsatisfactory than Non-CSCOPE 

English Writing I
     CSCOPE                  46.30%    
     Non- CSCOPE       39.48% 
19.57% more CSCOPE students scored unsatisfactory than Non-CSCOPE

     CSCOPE                 23.30%    
      Non- CSCOPE      17.78%
37.06%  more CSCOPE students scored unsatisfactory than Non-CSCOPE

Average 36.67% higher unsatisfactory rate among CSCOPE students on all tests 

*Over 950 Texas ISDs surveyed 

Data from

E. W. Burt, Business/ Marketing teacher
Freshman Business Class, Blanket ISD

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Are Texans Funding our own demise using our children to do it? 

By Donna Garner

The following data shows that 7 Texas school districts (chosen at random out of 1,032) have sent TASA and TASB more than $1.2 Million of local taxpayers’ dollars over 17 calendar months (Texas Association of School Administrators/Texas Association of School Boards).


TASA says its iCLOUD curriculum is free; but in actuality, we taxpayers have footed the bill for this “free” curriculum. (Please read “Shark Attack…Just When We Thought It Was Safe…TASA iCLOUD” posted at the bottom of this page.)

*Local taxpayers’ dollars sent to Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) and Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) from 9/1/11 through 1/31/13 for the following 7 school districts:





Coppell ISD $125,959 
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD $38,636 
Decatur ISD $39,713 
Judson ISD $72,630 
Irving ISD $923,013 
Marlin ISD $15,186 
Willis ISD $1,038 


*Thanks to Tom Fabry for compiling this TASA/TASB data obtained through Public Information Requests by Texas citizens –




“Shark Attack…Just When We Thought It Was Safe…TASA iCloud”

by Donna Garner



At a time when we Texas grassroots citizens have finally been able to uncover CSCOPE to show what a disastrous impact it is having on our Texas school children, and the Texas Legislature is on the cusp of passing legislation that will put CSCOPE under the purview of the elected members of the Texas State Board of Education, we learn of yet another “shark attack.”

TASA (Texas Association of School Administrators, affiliated with the American Association of School Administrators) announced recently that it is now offering free iCloud course content in English / Language Arts / Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Math (3.5.13 – ).


This TASA iCloud curriculum, the same as the CSCOPE curriculum, has not undergone the public scrutiny of the elected members of the Texas State Board of Education.  It is in those SBOE public hearings that evaluators document factual errors, the SBOE members create a list of errors that must be corrected, and publishers are fined for any errors they allow into the textbooks.


TASA iCloud curriculum has never been evaluated through the public adoption process, and the chances are very high that the curriculum found in its iCloud lessons will be similar to the Type #2 indoctrination found in the CSCOPE lessons. (To see the definitions of Type #1 and Type #2, please go to: ).

How can I make such an assertion?

FACT #1:

On Feb. 21-23, 2013, members of Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA – affiliated with the American Association of School Administrators) went to Los Angeles to the national conference where they were indoctrinated by Key Note Speaker Linda Darling-Hammond into the Common Core Standards – ( and ( ).


Linda Darling-Hammond is closely linked to Obama, Bill Ayers, and Arne Duncan – all of whom are behind Common Core Standards which is the takeover of the public schools by the federal government.  Some 45 states (and D. C.) have committed to the Common Core Standards Initiative which will force local schools to adopt national standards, national curriculum, national assessments, national teacher evaluations, and a national database with personally intrusive information to be shared with federal agencies. Texas is one of the few states that has said “No” to Common Core Standards.


What organizations have led the way to try to get rid of the “measuring stick” of the Type #1 STAAR/End-of-Course tests?  TASA and TASB…


Without the measuring stick used at the end of each school year/course, how will we in the public be able to prove that our school students have been “pulled up” to Type #1 (new TEKS and new STAAR/EOC’s) rather than “dumbed down” by Type #2?


If the Texas Legislature does away with the New Plan to require students in Grades 3 – 11 to take the Type #1 STAAR/EOC’s to show they have gained the pre-requisite skills necessary to be successful in the next grade level/course, how will parents and the public ever know whether TASA iCLOUD, regular public schools, charter schools, CSCOPE, Turkish Gulen Harmony Charter Schools, dual-credit courses, Texas Virtual Academy, online learning, Advanced Placement courses, International Baccalaureate programs, Web 2.0 Tools, and Safari Montage are actually moving our school children into Type #1?


One of my main objections to Rep. Aycock’s bill (HB 5 – ) and to Sen. Dan Patrick’s bill (SB 3 – ), among other egregious changes, is that the number of end-of-course tests that all students will have to pass is being dumbed down.  As an experienced Texas public school teacher, I can almost guarantee that any grade level or course that does not hold both teachers and students accountable on the new Type #1 STAAR/EOC’s will mean that those teachers will keep right on teaching their same Type #2 curriculum units.


It seems that two of the EOC tests being dropped for graduation are in World History and World Geography. Those are the two courses in which the world’s major religions are taught.  It is in those two courses that the most Type #2 indoctrination is occurring right now through the pro-Muslim/anti-Christian, anti-Judeo lessons that are in CSCOPE and most likely  in TASA’s iCloud lessons.  Without the new Type #1 STAAR/EOC’s, particularly in World History and World Geography, how will we ever prove that our Texas students are being taught Type #1 instead of Type #2?


To prove how important those STAAR/EOC’s at the end of each grade level/course really are, how did the public discover that CSCOPE students did very poorly on the STAAR/EOC tests
(2011-12 school year)?  High-school business teacher E. W. Burt and his students documented this by comparing the CSCOPE schools to the grade level/course STAAR/EOC test results (3.18.13 — “CSCOPE Schools Do Much Worse on STAAR/EOC’s” by E. W. Burt — ).


A similar result was seen in Irving ISD.  Please read:  “CSCOPE: Irving ISD Did Poorly on STAAR/EOC Tests – What If Lost Measuring Stick?” by Donna Garner –


FACT #2: 


To join TASA a person must have a Texas administrator’s certificate and must serve as an administrator in public/county/private/college/university or teach ed-prep courses.


The more the person makes in salary, the higher the membership dues (four tenths of one percent of a member’s gross annual salary).  The higher the membership dues, the more local taxpayers’ have to pay to fund these administrators’ dues, conferences, and conventions ( ).


TASA and its “joined-at-the-hip organization” TASB (Texas Association of School Boards) use our tax dollars to hire lobbyists to go to Austin to lobby us for higher school taxes. School districts also use our tax dollars to pay for school board members’ TASB expenses. In essence, we taxpayers are paying to lobby ourselves!


Why should TASA/TASB live off our tax dollars?  Classroom teachers have to pay for their own teacher organization dues and conventions if they choose to participate.  If administrators and school board members want to join TASA/TASB, that should be entirely up to them.


Please ask your Texas Legislators to pass a bill during this legislative session that requires public school administrators and school boards to participate (if they so choose) in TASA/TASB by using their own personal dollars and not by using our taxpayers’ dollars.








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Gov Perry, Dewhurst, Abbott where are you on Cscope?

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cscope curriculum


Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~Vladimir Lenin

One would never imagine that for the last seven years students all across the state of Texas have been indoctrinated with a pro communist, pro Islamic curriculum called CSCOPE.  Here is a list of Cscope School districts in Texas.  Why are our representatives so quiet on the subject? Do our children matter? Does our Freedom matter?  I personally met with LT Gov. Dewhurst and showed him some of the curriculum within Cscope. Thankfully he led the Senate Education Committee into holding a Hearing on Cscope. 

At this time it doesn’t look like the legislative session will be able to shut Cscope down. Having the SBOE review lessons does not fix the fact that Cscope is based on a Marxist Ideology where absolute truth is not taught and everything is relative. The Csope Assessments have nothing to do with the lessons that are given and children are frustrated and not doing well. How sad for their self esteem.  At this moment I am with Glenn Beck, take your kids our of the Public School system and home school them. Our Public School system has become nothing but one bureaucratic mess where administrators are concerned with their pocket books and indoctrinating our children. 

Governor Perry, Lt Gov Dewhurst & Attorney General Greg Abbott where are you on

CSCOPE? We conservatives and the tea party want to know! We want to hear from


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CSCOPE: Exposing The New Marxist Public School Curriculum

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Conservative Mom





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The liberal strategy for indoctrinating children is rather simple: it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.   They teach revisionist history and Marxist ideology, make up excuses and promise “we’ll look into it” when the initial outrage arises, and then move right along as the protests die down.  Even if they’re stopped temporarily, they never give up.

Under the Obama administration’s “Common Core” education takeover, Marxist curriculums like CSCOPE are being implemented across the country.  Here are some of the lessons being taught to your children:

1. Islam is awesome

In a unit of high school world history, the online material students are given is essentially a paean to the greatness of Islam and its founder, Mohammed.

One portion involves open-ended discussion of the merits of the hijab — the face and body covering worn by many Muslim women (and under threat of arrest in Saudi Arabia and Iran). Perhaps high school students think the hijab is “freeing because it prevents others from making them into sexual objects.” Or perhaps they think the hijab suggests that “women need to be obscured so as not to arouse male desire.” Either way, it’s fine.

The widespread and ordinary mistreatment of women in Islamic countries — particularly Arab ones — is ignored. Texas high schoolers don’t learn, for example, that Jordan and other Islamic kingdoms have laws that pardon rapists if an arrangement can be reached for rapists and their victims to get married.

2. Christianity is a cult

Another portion of the materials on Islam lists several specific lessons that Muslims take from the example of Islam’s founder, such as “Be respectful of other religions.” Strangely, there does not appear to be any such lesson focused on, say, Moses or Jesus Christ.

Instead, the materials in another world history lesson inform students that Christianity is a cult that parallels the death and resurrection in the story of Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead. The same material takes pains to point out that early Christians were accused of incest, cannibalism and other atrocities.

3. Communism is awesome

An illustration in a CSCOPE high school world history handout shows a figure with a trekking pole climbing steps made out of money. A chart immediately to the right concerns “big ideas” in 18th- and 19th-century economic thinking. At the bottom of the chart is free-market capitalism, where “all people strive to fulfill their own needs and wants,” and where government control and planning are low.

In the middle is socialism, where “the big things” in society (e.g., “telephones, roads, airports”) are “owned by the people.” “Can you think of other big stuff that should be covered?” the chart asks. (Note the loaded verb, “should.”)

At the top of the chart is communism, which the CSCOPE creators innocuously describe as “the idea of living together in a ‘commune’ where all people work together for everyone.” The chart manages to insult the Marxist vision of communism as well, by suggesting that government control and planning is highest under the system.

There is no mention of the nearly 100 million people who died in the 20th century under various self-described communist regimes around the world.

4. Hey kids! Let’s make communist flags

“Imagine a new socialist nation is creating a flag and you have been put in charge of creating a flag,” read the instructions from an activity that directs sixth graders to design a socialist or communist flag. “Use symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism on your flag.”

In the same lesson, students are also instructed that socialist utopian Robert Owen wanted to “give every child born into the world an equal chance to live and grow and to lead a happy life.”

No mention is made of the two socialist utopias Owen attempted to create, or how they ended up disastrously failed and disease-ridden.

5. The Boston Tea Party was a terrorist attack

A CSCOPE high school world history lesson plan -schools-teach-boston-tea-party-as-act-of-terrorism/”>depicts the Boston Tea Party, the famous protest against taxation without representation, as an act of terrorism.

“A local militia, believed to be a terrorist organization, attacked the property of private citizens today at our nation’s busiest port,” the part of the curriculum pertaining to the Boston Tea Party reads. “Although no one was injured in the attack, a large quantity of merchandise, considered to be valuable to its owners and loathsome to the perpetrators, was destroyed. The terrorists, dressed in disguise and apparently intoxicated, were able to escape into the night with the help of local citizens who harbor these fugitives and conceal their identities from the authorities.”

Read more at the Daily Caller

The seeds have already been in a child’s mind, whether or not a parent objects with the material and tries to explain the truth to their child later.  The child cannot unsee or unhear what he has been taught.  He’s now trying to decide who to believe: mom and dad, or the teacher.  Unfortunately, most students eventually begin to agree with the material being taught.  Why?  Because they are told that the older, “unenlightened” generation (i.e., parent) is probably too “close-minded” or doesn’t have all the facts of “new discoveries,” but they’re the young ones who know better.   Nothing like stroking an ignorant kid’s ego to get him to swallow the bait.

Historian David Barton Breaks Down CSCOPE on the Glenn Beck show:

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Tiffany Gabbay reports at The Blaze:

To glean greater insight, Glenn Beck invited special guests David Barton and Pat Gray, along with teachers Mary Bowen, Stan Hartzler and Texas State Sen. Dan Patrick to discuss what is truly going on within their state’s education system.

Barton explained that CSCOPE is referred to as “instructional material” and not “curriculum,” therefore is not subject to regulation by the State Board of Education. The historian also brought in artifacts of Texas public school curriculum to showcase just how different it is today and to mark, year-by-year, the increasing application of political correctness in lesson plans.

Using a chart, Barton documented and mapped out core CSCOPE material, which eliminates national values, Americanism or rather, American exceptionalism, the study of federalism and majority rule (the core of our constitution) along with patriotic symbols like the Liberty Bell. Christopher Columbus, Rosh Hashanah and Christmas are all relegated to the dustbin along with American military history. Equality and a belief in justice is replaced by “fairness” and instruction on American propaganda and imperialism.

Disturbingly, Beck and Barton noted that the worst is yet to come. Showcasing a lesson plan for grades 1-3, Barton revealed CSCOPE’s list of “heroes,” which comprises a dozen secular progressives and only three conservatives or political moderates.

 According to a previous report from TheBlaze, teachers complained that they were expected to deliver the curriculum verbatim and only on days allotted by the CSCOPE lesson plan. Even if students were unable to absorb the lesson, teachers were allegedly directed to progress to the next lesson regardless. TheBlaze also reported that teachers were “asked to sign a contract that would prevent them from revealing what was in the CSCOPE lessons or face civil and criminal penalties.”

Read more at The Blaze

What Teachers and Parents Can Do To Fight CSCOPE:

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Cscope poses National Security Threat?

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Alice Linahan with Women on the Wall poses a question to Robert Spencer of about the possible National Security Threat posed by Obama’s  Common Core Education Standards  and Texas’s Progressive Curriculum CSCOPE.

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