Cscope, Pro Islam?

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communist cscope

Those responsible for Cscope are the Directors of the 20 Texas Education Service Centers in Texas.  They formed a non-profit within a state agency with taxpayers money but have failed to release lessons or financials to the public. That alone should be cause for alarm among Texas parents, pastors and taxpayers across the state.


After researching Cscope for over a year you can take my word for it. Cscope is pro Islamic despite State Csocpe Director, Wade Labay’s attempt to cover this up.  I originally found this Islamic Powerpoint along with this corresponding lesson that instructs  the teacher to hand out verses of the Quran to the students. I personally showed this to Cscope Director Wade Labay in January/2012 which you can hear him deny it’s existence within Cscope though he had the powerpoint removed 3 days later.

Texas State Cscope Director Wade Labay



Numerous Texas School districts that have purchased Cscope have posted the following Memo in defense of Cscope.  One portion states the following….


Does CSCOPE Promote Islam?

 Absolutely not. This misunderstanding is based on lesson content that has been taken completely out of context. CSCOPE teaches the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) which are adopted by the 15 members of the SBOE. A number of the TEKS call for students to learn about and compare the various world religions. One of the religions addressed is Islam, and there is a lesson on the founding principles and history of the religion; just as there are lessons for Christianity, Judaism, and other major world religions. One part of the lesson on the basic tenets of Islam has been presented as what students are to learn about all religions, when in fact it simply describes what Muslims believe and what Islam teaches. (The lesson mentioned here is above with the powerpoint. Reminder this is the lesson calling for the teacher to hand out verses of the Qu’ran.)




Following are more examples of Cscope’s Pro Islamic content!

1) The following is from a Kindergarten lesson working to have children sympathizing with Muslim/Islam  from Kindergarten and it continues through out the upper grades. 

2) Kindergarten– Suggested book to read aloud to class….Salaam: a Muslim American boy’s story by Tricia Brown

3) 1st Grade. Lesson on Clara Barton….

The Red Crescent
The Red Crescent emblem was first used by ICRC volunteers during the armed conflict between Russia and Turkey
(1877–1878). The symbol was officially adopted in 1929, and so far 25 Islamic states have recognized it.
Originally, only the Red Cross was to be used as an emblem of the Geneva Conventions, but because it reminded
Muslims of the Crusaders, most of the Muslim nations (primarily the Ottoman Empire, later Turkey) objected to this, and
as a result an additional emblem (the Red Crescent) was to be provided for.
Though the crescent is traditionally associated with Islam, the Red Crescent is a color reversal of the Ottoman flag, which
was later adapted into the modern flag of Turkey, except that the Red Crescent does not have a star and is usually
centered on its white ground.
Iran also adopted the Red Crescent in 1980 after abandoning the Red Lion and Sun.

4) In a Six Grade Cscope lesson it has the students chart Ibn Battuta’s pilgrimage to Mecca & Medina. 


5) Within one of Cscope’s “Instructional Focus Documents” which gives direction to the Teacher on presenting the TEKS to students we find the following…..  Notice the 2nd bulleted point 2 it states “Qu’ran forbade forced Conversions so Muslims also allowed conquered people to retain their own religions“. 



Nowhere in Cscope does it point out the persecutions that have and are taking place across the Middle East in the name of Islam. The following verses of the Qu’ran are not given to Texas Students to interpret. Cscope portrays Islam as just another peaceful religion. 

Qur’an 9:29-Fight against Christians and Jews ”until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.”

Qur’an 4:91- If the unbelievers do not offer you peace, kill them wherever you find them. Against such you are given clear warrant.

. Qur’an 9:7-9-Don’t make treaties with non-Muslims. They are all evildoers and should not be trusted.

Qur’an 9:12-14-Fight the disbelievers! Allah is on your side; he will give you victory.

. Qur’an 9:5 Kill the nonbelievers wherever you find them.

Qur’an 2:191-2-Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.

Qur’an (5:51) – ”O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.”

Qur’an (2:65-66) Christians and Jews must believe what Allah has revealed to Muhammad or Allah will disfigure their faces or turn them into apes, as he did the Sabbath-breakers.

Qur’an (4:48, 4:116)-Those who ascribe a partner to Allah (like Christians do with Jesus and the Holy Spirit) will not be forgiven. They have “invented a tremendous sin.”

Qur’an (4:51)-Jews and Christians believe in idols and false deities, yet they claim to be more rightly guided than Muslims.

Qur’an (5:51) Don’t take Jews or Christians for friends. If you do, then Allah will consider you to be one of them.

Qur’an (5:80) – “You will see many of them befriending those who disbelieve; certainly evil is that which their souls have sent before for them, that Allah became displeased with them and in chastisement shall they abide.” Those Muslims who befriend unbelievers will abide in hell.

Qur’an (3:85) – ”And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.”

. Qur’an 9:6-Those who submit and convert to Islam will be treated well. (Those who don’t submit will be killed. See previous verse.)

Qur’an 5:53 Jews and Christians are losers.

Qur’an 5:59 Jews and Christians are evil-livers.

Qur’an 5:63 Evil is the handiwork of the rabbis and priests.

Qur’an 5:72 Christians will be burned in the Fire.


6) Cscope, Islam, Women and Sex


7) Cscope World History Islamic Propaganda-1

8) 6th Grade Lesson…. Islam Misconception that needs clarifying… ????

“Christianity and Islam are so similar lets not be deceived. This is the idea that Cscope hopes to portray. Islam


9) Cscope says “Allah is the Only God”



10) The Middle East Lesson the lesson states the following…”Also, the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism is having an enormous impact as it recruits terrorists to free all oppressed Islamic people to carry out the Jihad.


communist cscope



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But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”  MATTHEW 19:14





Wichita Falls, Texas mother Eileen Levy is concerned that someday her little girl willl come to her in church and say that their pastor had it all wrong about who God was, according to Ms. Levy. Ms. Levy is concerned she will have to then ask her little girl where she got that information.

“Because in school I learned Allah is God! Our preacher is wrong!” her daughter might say to her.

Understandably concerned about what she has heard about the CSCOPE curriculum, Ms. Levy did some investigating and has now become concerned that when her daughter enters the school system she will be taught that Allah is God and reject her own church’s teachings because of the public school curriculum called CSCOPE.


This North Texas community of 105,000 has been rocked as word has spread of some of the secret content of this teaching program. Often referred to as a link in the Bible Belt, and with many churches available the idea that doctrines are being taught in the public schools that undermines what their churches teach is causing quite a stir in this normally peaceful city.


A conscientious parent, Ms. Levy took the next step and tried to find out about this mysterious creature called CSCOPE. What she found was beyond her worst fears.


This public school curriculum which the Wichita Falls School Board has approved for our children explains what the Koran is and how a student may convert from her family’s religion to Islam, according to Ms. Levy.


There is also a passage where students have been taught in recent years that the patriots of the American Revolution were “terrorists” and not patriots at all.




Ms.Levy has done some checking around and found out the City View School District rejected CSCOPE from its curriculum.


In defense of the Wichita Falls School Board, Ms. Levy said she believes they took the word of the school administration when they rubber-stamped approval of the CSCOPE curriculum without actually reading it contents.


Ms. Levy is not the type of parent to sit idly by and led the bureaucracy roll over her and her children’s education. She wrote a letter to the Wichita Falls Times Record News newspaper which was published in the Wednesday, March 13 edition (yesterday).


Her letter is under the heading “Just say no”. It’s an interesting read on page 4B of the paper if a person still has it handy.


Ms. Levy also discovered that Governor Rick Perry has refused to sign off on documents which would approve CSCOPE as a part of the school curriculum for students in Texas. She said that instead some school superintendents in the North Texas area avoided the Governor and implemented the plan on their own authority.


Ms. Levy says scores of students in Wichita Falls schools have fallen since the implementation of this creature called CSCOPE. In her letter she says in pertinent part, “The fact that there are admittedly, major flaws in CSCOPE (as test scores reflect, among other things) requires you to show leadership and look elsewhere for a better program for our children. I urge the WFISD School Board to vote against the renewal of CSCOPE. Just say ‘Nope’ to CSCOPE is how she finishes her letter.”


Yet another article in yesterday’s Wichita Falls Times Record News newspaper bannered across the top of page one reads as follow: “MSU doesn’t train for CSCOPE.”


In the article Ann Works quotes Matthew Capps, dean of Midwestern State University’s West College of Education as saying, “MSU education professors aren’t talking to their students about CSCOPE’s inadequate delivery style or its limitations because, like Capps, they stilll haven’t seen the online curriculum and don’t have any information about it.”


The people behind CSCOPE have so far been successful in keeping a blanket of secrecy covering their creation. Capps also said, “When CSCOPE first started we wanted access. There wasn’t an avenue at that time, and there still isn’t.”


This front page article from yesterday’s paper is also worthy of being read for thos who want to find out more about CSCOPE.


Ms. Levy is generous enough to provide information regarding CSCOPE to anyone who wants to contact her at 940-631-7732. She is urging concerned citizens to contact school board members and encourage them to vote against renewing the contract with CSCOPE this year.


It appears this will be a turbulent year for the education system in this strong Christian community which feels its values are under attack by its own school system.

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How Parents and Teachers can Stop Cscope

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By Tiffany Gabbay

The Blaze

On Thursday TheBlaze along with The Glenn Beck Program delved deeply into the controversial curriculum system sweeping Texas schools known as CSCOPE. From issuing gag orders on teachers to bar them from talking about lesson plans, to preventing parents from obtaining information about what their children are being taught, the way CSCOPE operates almost seems like a work of fiction. Disturbingly, it is not.

Following up on issues covered by his panel the night before, Beck on Friday discussed what teachers and parents can actually do to stop the effects of what’s being called an “oppressive” curriculum management system.

“The best thing is to educate yourself as a teacher on what it [CSCOPE] is,” Beck said. “As a parent, get your kids out of the public school system… Do not let another day go by with kids being indoctrinated.”

Historian and Texas native David Barton said parents should broach the subject with the curriculum directors of their children’s schools and engage the school superintendent.

“Teach kids what is right,” Barton said.

Barton and Pat Gray both said it’s important for parents and teachers to focus on their school boards and, more pointedly, the local election process, because citizens are most effective at the local level.

Barton explained that CSCOPE is operating outside of Texas, typically under the generic Common Core standards name and that there are variations of CSCOPE in other states.

The public education and traditional university system is “killing our ingenuity,” Beck said.

He noted that there have been many successful people, including famed CEOs and entrepreneurs, who did not go the route of traditional education. Beck qualified that wasn’t saying education is not important, but that the system by which it’s sometimes delivered can be inherently flawed.

“Don’t let go of education, but let go of the system,” Beck said. “You can think out of the box.”

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Texas Cscope Teachers Need Your Help!

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How sad that those who have dedicated their careers to teaching children and are now working under the fear and control of their school administrators. Why you may ask? Over 70% of the Texas School’s superintendents and school boards across the state have purchased and implemented a Marxist/Progressive curriculum called Cscope without public input or knowledge. Parents have not been allowed to see the lessons and students rarely bring home homework which eliminates parental involvement and and their awareness of the transformation taking place in their local schools. Cscope is patterned after the ideology of humanist Linda Darling Hammond, Fenwick English and Marxist Lev Vygotsky. Teachers across the state are afraid of losing their jobs if they speak out against Cscope but some have done so anonymously. Please read the following from a Teacher who is thanking the grassroots for speaking out.


Posted anonymously by an East Texas teacher after she read above article, “Most Amazing Senate Ed Hearing Ever”:I would like to say how much I deeply appreciate that someone is out there looking into CSCOPE! There are SO many teachers that deplore the “curriculum” but there is no way that many of us can publicly say anything against the “Bible” that has been handed to us. In some districts, I assure you, it has been referred to as the “Bible” for us to strictly adhere to – or else! 

I have been teaching for over 2 decades (headed to 3 – hopefully) and I have yet to see anything come through our Texas schools that has done more harm than this fluff. 

Every day that I have to go in and try to find a way to teach this and somehow still live with the knowledge that my students are not getting my best, I am thankful that my children have all graduated and will not have to suffer this travesty of the educational process. It is my grandchildren that I now worry about – as do their parents. 

I have witnessed several of my peers choose to retire rather than be forced to become a “trained monkey” as they were told that a trained monkey could teach these lessons and therefore they had no excuse for not following the “curriculum”. I still have a couple of years to go and I am hoping (and praying) that somehow I can make it without having to completely give up on the education of future Texas graduates. 

I am a proud Texan and I abhor the level that we have fallen to in our public schools. I am deeply saddened to have spent my entire adult life in the pursuit of education for myself and my students to watch it all fall by the wayside as I prepare for retirement. 

So, once again, I would like to thank you for the public scrutiny that you are placing on this failure that is being forced into our school and into the minds of our children.

For more information on Cscope go to

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Cscope: Exposing the Nations Most Controversial Public School Curriculum System

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the blaze


Editor for Glenn Beck’s The Blaze

In February, Texas announced that the state, along with the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum (TESCCC,) would enact major changes to the controversial curriculum management system dubbed CSCOPE. The system received a litany of complaints from faculty members and parents alike concerning its lack of transparency (parents were allegedly not permitted to review lesson-plans), lack of oversight from the State Board of Education, and for allegedly imposing oppressive working conditions for faculty members.

CSCOPE was created so that teachers could frame their year around teaching points required by the state. Lessons, which are written by CSCOPE staff and current and former teachers, can be updated and delivered online, making it more cost-effective than standard textbooks.

To note just how off-color some of the CSCOPE curriculum is, consider that the Texas CSCOPE Review, an independent watchdog group, uncovered an out-of-date, optional CSCOPE lesson-plan on terrorism — “World History Unit 12 Lesson 07″ — which allegedly likens the Boston Tea Party to “an act of terrorism.”

The system also recently asked students to design a flag for a new socialist nation.

To glean greater insight, Glenn Beck invited special guests David Barton and Pat Gray, along with teachers Mary Bowen, Stan Hartzler and Texas State Sen. Dan Patrick to discuss what is truly going on within their state’s education system.

Barton explained that CSCOPE is referred to as “instructional material” and not “curriculum,” therefore is not subject to regulation by the State Board of Education. The historian also brought in artifacts of Texas public school curriculum to showcase just how different it is today and to mark, year-by-year, the increasing application of political correctness in lesson plans.
Using a chart, Barton documented and mapped out core CSCOPE material, which eliminates national values, Americanism or rather, American exceptionalism, the study of federalism and majority rule (the core of our constitution) along with patriotic symbols like the Liberty Bell. Christopher Columbus, Rosh Hashanah and Christmas are all relegated to the dustbin along with American military history. Equality and a belief in justice is replaced by “fairness” and instruction on American propaganda and imperialism.

Disturbingly, Beck and Barton noted that the worst is yet to come. Showcasing a lesson plan for grades 1-3, Barton revealed CSCOPE’s list of “heroes,” which comprises a dozen secular progressives and only three conservatives or political moderates.

According to a previous report from TheBlaze, teachers complained that they were expected to deliver the curriculum verbatim and only on days allotted by the CSCOPE lesson plan. Even if students were unable to absorb the lesson, teachers were allegedly directed to progress to the next lesson regardless. TheBlaze also reported that teachers were “asked to sign a contract that would prevent them from revealing what was in the CSCOPE lessons or face civil and criminal penalties.”

The controversial program’s website states that CSCOPE is a comprehensive online curriculum management system developed and owned by the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC), a consortium composed of the 20 ESCs in the state.” It goes on to explain that the CSCOPE system provides curriculum framework for grades kindergarten through 12 across a broad range of subject areas.

The online description might raise red flags for some when it states that the CSCOPE content is regularly updated based on, among other criteria, “feedback collected through various stakeholder groups in the collaborative, including individual teacher submissions through the CSCOPE website and the School District Advisory Committee, comprised of district representatives from all participating regions of the state.”

What, or rather who, comprises CSCOPE’s collaborative and stakeholder groups? That question and a myriad others are what critics hope to get to the bottom of.

But while the groups to which CSCOPE appears relatively beholden may sound alarms for critics, the actual researchers CSCOPE credits with providing the basis for its curriculum seem to be formidable industry veterans by and large. Those educators include Robert Marzano, Fenwick English, John Crain, Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Grant Wiggins, Jay McTighe, H. Lynn Erickson, and James Barufaldi.

CSCOPE has been adopted by some 75 percent of Texas schools and the aim was to implement a national adoption of the management system. However, CSCOPE reportedly refused when Common Core Standards sought to purchase the system as the national curriculum standard. It is by far and away, one of the more hotly contested topics in the current education debate and much mystery still remains as to CSCOPE’s core tenets.

Beck noted that secular progressivism, further, the notion of communal life and collectivism, is at the system’s core. Other points of contention concerning CSCOPE curriculum include lesson-plans positing that Christopher Columbus was an “eco-warrior” and, when referring to the famed explorer’s journal, all references to God and Christendom were removed.

Students are also posed with hypothetical scenarios concerning historical figures and have allegedly been asked to take a position on population growth. Students were even subject to a lesson framed around the idea that “Christianity was a cult,” Beck noted.

CSCOPE’s director, Wade Labay has defended his curriculum and maintained that controversy has stemmed from misconceptions.” For instance, he said that framing the Boston Tea Party as an act of terrorism was merely one teacher’s way to engage students in the day’s lesson.

State Sen. Patrick, who chairs the Senate Education Committee, has led the CSCOPE hearings, bringing the controversial system to public light. He pushed CSCOPE to allow parents to view curriculum and to lift gag-orders on teachers. Patrick explained his experience bringing CSCOPE to task and revealed what he believes is in store for his state.

Hartzler, who taught math for nearly four decades, retired early because of CSCOPE. He said that he was written nearly a dozen times for not following the system’s lesson plan and maintains that CSCOPE is dumbing-down American students. He said he tried his best to follow the lesson plans, but simply could not.

Bowen, who is currently forced to use CSCOPE in her school district, feels that schools are now more like factories that send children out into the real world from an assembly-line that has not even given them the basics. She spoke to Beck despite the fact that CSCOPE had set up disciplinary consequences for doing so.

Bowen said that the lessons were mediocre at best, often “riddled with errors” and that “tests were invalid.”

“There’s tremendous coercion. It’s an incredibly oppressive environment.” She added that there have been teachers who were fired for speaking out to the school board.


Bowen also explained that teachers spend “one out of every five” days testing students, and that those tests provide data for the government’s use.

When asked what they tell parents who are inquisitive about their child’s lesson-plans, Hartzler said he violated his gag-order “right away.” He said he showed the parents why the students were struggling and where they should go from that point on.

Beck said that President Obama will look to move forward with implementing CSCOPE or such systems within a short time-frame. The panel said concerned Americans should send letters to the Attorney General and that emergency legislation should be enacted to help teachers push back.

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Cscope Directors on the Defensive

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This following Audio is State Cscope Director Wade Labay being confronted by myself and Janice VanCleave in regard to this powerpoint. Wade Labay denied it was apart of Cscope though it was removed 2 days later.

This following audio is Marlin ISD Superintendent defending the fact that students do not get homework unless they know how to do the work. Seriously?

Texas Education Service Center Director Terry Smith stating that the ESC”s all ponied up $200,000 to produce Cscope. They used taxpayers money to start their own non profit?

Academic Advisor for ESC 13 Ed Vara states there is no outside oversight of Cscope lessons. The “outside oversight” Cscope has been getting “Parents/Activist” has brought to light numerous controversial lessons.

ESC Cscope Coordinator Lindy McCulloch might be a little “miffed” that I spoke at the Willis ISD School Board Meeting about my concerns with Cscope. You can see my testimony HERE.

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Hi Ginger,
My name is Christy Zamora.  We have talked briefly on Facebook.  I am currently working to convince our local school board at Flour Bluff ISD to vote against renewing our contract for CSCOPE.  I attempted this last year as well, but sat in the board room and watched as it passed 3-4.  I would like to give you some of my background with this curriculum.

I started teaching at FBISD in August 2007.  At the time our district already had CSCOPE, but it was not being utilized by the majority of teachers in the district.  In kindergarten we used balanced literacy to teach all reading and writing components.  Our day was structured around the balanced literacy components so that each lesson flowed together smoothly.  Everything was taught with intent and purpose.  You must know A before you can learn B.  We scaffolded our students learning.  There were times when we asked the students to take what we had taught and do something new with it, but we were delivering the instruction.  For math, science, and social studies we were able to take the TEKS and form our own lessons around them.  I chose to do these things through hands on methods.  My class always hatched chickens, grew gardens, observed caterpillars transforming into butterflies, constructed 3D shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows, measured the length of blue whales in the hallway or out on the playground, made homemade butter and ice cream, had trash clean ups at various campuses, collected clothing for the needy and sorted it by size, and many other activities.  For my first three years of teaching we used this approach and our students were successful and loved learning new things through hands on experiences.
However, in 2010-2011 our district began to realize that we were paying all of this money for a curriculum that teachers were not utilizing.  Rather than ask the teachers why, they demanded that we begin using the lessons in the curriculum in place of what we had been doing.  At the time I was a Balanced Literacy Lead Teacher.  My campus principal came to me and asked me, along with two other lead teachers, to sit down and try to mesh our current balanced literacy program with CSCOPE.  At first glance we knew it was going to be difficult, but the more we got into it the more we realized that it was not just difficult, it was impossible.  Every component taught in balanced literacy is done so with purpose.  Each lesson is taught in sequence because it is being built upon.  CSCOPE on the other hand jumps from one concept to the next in a matter of days.  It skips around in the concepts being taught and students NEVER get enough time to truly learn and master a skill before something new is taught.  Generally each skill gets between 1-5 consecutive days in the curriculum before they move on to something else that may or may not build upon the skill just taught.  Sometimes a skill is taught briefly in the first six weeks and revisited again in the sixth six weeks as if the students will remember that.  We struggled through this process for the entire school year trying to make it work.  Meanwhile, in my own classroom, it was business as usual.  I was not going to teach this garbage to my students.  I knew that if it had confused me this much just reading it that it would be harmful to my students to teach any part of it.  At this time I had already won teacher of the year once and had been an HEB Excellence in Education Finalist once.  Therefore, administrators left me alone.  However, in the following school year, 2011-2012, the district realized that many teachers still weren’t teaching these lessons.  Therefore, the brought in individuals from our ESC to monitor us.  They would come to your classroom along with the superintendent and campus principal to make sure that you were teaching the correct lesson for that day and subject area.  They also listened to see if you were using the correct language and asking the guiding questions.  They would then give you “feedback” on what they thought.  Some teachers were written up for not teaching what the lesson they were supposed to be on.  Some were put on growth plans to get them back on track with the districts goals and visions for itself.  I was never observed by these individuals, but I made the decision that year to resign from my teaching position.  When I told them why I would be leaving they did not ask what they could do to get me to stay.  They did not apologize for their hand in this.  They sent me packing.  As heartbroken as I was I knew I had made the right decision.  I refused to stand in front of my students and read a scripted lesson that may or may not be giving accurate information.  One administrator said, “It’s so easy to cover a class now because you can get any person off of the street and they can teach the lessons.”  Excuse me?!  I thought I was a professional!  I also made the decision to fight for the other teachers in my district who did not want to use CSCOPE, but did not have the freedom to speak up for themselves.  I spoke out to my campus administrators, our curriculum supervisors, our superintendent, my campus SBDM, and the school board.  I told them how harmful this curriculum was and why teachers weren’t using it.  I gave very specific examples from the curriculum and still they voted to keep this curriculum.
It has been such a relief to be out of that mess this year, but my two children are still attending this school.  My parents were graduates of Flour Bluff.  My brother and sister and I were all graduates of Flour Bluff, and I want my children to carry on the tradition and be graduates of this school as well.  However, that is not what is in their best interest.  This next board meeting at our school is going to be crucial in my decision as to whether my children will attend this school anymore.  I need everyone to see just how corrupt this curriculum is and what it does to truly talented teachers.  Our district used to have a hiring rule for teachers.  You had to have either student taught in the district or had three years teaching experience or you wouldn’t be hired.  Now, we rarely hire our student teachers and prefer teachers with no teaching experience.  My theory behind this is because they want someone who they can mold.  Someone who has never known what it is to really teach or write your own curriculum.  They don’t want student teachers who have potentially been exposed to teachers who may have told them what CSCOPE really is.  So here we sit, a district that was once highly sought after by teachers and parents alike, but now has a much higher teacher turnover rate every year (my campus of 21 teachers had 5 teachers quit, not retire, last year) and is scrutinized by knowledgeable parents and other area school districts.  I am desperate to find a solution.  I know that they are working on it at the state level, but we can’t wait that long.  We have to act now or we will be stuck with it for another year.  What can we do?

Christy Zamora (more…)

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Texas GOP signs Resolution to defund Cscope

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CSCOPE – A rogue program hidden within the Texas Education Agency that should be shut down


By Mark Ramsey
If you have not heard, a rogue group hidden within one-and-then-more regional service centers (RSC) of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) called CSCOPE (no particular acronym meaning, except that software possibly started from a progressive leaning company with similar initials). It has been hidden from public view due in part to some questionable 501c3 filings that seem to have only one purpose—to keep their operations as secretive as possible.


Senator Dan Patrick (SD7), chair of the powerful Senate Education Committee, held an informational hearing where parents and grassroots activists concerns about lesson plans and suggested curriculum were confirmed. In some parts of the hearing, the CSCOPE officials were evasive at best. Some of the lesson plans included:


  • Comparing the original Boston Tea Party act of throwing tea into a harbor as “terrorist”
  • Comparing Christianity to a Wiccan cult
  • Presenting Communism as a superior economic system to free market capitalism
  • Having zero mention of American Exceptionalism as required by Texas standards
  • Presenting more lesson time/space to Islam than any other religion
  • Having students imagine they woke up in a new communist country and having to design a flag for it
  • Abysmally poor math lessons


When activists discovered this, CSCOPE has been trying to cover its tracks, but of course that’s really not possible in today’s world. Truth has a way of coming out eventually, especially when dedicated activists are involved.


To help encourage the Texas legislature to do something about it, the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) unanimously passed a strong resolution this past Saturday (Texas Independence Day!) to immediately start formal oversight and perhaps shutting it down entirely by cutting off funding. (Yes, it was being run with taxpayer money through a tangled web that has still not been revealed entirely.) Representative Steve Toth (R-The Woodlands) has filed HB-760 to do many of the items in the Resolution. (Other “authors” since filing now include Reps. Debbie Riddle, Dwayne Bohac, Linda Harper-Brown, and Lois Kolkhorst, and many additional “co-authors”.) We encourage you to read the entire Resolution from the SREC below.


The Republican Party continues to show that it clearly has better ideas than Democrats. Republicans work hard for solid education for your children—we do not just blindly support union wishes like the Democrats.


The Republican Party values are better for your family.


His is a copy of the GOP Resolution


cscope resolution



For additional info on the rogue program Cscope go to

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Texas Education Agency & Cscope

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ban-CSCOPEIt is hard to win battles when the very people you think are fighting with you are not.
We are asking state legislatures, the SBOE and as yet have not directed anything to TEA. Why are they not to blame? Yes the TEA has been aware of CSCOPE. Yes, the TEA has even suggested to schools to use it. If TEA doesn’t know what is being taught in schools it should. How can TEA not know what CSCOPE is all about when they have their own Nazi enforcers marching around in schools and dictating what should be taught.

When did teachers become the bottom feeders of Texas education?

Who is to blame for the database collecting information on our children?

We need to start listing the names of the people responsible for such actions.

The only thing parents can immediately do is to take their children out of public
schools. Our Texas Education State services have allowed the ESCs to create and sell CSCOPE for six years before it was made public just what was going on. WHY? Now these same public agencies who are suppose to be protecting our children‘s privacy are selling it to the highest bidders. There is not time to wait for legislatures to make bills etc…..  They only function a few months every other year. IN the mean time, children are being injured. Is there the slightest possibility that because of CSCOPE many children are not learning to read. Is there the slightest possibility that these children are being diagnosed as having learning disorders when the real problem lies with their not receiving the correct instructions

Yes, some of the TEKS are good. I trust Donna Garner and know that her evaluation of the ELAR material is good. As to the science, the TEKS are not good. Poorly written, subjective and a few are not correct. It would be better to list all the terms that need to be presented

(Reuters) – An education technology conference this week in Austin, Texas, will clang with bells and whistles as startups eagerly show off their latest wares.
But the most influential new product may be the least flashy: a $100 million database built to chart the academic paths of public school students from kindergarten through high school.
In operation just three months, the database already holds files on millions of children identified by name, address and sometimes social security number. Learning disabilities are documented, test scores recorded, attendance noted. In some cases, the database tracks student hobbies, career goals, attitudes toward school – even homework completion.
Local education officials retain legal control over their students’ information. But federal law allows them to share files in their portion of the database with private companies selling educational products and services.
Entrepreneurs can’t wait.
“This is going to be a huge win for us,” said Jeffrey Olen, a product manager at CompassLearning, which sells education software.
CompassLearning will join two dozen technology companies at this week’s SXSWedu conference in demonstrating how they might mine the database to create custom products – educational games for students, lesson plans for teachers, progress reports for principals.
The database is a joint project of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which provided most of the funding, the Carnegie Corporation of New York and school officials from several states. Amplify Education, a division of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, built the infrastructure over the past 18 months. When it was ready, the Gates Foundation turned the database over to a newly created nonprofit, inBloom Inc, which will run it.
Janice VanCleave
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Update! Uncaring Lumberton ISD Board Member

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After posting the following  article below Lumberton ISD board member initiated correspondence with me which you can read below her photo…….


The news of Texas students  wearing burqas in Lumberton ISD fortunatly hit the local and national news. 

The following is a letter written to April LeBlanc  to  the mother of one of the girls with the burqa on in Lumber Independent School District from the vice president of the school board, Leslie Daigle.  I would like to say this is shocking but seems to be common place with Texas Education administrators across the state. 

Mrs. LeBlanc,

I am happy to listen to the concerns of the community, and you are welcome to contact me at any time. However, regarding issues in the classroom, it is usually in the best interest of the child that the parent communicate with the teacher, then the principal if necessary, then the superintendent. Our getting involved in an education or personnel matter can hinder the process,and I don’t believe it is appropriate for a board member to initiate contact in a situation such as this.

I have three children (two daughters in college and a son in high school) and I understand a mother’s “Mama Bear” instinct.  I also understand how events can catch us up and sweep us along. It is my opinion that you created just such a situation when you made the decision to go to the press (or accept their attention) with this story. Was the opportunity for reasonable discussion, explanation, and quick resolution of your concerns sacrificed for sensationalism?

You mention your daughter’s “struggles because of all this.”  I have to wonder if her ongoing struggles are the result of the initial incident (the photo and her being asked to make a written statement), or your allowing her to be drawn into this media storm. Now I read that you both will be taking part in a Cscope forum. I think that the forum is a great opportunity for those with Cscope concerns to air their opinions and offer potential solutions. I have some ideas of my own to offer.  But as for you and your daughter, where will it end? What action is in her best interests? When will she get resolution and closure so that she can move on?  The water has gotten very muddy. As a mother, I can’t imagine that clarity for her will come from continuing along this path.


Leslie Daigle



Ms. Russell,

Since my email to Mrs. LeBlanc was in response to her email to me, I will provide it for you to post so that the complete context is available to your readers. She emailed me on March 1, after she had appeared in the media and well after the usual time frame in which a parent would contact a board member with concerns.

Board Member,

Why haven’t you contacted myself or other parents in regards to our current situation. I would assume as a individual with an elected position, your first priority would be to represent parents and voters needs. There has been no contact from you or Valastro concerning my daughter, her experience, or her struggles because of all this. There has been no investigation that we are aware of. The only known student that I am aware of that the school district allowed to speak on their behalf to the media,was a student that was not even in my daughters class. If you would like to hear Madelyn’s experience or another student that was in the same class feel free to call me. I also would like you to know that I have not hired an attorney, and am trying my best not to withdraw her from LHS. Again I would like you to hear what happened that day in that class period, the class period with now the viral burqa photo. I hope to hear from you soon.

April LeBlanc
mother of Madelyn McLemore from
Mrs. Peters 5th period World Geo. Class



Ms. Daigle,

Thank you for contacting me and sending me Ms LeBlanc’s email to you. Is
there a time frame that a parent has to contact a board member written down
somewhere? What is the time frame for the board to contact the parents?

I did not see that Ms. LeBlanc’s email warranted your response. I found your
response very insensitive to the student as well as the parent. Ms. LeBlanc
did not call the media they called her.


Ginger Russell





Ms. Russell,

School boards in Texas ISD’s have three main tasks:  Pass a budget, set a tax rate, and hire/fire/evaluate the superintendant. He is our only employee.  We don’t become involved at a decision-making level on issues like this unless the grievance process gets to a certain point.  That is described a little on page 21 of the LISD student handbook, which parents sign for and receive every year.

This is copied and pasted from that handbook:

Usually student or parent complaints or concerns can be addressed by a phone call or a
conference with the teacher or principal. For those complaints and concerns that cannot be
handled so easily, the district has adopted a standard complaint policy at FNG(LOCAL) in the
district’s policy manual. A copy of this policy may be obtained on the district’s website at
In general, the student or parent should submit a written complaint and request a conference with
the campus principal. If the concern is not resolved, a request for a conference should be sent to
the superintendent. If still unresolved, the district provides for the complaint to be presented to
the board of trustees.

Of course we want to know about the concerns that our parents, teachers, and “stakeholders” have, but it is not appropriate, given the fact that our role is really more of a business one, to ever initiate contact and “offer” our help. First of all, I am one vote of seven, and that only means something in a posted meeting in which we are scheduled to take action on an issue.  Also, if a trustee has gotten too involved in a student or personnel issue and it does happen to reach a higher grievance level, that trustee would need to excuse himself.  I can certainly (and do!) share things I’ve “heard” with the superintendent, but it would rarely be to a student’s benefit to go around the teacher and principal.  That interaction is the privilege of the parents. All of that to say that there is no time frame unless it pertains to a formal grievance process, which is a rare occurrence in our district, and the board would never contact the parent.  The point that I was trying to make was that it seems to me (speaking as a parent) that, if Mrs. LeBlanc and Madelyn were so upset (and struggling), why did she not immediately follow the usual protocol, or at least ask what that might be? Her email to me sounded petulant. As a mother, I simply cannot understand why she would spend her time granting interviews instead of demanding meetings.

This isolated incident quickly became a tangled mess.  Burqas and teachers and lessons and Cscope and TEKS and statements and testing and media and who said what and in what tone…  The Cscope concerns are serious ones, and absolutely need to be addressed. I have never been a Cscope fan, and have expressed my own concerns for two years now. The World Geography lessons at LHS are a SEPARATE issue that also need (and have or will be) addressed.   Confidentiality laws (these are children, after all) add to the confusion.  I have received over 100 emails from around the country, ranting, cursing, and using obscenities that I can hardly believe were typed by human fingers. The telling thing is that I received only three emails (and no phone calls) from local people, and one of those was supportive.  Most people around here knew that the media was falsely turning an isolated incident into a district-wide agenda. The forum tonight was an example of that.  Every school district in the surrounding area uses Cscope, and perhaps at a deeper level that required of LISD teachers.  Why was precious forum time used used to tell, yet again, the story of one incident in Lumberton that wasn’t even a Cscope issue?

I am extremely conservative, both fiscally and socially. Surprised?  The idea that I am behind covering up a liberal agenda in our district is laughable to those who know me.  Anyone who had attended one board meeting would know that. The lack of logic and reason in discussing and addressing these concerns, along with the emails from so-called “conservatives,” has helped me understand how that Socialist has gotten himself back into the White House.  If we can’t do better than this to gather our forces, distinguish the real problems from the distractions, and take action, then Lord help us.

This was quite a bit more information than you asked for, but I thought it was a good opportunity to shed some light on the matter.


Leslie Daigle


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Clear Lake Tea Party Exposes Cscope

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clear lake tea party logo   


    Cscope! What are our children being taught? 



Thursday, March 7, 2013


6:30 pm  


Guest Speakers

Janice VanCleave, Science Author & Educator-Uncovered Cscope

 Ginger Russell- Policial Activist (VanCleave’s daughter)                    

John Griffing- editor for World Net Daily

Please invite parents, teachers, school board members, grandparents, clergy, and bring your children!

You will not believe what is being taught in over 70% of Texas schools. This curriculum is pro-Islamic, anti-Christian & based on a Marxist/Communist Philosophy. One example has High School students drawing a new communist flag & one lesson has the teacher passing out verses of the Quran to the students. CSCOPE has NO outside oversight as to what is in the curriculum. This is unacceptable!

Mrs. Janice VanCleave is a successful Science Author, educator who kicked off the investigation of  CSCOPE! Janice will educate us about TASA, Texas Association of School Administrators and how CSCOPE fits into their plans for implementing Common Core –Against the mandate of Governor Perry.

Ginger Russell will educate us on what is exactly being taught in this curriculum and tell us what we can do to have it removed from our Texas school systems.

John Griffing is an investigative reporter for World Net Daily online news source. He will educate us on the Texas legislative aspect of this curriculum.

Location: Webster Civic Center, 311 Pennsylvania Ave. Webster, TX 77598

E-Mail: Web:



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Message to Lumberton ISD and Texas Educators

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burqa busters

A  gentlemen sent this to be shared….

I am originally from an Islam-plagued country and have lived in Texas for the past 30 years. I can tell that your curriculum about dressing up girls in burqas was nothing but child abuse. You should cease operation and I hope TEA or whoever has authority over your operation, closes your doors. Don’t you realize that showing your face , specially for women is a natural desire and this “religion” suppresses this desire? Do you even know why this this despicable act is practiced in Islamic countries? Its because the hair and natural beauty of a woman arouses a muslim man who might in turn rape a woman, as what happened to Lara Logan from CBS news in Egypt. That means muslim man is a beast who can’t control himself. So it turns out to be an insult to the muslim man as well.
There is only one reason I can find for your disgusting and perverted act. You must have got paid by some islamic country or authority to do this. Shame on you who call yourself an educator.
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America Turning a Blind Eye to Egypt’s ‘New Pharoah?’

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Erick Stakelbeck

By Erick Stakelbeck

News Terrorism Analyst

Erick Stakelbeck is a sought after authority on terrorism and national security issues with extensive experience in television, radio, and print media. Stakelbeck is a correspondent and terrorism analyst for CBN News and hosts the weekly Stakelbeck on Terror show.  Follow Erick on Twitter @Staks33 and “like” him at




  WASHINGTON — During the past few months, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has seized absolute power over his country.

The Muslim Brotherhood leader enjoys support from the Obama administration, but his opponents call him a dictator who wants to turn Egypt into an Islamic state. Some have even called him Egypt’s “new Pharoah.”

He is the most powerful man in the Arab world’s most influential country. He’s referred to America as an enemy. And as a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, he denies al Qaeda was behind that attack.

Yet he’s due to receive sixteen F-16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams tanks from the Obama administration this year. A majority of Republican senators signed off on the deal.

A Hostile Character

So who is this questionable ally that America is helping to arm?

“He’s a rough personality. He’s quite hostile — he doesn’t like to answer questions,” Eric Trager, with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said.

Trager studies the Muslim Brotherhood and has interviewed Mohammed Morsi face-to-face.

“He was considered within the Brotherhood as a hardliner — somebody who was there to enforce the Brotherhood’s most hardline ideas whether it came to saying that women and Christians can’t even run for the presidency of Egypt, whether it was their foreign policy ideas, their hostility toward Israel,” he said.

Morsi put that hostility on full display in a series of interviews before he became Egypt’s president.

In one, he called Israelis “bloodsuckers” and “warmongers” and referred to Israel and America as “enemies.” He also quoted from the Koran, calling Jews “the descendants of apes and pigs.”

In another interview, Morsi called on the Muslim world to confront Israel and boycott goods from any nation that does business with it, including America.

He branded Jews “hostile by nature” and called for every inch of Israel to become a Palestinian state.

“The idea that he would moderate, that he would rule inclusively — always overlooked who he was within the Brotherhood and assumed also that he could change in ways that are simply not realistic,” Trager said.

America’s Blind Eye

Trager said that Morsi hails from the Brotherhood’s most radical wing. Yet the Obama administration appears to believe he’s a positive force in the region.

When Morsi helped broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas late last year, administration officials publicly praised him. Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thanked him for his “personal leadership.”

According to The New York Times, President Obama told aides he was impressed with Morsi’s “pragmatic confidence. He sensed an engineer’s precision with surprisingly little ideology.”

One day later, Morsi issued a decree banning any opposition to his laws and decisions in Egypt. Egyptians responded by taking to the streets in violent protests that continue to rage.

“Now Morsi holds in his hand all the powers — all the powers of judicial, legislative, and executive. And also nobody can cancel his decisions,” Former Israeli Ambassador to Egypt Zvi Mazel said.

As the former Israeli ambassador, Mazel has seen the Brotherhood up close.

“According to my understanding of the Muslim Brothers, their ideology will be superior to pragmatism. They will provoke crises with Israel and also with the United States,” he said.

“Listen, the Muslim Brothers fought for 84 years to reach power and impose Sharia [Islamic law],” he added. “Now that they are in power, will they say, ‘Okay, now we are going to become modern people. We are going for high tech and Allah is not important?’ No, it’s impossible.”

Morsi’s government is vowing to honor its peace treaty with Israel, for now. Another interesting note about Morsi: he reportedly joined the Muslim Brotherhood not in Egypt but here in America when he was a student at the University of Southern California.

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Cscope…Bloom’s Taxonomy..

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Bloom’s Taxonomy, Lower Order of Thinking in Texas Schools 


By Cathy Wells

Statue of The Thinker

Social constructivist philosophy tries quite hard to produce what is deemed “higher order
thinking skills.” Another semantical game is being played here because, honestly, what parent
is going to say, “I don’t want my child to have thinking skills!” Indeed, I can also say that I
certainly want my children to graduate from high school with some critical thinking skills (we
used to call that common sense). But how are these thinking skills to be achieved? What
makes them “higher?” What is meant by “higher order thinking skills?” Again, let us begin by
defining terms.
Parents might say that “thinking skills” would be something akin to common sense, scrutiny,
discernment, or ability to think under pressure. What does this term mean to the social
constructivist? This will take awhile. Higher order thinking skills theory is based on Bloom’s
Taxonomy. Who is Bloom? Benjamin Bloom was a behavioral psychologist (I hope you are
noticing how much behavioral psychology is popping up in education) who developed a
taxonomy or “breaking down into small units and naming” of what he considered to be typical
and necessary thinking skills or educational objectives. So, when we ask what is the point of
education, to social constructivists, the point is to achieve all of Bloom’s taxonomilogical goals.
Just so you know, just about all modern educational theory is based on this taxonomy and every
teacher is familiar with it. (Consequently, it is very difficult to get teachers to think outside this
paradigm thought we did very well without it for most of educational history and it seems to
have led us down a very rocky path.)
Bloom listed six separate levels of thinking skills: knowledge, comprehension, application,
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The last three of these are the “higher order” thinking skills.
Now let me pause a moment to say that, if you study this list, it seems rather logical. In any
area, we must first acquire knowledge, then understanding, learn how to apply those, analyze
any mistakes we make, fuse all of that knowledge together, and ultimately become expert at it
and be able to teach it to someone else. The problem comes in with this: In 1987, the National
Research Council announced that these skills don’t need to be acquired IN ORDER and should,
in fact, be acquired out of order. They suggested that we begin implementing higher order
thinking skills in elementary school.
As a classical educator, I immediately see the folly of this approach. We used to have what
were called “grammar” schools because those were the buildings in which we loaded basic facts
into children: their “knowledge.” As they moved into middle schools, they began to acquire
comprehension and application. In high school, we moved them toward “higher thinking
skills.” This is, coincidentally, how the brain is hard-wired. The concrete stage of development
comes first during those first six years of school. Then the abstract stage begins where students
start synthesizing the facts they’ve learned and applying them to life. Finally, they move on to a
stage in which they can discuss, argue, or teach a point as needed. That is a traditional/classical
approach to education.
What CSCOPE and other curricula have managed to do is completely confuse students by
trying to jumble all of the different levels of skills as per the recommendations of the NRC and
other research. The end result is akin to tasking someone with making a croissant dough by first
evaluating the end product, the process, and the dough itself without giving you a recipe or
ingredients list.
I very much doubt that any parents of Texas students would approve of this methodology if they
knew about it. And as those of us left here in Texas who still have a modicum of common
sense know, “That dog won’t hunt.”



After reading the above article I googled Cscope and Blooms Taxonomy and found the Cscope power point below created by Paula-Pemberton-Kelm  from Texas Education Service Center VI.







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Cscope Exposed on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze

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  • Beck photo-1 (2)





Glenn Beck will be exposing Cscope on the Blaze this coming Thursday March 7th @4:00 CT. You can watch the show on the Dish Network Channel 212 or you can sign up for a FREE TRIAL of THE BLAZE or sign up to watch on a regular basis. You can view the show on your computer, TV or mobile device details here. The show is  is replayed on Dish and is archived if you not available to watch it at 4:00 CT.

****Glenn Beck ACTION ITEM.. Glenn is trying to get The Blaze in homes across the states. Please go HERE and fill out a form letter that will be sent to your cable company in hopes of them carrying THE BLAZE.


the blaze




Glenn' Beck's Agenda 21

Agenda 21

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Cscope’s Controlled Robots

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teacher robot

The Progressive/Marxist Cscope Curriculum  in over 70% of Texas Schools can summed up this way….

Controls the Teacher, Eliminates the Parents, Indoctrinates the Students

Teachers across the State of Texas detest the control and content of the Cscope curriculum that their school district has purchased. Teachers have been gagged into not speaking out against the curriculum out of fear of losing their jobs. Cscope now has hit the national and state media due to it’s pro communist, pro Islamic, and skewed history lessons. One Cscope skewed history lesson  portrays the Boston Tea Party as a terrorist act. Cscope reps will respond that the lesson has been removed but my question is “IT SHOULD OF NEVER BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?”

Teachers are getting bolder and feel somewhat free from the control of Cscope since Senator Dan Patrick held a special called Senate Education Committee Hearing questioning the owners of Cscope about it’s financial setup and controversial lesson content.  Seems they may be getting a little to free in Wichita Independent School District according to administration  to the point of their jobs being threatened.

By Ann Work with Times Record News                                          March 1, 2013

Ann Work

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1)  Texas retired  Science Author Janice VanCleave who originally exposed Cscope for what it is has no intention of copying and competing against Cscope contrary to accusations by the owners of Cscope the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC), and other state employees who have bought into the lie. Ms. VanCleave who attempted to tutor some children in her local school district discovered the children had no text books was denied Cscope lessons to help tutor. Finding this lack of transparency unacceptable she began researching who and what was behind Cscope. We filed a Public Information Request (PIR) asking for financials and lessons to be disclosed. TESCCC then filed in protest with the Attorney General that Ms. VanCleave had an interest in competing against them. BIG LIE!!! 

2)  Cscope lessons are not pro communist. The discovery of numerous Csocpe lessons that are pro communist  is irrefutable Here are a few links highlighting our findings. Communist Manifesto read by Texas Students, Students Climb Stair to Communism, Cscope views Communism a Success , New Communist Flag Drawn in Texas, Cscope’s ProCommunism

3)  Cscope is not Pro Islamic as claims TESCCC.  Islam Propaganda, Road to Mecca, Islam, Women and Sex, Texas Students in Burqas, Islam in Texas Schools, Cscope says Allah is God,

4) Cscope has always had a policy of being transparent. NOT AT ALL. They have even stooped so low as to have teachers sign a non disclosure statement that they would not release lessons or say anything negative about Cscope. The fact they Cscope has not allowed parents to view lessons is what led to the discovery of Cscope.

5) Teachers love it and need it…. it provides specificity and rigor. (I am so sick of this progressive word, rigor.) GOOD TEACHERS HATE CSCOPE. The following is from a teacher about her experience with Cscope.

From a Teacher……

“The district is not militant in that they watch us to see what we’re doing and they say we can use our own materials. But, when we look at C Scope tests, the questions require that we spend much of our planning time scouting for materials on the Internet. What we are teaching is worthless. C Scope shows that there are grammar and reading skills in each six weeks that needs to be covered, but there is no particular rhyme or reason for what we teach and certainly, we cannot teach anything in depth. There aren’t units that adhere together well. And there seems to be an agenda that must be covered. I always ask my students why they did so poorly on the test. The answer is pretty much universal; they can’t understand what the questions are asking. We are still grading tests on a curve, which helps some. But, those who don’t pass are supposed to be able to make corrections or somehow bring their grade up. So, we have to find yet more materials for that.

Now we have what they call Response to Intervention (RTI) classes. Kids who fail a six weeks are pulled from an elective class and placed for three weeks in another classroom with an RTI teacher–right now they are teachers with an extra planning period. This teacher is supposed to help that kid get his or her grades back up. The first six weeks there were 180 students RTI. These are kids who, for whatever reason, did not do their work in class, nor did they do it in detention, or academic night school. That means that the regular classroom teacher must get work together for each of his/her students up to four times! I was at school today for six hours to get caught up on grading. I spent that entire time getting work together for RTI kids. The principal sent out a caution a couple of weeks ago that said we have used something like 600k sheets of paper so far this year. It took two entire days to run the mock tests for the core subjects that were given this week! We have less than 700 students in our school.

Having bored you with all of that nonsense, I can state without a doubt that my 8th graders are not prepared for high school. We can’t get past C Scope or testing long enough to impart something of value to kids. This is a scary place to be as a teacher who cares. I am a fixer by nature and I can’t fix this. It seems as if math and social studies teachers have managed to skirt C Scope better than English or science. I think that we are in the worst possible place as English teachers. We have no materials, no time, can’t understand the materials we are supposed to teach, and do our planning by perusing the C Scope test and then using similar materials to teach the test because we must!”



For additional info on Cscope go to TXCSCOPEREVIEW

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Cscope’s Pro-Communism Revealed

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By Calvin Russell

Ok, here’s my very first blog. I, along with several others have talked to various Cscope proponents until I am blue in the face….or maybe red in the face………. attempting to bring to their attention the Communistic leanings within the Cscope lessons. Their reaction is always the same. They roll their eyes like they are talking to space aliens and inform us that we are incorrect in our criticism of their holy grail. In the “background information” below taken from a Cscope lesson named “The Reformers” you will find, in my opinion, irrefutable proof that Cscope promotes Communism while marginalizing free market capitalism. Please see my comments at the end.


“we in the United States have been somewhat conditioned to detest everything communist” Have we been brainwashed? Who has conditioned us? Wow, if only I had not been “conditioned”, maybe I too could have come to the truth that communism is a wonderful path to true equality and the only way to a classless society in which everyone has that wonderful “level playing field” to realize my dreams and goals not afforded to me in the unlevel playing field that I have been “conditioned” to love and respect which is free market capitalism.  Why not just tell the truth… Communism IS detestable!

Rather than promoting the pipedream of communism utopia with terms like “the plight of the worker”, “Marx started looking pretty good”, “classless society”, “command economy”, “people in control of the government”, and “economic and social equality for all people” why not teach the truth? During the reign of the Soviet Union, there were more than 20 Communist countries. Today, there are only five. They include China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. Now doesn’t that sound like a who’s who list of “economic and social equality for all” countries? If we could only be more like them, maybe we too could enjoy all of the benefits of communism.

Give me a break Comrade Csope.

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Manor isd Texas Progressive Curriculum Cscope has been in the news for weeks. The Texas Senate Education committee held a hearing on Cscope January 31st with Senator Patrick stating that if the Texas Education Service Centers Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC) who own Cscope were an airline it would have to be grounded. News stories have covered the fact that Cscope portrayed the Boston Tea Party  as a Terrorist Act . There was the uncovering of a Cscope lesson calling for students to draw a New Communist Flag. The fact that TESCCC has teachers sign a non-disclosure statement stating they would not release lessons or say anything negative about Cscope would make anyone question the motive of this corporation.


There are still numerous unanswered questions as to the formation of TESCCC’s non profit within a state agency. Using Taxpayers money to form a business within a state agency.  We have yest to uncover where all the money is. Over the last year the board of TESCCC has refused to release board minutes from the inception of Cscope or detailed info on their finances.


With all that said Manor ISD approved the purchase of Cscope at their board meeting Monday night Feb. 25th with a 7-0 vote. I stand amazed how the Superintendents across the State of Texas are so irresponsible that they would purchase a curriculum sight unseen. Why are they buying it in the first place?  What is the draw? What are they promised?  All I can say Superintendent Kevin Brackmeyer and Manor ISD school board how irresponsible You are. It appears that teaching children are not your major concern …. could it be indoctrination?

Superintendent Kevin Brackmeyer


Manor ISD School Board

Desiree Cornelius-Fisher, Board President   


Allen Ambuhl, Vice President  



Matildy V. Samaripa, Jr., Secretary (PHOTO NEEDED)


Melinda Fiebig, Board Trustee  


Adriana Lapeyra-Gutierrez, Board Trustee   (PHOTO NEEDED)


John Jonse, Board Trustee  



Marlin Thomas, Board Trustee (PHOTO NEEDED)



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If you live in a Texas School district that uses a curriculum called Cscope I would highly advice you to get involved  if you cherish American Freedom,  even if you have no school age children. I was shocked to find out that over 70% of Texas Schools are using Cscope. Cscope is all about Social Engineering there are no absolute truths. It has been discovered that Cscope is pro Islamic , anti Christian and is based on a Marxist/Communist Philosophy. One example has High School students drawing a new communist flag.  One lesson has the teacher passing out verses of the Quran to the students. Cscope has outside oversight as  to what is in the curriculum.

The owner of Cscope is the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC),  which are the directors of all the Education Service Centers in Texas.

 One school district Lumberton ISD has voted to continue to use the curriculum despite the controversy and has the following statement from TESCCC on their school website. One section states the following….

Does CSCOPE Promote Islam?
Absolutely not. 

Below you will find smiling students from their World History Class at Lumberton ISD wearing Burqa’s and other Arab attire in their World History Class  (I have blurred the children’s faces for their protection).  We can assume that since Cscope is based on Constuctivism and not Absolute Truth that that the teacher did not inform the students that it acceptable for women to be beaten under Islam as is shown in the following verses of the Quran. Did the teacher show them photos of the women after they are beaten? Of course not.

(Also notice how disrespectful the American and Texan flag are displayed).

Quran 38;44 “Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.”

Quran 4:34 “And take in your hand a green branch and beat her with it, and do not break your oath…”  Allah telling Job to beat his wife.

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