Cscope & State Employees try to Intimidate Private Citizens

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One would never believe an attempt at doing a good deed of tutoring children would lead you to discover a Marxist/Communist takeover of Texas Schools (public, charter and private).  Well that is what happened to retired Science Author Janice VanCleave.   VanCleave who began to question what was going on when refused by her local school district of Marlin, Texas and the Texas Education Service Center XII in Waco access to lessons to help tutor the children who had no textbooks. The lessons were locked behind a password protected online curriculum called Cscope and lessons were barred from being released or viewed.

After further research it was discovered the Marxist philosophy behind Cscope and numerous lessons with a bias toward Communism pro Islam content. The takeover I would say has become one of the biggest education scandals in Texas History due to the number of school districts involved. Is your local school district using Cscope? Check HERE.

VanCleave (mom) and I have been working overtime this past year exposing the Cscope Corruption in our Texas Schools. I guess you can say we have received our gold crown in this fight. Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC) who owns Cscope has made a powerpoint now listing three of their critics, two being mom and I, Janice VanCleave and Ginger Russell along with Ann Kunkel.  I may be wrong but do Govt Agencies  usually come out calling out their critics (private citizens) by name. VanCleave and I both testified before the State Board of Education and the Texas Senate Education Committee in regard to our concerns with Cscope.  Are the owners of Cscope (TESCCC) they now intimidating government witnesses?

Following is their power-point presentation for this upcoming Summer Cscope Conference. Cscope Powerpoint Intimidating Citizens? 

This is slide 8 in the power-point.

Intimidate Cscope




Why would they list their critics in their Summer Conference promotion? Are they having trouble getting speakers due to the fact the Cscope is now exposed for what it is, Control the Teacher, Eliminate the Parent and Indoctrinate the Children. 

Unfortunately this isn’t the first time Cscope Reps have tried intimidation to shut their opposition down. I spoke at Willis ISD board meeting about Cscope not knowing the Cscope Representative from ESC VI, Linday McCulloch was in the room. She spoke after me but does not reveal her true identity or where she works.

You can read more about that night HERE. 


In another attempt to alert community leaders, teachers and superintendents to my concerns with Cscope.  I emailed superintendent Dan Powell with Crowley ISD and received the following response….Dan.


This is absolute non-sense! You are either crazy or ridiculously mistaken. As a Christian and patriotic American, I am most offended by your lies!  Take me off your mailing list immediately, and find a shrink. 

                                                                                  Dan Powell


I have also made attempts to speak before the board of directors of Texas Education Service Center VI. Assistant Director Brett Hawkins told me “You are not going to tear apart something they have implemented”.







For more information on Cscope go to WWW.TXCSCOPEREVIEW.COM



I have been using twitter for months in an attempt to alert parents across the state about Cscope. State workers are finding it a way to slander my mother Janice VanCleave and myself. Debbie Smith from Texas Education Service Center VI has left me the following tweets.

Debbie Smith

Debbie Smith

Debbie Smith



I sent the following email to teachers, community members etc.. Below this email are responses I received from school employees. The reactions I get have bring me to wonder why is there such a “LOVE” for Cscope?


Attention Teachers, Parents, Taxpayers

We have a curriculum in over 70% of Texas Schools called Cscope that is based on a Marxist/Communist Philosophy of Collectivism. Has your local school district purchased it? Check HERE.


Senator Dan Patrick held an Senate Education Committee Hearing on Cscope January 31st. Here is his statement. 


Teachers, if school administration is holding your feet to the fire and demanding that you teach Cscope please contact Senator Patrick or you can contact us HERE anonymously. 


Cscope has come under heavy scrutiny after finding out that teachers were required to sign a DULA where they would not release the contents or say anything negative about it. It was also discovered that pro Islamic content and pro communistic lessons are being taught. 


For information on Cscope you can go to or





Sara Martinez Superintendent Secretary at Valley Mills ISD sent me the following response in my attempt to alert the community about Cscope.




You have your own personal agenda to make money selling your product therefore you want everyone to do away with C-Scope to buy your Science Curriculum. I was taught about communism, socialism and Islam etc. when I was in High School in my World History Class. THIS IS OK BECAUSE IT IS A PART OF OUR WORLD HISTORY therefore it is not a surprise that they included lessons about these in the C-SCOPE curriculum. I do not have any interest in reading the way you twist things to benefit your cause please remove me from your mailing list. 


Sara Martinez

Valley Mills ISD



Valley Mills ISD Business Manager Brenda Byrom sent me the following emails.



I don’t know where you get your information or how you can so distort an issue as much as you are doing.

I suppose when I was a student in public schools and our textbooks taught us about Hitler and Stalin that they were teaching us about communism and we should have burned the textbooks.

Your email is ridiculous and I want to be removed from your email list.

Brenda Byrom

Before you send out emails regarding education, you might want to check your grammar.  The school that I attended and the one that taught my kids, made sure that we could type a coherent sentence.  Obviously the one you attended did not, two sentences and neither one of them is correct.  Lady you are a JOKE!!!!!!  You do not have any idea how stupid you sound and how much of an idiot that your emails make you appear to be.



 Dr. Cathy Moak is the Component Director for School Transformation and Digital Learning at ESC 6


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“CSCOPE” advocates a New Constitution

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constitutionTexas Marxist/Communist Curriculum Cscope never seems to disappoint when it comes to lesson examples in helping us expose their agenda of indoctrinating Texas school children. If you wonder who is responsible for this check out the “Men and Women behind the Marxist Curriculum”

In one of the Cscope High School Government lessons there is a list of books for suggested reading for the teachers and students. Notice two of the suggested reading highlighted below advocate for a new Constitution.

Cscope needs to be removed from out Texas Schools immediately. If your local school district is using Cscope check HERE.

For information on Cscope please go to TXCSOCPEREVIEW.COM

booksa more


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Texas’s Progressive/Marxist Curriculum continues to give us material to expose their ungodly and un-american indoctrination. We have discovered lessons portraying the Boston Tea Party as a terrorist act, having students drawing a new communist flag, having 5th graders charting the Islamic Scholar, Ibn Battuata’s pilgrimage to Mecca.  We now have a question on a High School Assessment test where The Ten Commandments have been omitted as a one of the documents influencing American Law.

“The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount contain my religion”John Adams, Nov. 4, 1816, letter to Thomas Jefferson. 

“The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul. I don’t think we emphasize that enough these days.”Harry S Truman, Feb. 15, 1950, Attorney General’s Conference. 



10 commandments

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I was contacted by David Knight who is with Alex Jones’s Info Wars to appear on his program in exposing Texas’s Progressive/Marxist Curriculum called Cscope that is in over 70-80% of Texas Schools. Are your children in a Cscope School check HERE

Cscope is all about “Controlling the Teacher, Eliminating the Parent and Indoctrinating the Children”. 

If you need additional info after watching the video go to TXCSCOPEREVIEW. 

 ACTION ALERT!! Parents and Citizens you need to start speaking up and get involved with you local Texas School district. 

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From Stan Hartzler, long-time math teacher and math expert as he laments the damage CSCOPE is doing in our Texas public schools:


For self-preservation, the Texas Education Service Centers have found a way to create mass hysteria about so-called high-stakes testing. The result in many districts undermines the fundamental goals of schools, the work of teachers, the common sense of school boards, and (until recently) legal safeguards against poor achievement and disturbing indoctrination.


The ninnies conveying the madness are the superintendents and principals.  Service centers attract administrators to alarmist meetings and offer a guaranteed, viable solution to impending exam disaster.  The proffered solution is a weak, corrupt curriculum and evaluation “management system” called CSCOPE.


Many school districts use CSCOPE as a constructive supplement, giving teachers the freedom to dismiss the indoctrination, beef up the content weaknesses, and search the cockeyed exams for testing clues.


Other teachers — particularly in underachieving districts – – are required to use the trashy lessons and exams without revision.  Their administrators use state and federal formulas as justification for such academic control and deprivation, and use monitoring technology to thwart teacher sensitivity to student needs.


Service center staff have stated that CSCOPE was written top-down, beginning with the end in mind and designed downward.  Such a strategy works for planning but not for building.  A house plan begins with the end in mind, but the building is bottom up, all details being intertwined.  The Service Centers would build an attic first and the foundation last, somehow tucking in the plumbing and electric work after the walls and ceilings are complete.


Good curriculum also sets goals first, but is built and taught bottom up, the natural way.  Every aspect of each CSCOPE course shows the madness of trying to upend nature.  Service center leaders who admit to this designing idiocy should be laughed out of the profession. 


Given the assertion that CSCOPE was designed at all, the huge gaps between curriculum and exam objectives are perplexing and regrettable.  Worksheets show no concern for design in either direction, wasting space here and cramping thought processes there.  Worse schooling would be hard to design. 


The consequences should stir us all.  Good schooling provides academic power and confidence for inventive and creative sparks, driving economic health.


Bad schooling quietly imposes a feeling of stupidity and inferiority. And this imposed feeling of stupidity, as an instrument of subjugation and humiliation, is at least as effective as iron chains or WHITES ONLY signs on restroom doors or lunch counters, and is a much sneakier and more effective engine of division and discrimination.


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Cscope Directors “GO TO JAIL”

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Go to JailThose Responsible for Cscope, “Go To Jail”

The men and women on the Board of Directors of Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC), who own Cscope, the progressive/Marxist curriculum in Texas Schools  in my opinion need to be in jail. What a nefarious act to implement a Marxist philosophy of education in our Texas schools for the last 6–7 years where parents could not see the lessons and teachers had to sign a non-disclosure statement that they would not release the contents or say anything negative about it. Then we have the question of where is all this money. Is this another ENRON situation a ponzi scheme. For our Texas Education Service Center Directors to form a non-profit using tax payers money to create their “Cscope” product and sell it out of our of our State Agencies using State employees? There are many questions that have not been answered. This is ESC Director XIII Terry Smith’s response  being questioned as the money trail.

Communist Vladimir Lenin once quoted Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted”. Unfortunately for millions of Texas school children and unbeknownest to their parents Texas students have sat under the Marxist philosophy of the Cscope Curriculum.

I have spent the last year trying to notify community leaders, parents through every social media sight I could find. I have met with Cscope reps and spoke at Willis ISD school Board Meeting only to be lambasted by a Cscope Coordinator from ESC Region VI.  You can read the whole story HERE. 

I emailed teachers and school staff about my concerns and Superintendent Dan Powell from Crowley ISD in his most professional manner sent me the following response.

This is absolute non-sense! You are either crazy or ridiculously mistaken. As a Christian and patriotic American, I am most offended by your lies!  Take me off your mailing list immediately, and find a shrink.  Dan Powell


 If you feel like contacting Mr. Powell about your concerns in regard to Cscope his email is





Action Item….Texans we have to contact our State Reps and have them sign onto Steve Toth’s HB 760 or this will happen again.

Additional Information on Cscope can be found @ TXCSCOPEREVIEW

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Open Records Request for Cscope Financials

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    Freshman Texas House Representative Steve Toth has released the following press release stating that his office as filed an open records request for the financials and meeting minutes of the  Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC) who owns the controversial Texas Curriculum, Cscope. Cscope has come under fire lately from the Texas Senate Education Committee due to the grassroots effort of exposing the progressive/Marxist curriculum. Cscope has been in the Texas school system for the last 6-7 years without parent or community knowledge due to the stealth tactics taken by the board of directors of TESCCC of not releasing lesson content to parents and having teachers sign a non-disclosure statement that they would not release material or say anything negative about it. For information on Cscope check out TXCSCOPEREVIEW.COM

Steve Toth Press Release

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Senator Dan Patrick Press Release on Cscope

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Dan Patrick PhotoTexas Education Service Centers have had a tough week after last weeks Senate Hearing on their controversial curriculum Cscope. After the senate hearing it appears that those responsible for this Progressive/Marxist Curriculum  have been jumping through hoops trying to please the Senate Education Committee. We appreciate all that the Senate Committee for holding the hearings and bring this to light. This curriculum has been in Texas schools for 6-7 years and children and country are the ones that will suffer for this.

Senator Dan Patrick just released the following statement. I would call this a HUGE WIN for the grass-roots.

Dan Patrick Press  Release

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Please contact your house Texas House Representatives asking them to cosponsor Steve Toth’s HB 760 . The Bill titled
THE CSCOPE TRANSPARENCY ACT’ HB 760 will call for oversight for e-learning material/curriculum within our public schools.  Presently Texas has a curriculum in 70% of our Texas schools called Cscope that has no outside oversight. The curriculum contains controversy lessons and the creation on the non-profit Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC) who owns Cscope is up for investigation.

It is imperative that you call and ask your state legislatures to support this important piece of legislation, HB 760. To find out who represents you go to


For additional information on Cscope go to TXCSCOPEREVIEW.COM


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Communist Manifesto used by TX Students

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Communist Manifesto         

Texas Students and the Communist Manifesto    


Students in Texas  whose School Superintendents and Board of Directors have purchased a  Marxist/Progressive curriculum called Cscope from their local Education Service Centers have students sympathizing with the idea of Communism. All twenty of the Education Service Center Directors formed a non-profit within a the State Agency of the Education Service Center and have used taxpayers money to implement and sell the Marxist curriculum Cscope to their local districts.

These are the Texas Schools that have purchased Cscope. 

Glenn Beck covered the story of a Cscope lesson that has the Boston Tea Party portrayed as a Terrorist Act.  Cscope also calls for students draw and color a new Socialist/Communist Nation Flag in one of the lessons.

As a parent and a taxpayer you may wonder why you have not heard about Cscope. The online curriculum has not been available for parents to view and teachers had to sign a non disclosure statement that they would not release the contents are say anything negative about Cscope. In other words teachers have been scared to speak out from fear of losing their jobs. Fortunately for students and Texas teachers there have been a group of concerned patriots  including myself that have been working to expose Cscope for what it is.

The Texas Senate Education Committee held a Hearing on Cscope last Thursday, Jan. 31st. The Non Profit Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC) who owns Cscope now is under evaluation by the Texas State Senate as well as the lesson content.   You can read about The Best Senate Hearing Ever. 


Check out the assignment below which is also part of the same lesson where students draw and color a new communist flag. They are to use EXCERPTS FROM THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO during their lesson.

Role Play

For additional info on Cscope check out TXCSCOPEREVIEW


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Texas Students Climb Stairs to Communism

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Texas Communist flag


One would never guess that 875 Texas Schools , public, private and charter have purchased and implemented a Marxist Curriculum called Cscope in their schools. Our Texas Education Service Centers have formed a Non Profit called Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC) and they operate out of out of our State Agenices using State employees to sell their Cscope Curriculum. The Curriculum has  students drawing a New Communist Flag which is part of the paticular lesson which gives out the following handout. Notice in the bottom box of the hand out where it states that capitalist “strive to fulfill their own needs and wants”.  We capitalist are selfish greedy people aren’t we”? Cscope is all about portraying communism in a positive light and the free enterprise/capitalist  system as selfish economic system.


For information on Cscope look up


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New Communist Flag drawn in Texas Schools

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Texas students that are currently attending a school that has implemented the progressive, pro Islamic curriculum CSCOPE are asked to draw a new Soviet Nation Flag, read excerpts from the Communist  Manifesto.


The students are also asked to read the quotes below from the socialist reformer Robert Owen who was known thinking that all religions were “based on the same absurd imagination” which he said made mankind “a weak, imbecile animal; a furious bigot and fanatic; or a miserable hypocrite.”

owen model



The Men and Women Behind the Marxist Curriculum

Please learn more about Cscope @



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TEXAS PATRIOTS are desperately needed in Austin this Thursday for the Senate Education Hearing on the ProIslamic,AntiChristian,Communistic curriculum, Cscope. Cscope is in almost 80% of our Texas Schools. Here are a list of schools that have purchased and implemented it.


The hearing is will be in room E1.028 @ 8:30 am at the Capitol. We would love to have you there early to fill up the room.  Doors of the Capitol open at 7:00AM.

Science Author Janice VanCleave who is the one who uncovered Cscope and has committed numerous hours over the past year meeting with Cscope reps, researching the curriculum and building  the website WWW.TXSCSCOPEREVIEW.COM in order to inform parents and communities as what our schools are teaching has been denied the opportunity to sit  on the panel at the hearing for reasons unknown.

There will 4 panels at the hearing 1) Cscope Reps 2) SBOE members 3)Superintendents 4) Anti Cscope Panel.  Taken the fact that there are two panel tables there in total support of Cscope and we know for a fact that SBOE member Patricia Hardy whom loves Cscope will be sitting on one panel  we feel we are not being  properly represented. This is why your attendance is crucial.


Please help us by attending this meeting to voice your concerns.  BE THERE AND BE EARLY.


****IMPORTANT***** THURSDAY is also TEXAS MUSLIM CAPITOL DAY.   Wouldn’t you know it!!

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Happy Birthday Mom, I Love You!

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Mom I want to take the time to tell you publicly how much I love you. You are the most wonderful mother in the world. Your love and friendship mean the world to me.

There  have been those times when I questioned your love for me  like when you gave me a same doll for Christmas two years in a row (some how it ended in the attic and you did not remember ever giving to me) or like the time you served me fried squirrel and told me it was chicken (I thought the leg’s were small). Or the day we were driving to school and you stopped on the side of the road and wrapped a dead squirrel up in newspaper to use in your science class. MOM, what were you thinking? I could just hear the kids talking at school, “Ms. VanCleave, Ginger’s mom brought a DEAD SQUIRREL to school”.  I was 16 and a cool chick that was so embarrassing!

There are so many moments I could share but this one is TOPS!! Why would you let my Aunt Diane tease my hair to high heaven for my school portraits? Mom, I have never asked but,  Why? Did you not want me to have any friends?  LOL!






I never thought I would see the day where you and I both would be doing what we are today and that is fighting for our Country’s Freedom and working to protect the children in our Texas Schools.


You are the GREATEST MOM!!    ~Love Ginger






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TX, Cscope views Communism as a Success

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 Communism for all people

 Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. ~Lenin

Texas online progressive curriculum Cscope from K-12 is pushing a progressive ideology that undermines America’s Heritage while promoting a positive view of Islam and Communism. Below is a question from a High School World History Assessment Test.


A-is to be the correct answer.  I never thought I would live to see the day where our Texas schools would promote the idea in our children minds that the proven failure of a Totalitarian Communist form of  governing as something to be viewed as a SUCCESS.

Not only have the Communist takeovers proven to be TRAGIC AND EVIL, but the fact that you have those in our Texas education system promoting this ideology as something positive is also TRAGIC and EVIL.


Communism has contributed to the death of up to 100 Million people.  There is no FREEDOM under Communism.



Wake up Texans! Wake up America! Get Involved! Speak Up!

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)


Texas State Board of Education Republican Members support Cscope

The Men and Women Behind Cscope







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Socialism/Communism/Marxism coming to Texas Schools!

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35 Texas Superintendents have joined forces with creating a New Vision for Texas Education. Here is their New Vision with their names and school districts on the last page. It is all about a watering down of our education system, the collective and not individual achievement. In other words SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM/MARXISM.


I recently saw the following flyer for a Community Connection in Anderson-Shiro ISD.



I along with a few friends attended the meeting and as expected it was a Consensus Meeting with the use of the Delphi Technique. (Please learn about the Delphi Technique. It has become common place lately with the implementation of the United Nations Agenda 21 goals.)

In short they already have their vision in place as to what they want our education system to look like they just want it to appear that they are reaching out to the community and getting their ideas which is far from the truth. I attended the meeting with friends that have attended Consensus Meetings before. We played along with  their little games (with music, lol) and interacted with the local sheriff and others. They were suspicious from the start who we were and what we were there for. My name is already known in numerous school communities due to my fight against the Texas progressive/Marxist curriculum Cscope . They took numerous photos (I think mine was taken the most) of the meeting as so did I.


They showed the following video at the meeting by Sir Ken Robinson.


I am assuming they will be holding these Consensus Meetings across the state as stated to make it appear that they have sought community input and this is what we want. Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) is behind all of this. Please call your elected officials and school board and let your concerns be known.

Parents are busy working and have been content if their child just passes school. What they don’t realize is when this is all implemented is all students are going to pass due to watering down of the academic content and it will a collective accomplishment not an individual one. There are no absolute values in with this progressive ideology.  It will become one long assembly line of indoctrination, all on the same playing field, everyone equal….SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM/MARXISM…call it what you may.  We are in trouble if the community and parents do not start paying attention. 


After further research not only did I find 35 stakeholders/superintendents pushing this agenda. I found this list of school Districts that have subscribed and paid a membership fee to be a part of  TASA’s  School Transformation Network, formally known as  TASA Visioning Network. A district (the taypayer’s) pays a fee to join the TASA School Transformation Network and those fees are below for the 2012/2013 school year.  881 school districts  though not paying fee’s to the TASA’s Transformation Network have signed a resolution to support the VISION along with PTA’s and local Chamber of Commerce’s . This is the



In a nutshell Texas Association of School Administrators and Texas Association of School Boards are working on transforming our children’s education to a  progressive/socialist one. Your local school district’s are using taxpayers money to join TASA and TASB and also to join the School Transformation Network. They also are using taxpayer money to fly to around the country to attend conferences, stay in hotels that do nothing but further the implementation of Common Core which Texas rejected. As I write this TASA is asking Texas Superintendents and School Administrators to join them and attend the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) to hear Humanist Linda Darling Hammond speak on Common Core. Why are Texas Taxpayers paying for this??


Please look at Texas Superintendent goes to Washington DC!


Additional links that expose the corruption in Texas Education. If you know more please let me know at






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District User License Agreement (DULA) for Texas Education …
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Texas Education Agency & UN Agenda 21

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Agenda-21Our nation is sadly deteriorating and America’s Exceptionalism is wasting away in large part due to the indoctrination of our school children. Texas unfortunately has bought into the lie of the United Nation’s Agenda 21/sustainable development goals of eliminating world poverty.  Sounds great on the surface but in reality it is the removal of individual freedom and personal property.

The Texas Education Agency (TEA), Texas Education Service Center (TESC), Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA)  are all behind the implementation of the United Nations Goals in our school system.  The CSCOPE curriculum is the tool being used to implement Agenda 21 propaganda.

Wake up Parents and Taxpayers 

Please take time to find out  what danger this indoctrination will bring to our National Sovereignty and Freedom.

Our children’s and grandchildren’s lives are being changed–STOP THIS Indoctrination before it is too late. America  will forever be changed if citizens do not get involved in stopping this creeping cancer.

The common answer head is, “I am too busy.”  If you do not take time now you may rue the day that you did not slow down and protect our Freedom. In the name of Progressive–21 Century changes, these progressive radicals are working overtime to implement policies and changes that will take your freedom of making choices away. America will no longer be the “The Land of the Free.”  Instead, it will be a controlled land with no individual freedoms.

Your children are daily being taught in public and private school about community and equal sharing. These are not Christian values, instead, they are at this time socialists propaganda. Which easily slides into communist control. Please get involved and educate yourself. America Needs You.



Texas Education Agency Power Point on Green


Christopher Columbus goes Green

Learn more about the United Nations Agenda 21






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Agenda 21 is EVIL

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Dumbing Down of Our Children is Deliberate

Your children are being indoctrinated.
Do want your children raised by the state?
CSCOPE is the venue by which Texas children are being indoctrinated with Agenda 21 propaganda.
Children are mathematically ignorant by design.
Children cannot read well by design.
Children are not taught to write in script by design.

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Christopher Columbus Goes Green?

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The Green Christopher Columbus


Revisionist History has become the norm in Texas schools with the use of a curriculum called Cscope. Does your school district use it? Check HERE.

One of the Cscope lessons takes the liberty of removing excerpts from Christopher Columbus’s journal entries where he admires God’s creation and beauty to use them in support of the environmentalist goals of the United Nations Agenda 21.

Below is the exact title to Christopher Columbus’ journal entries and one of the entries that Cscope reps have cherry picked words out of to support their environmental agenda for the purpose of  indoctrinating Texas students. The highlighted areas are the cherry picked words removed as you will see below.


Cscope revisionist History of Christopher Columbus


lesson with attachments.




Cscope has found it acceptable to track Islamic Scholar Ibn Battuata pilgrimage to Mecca.  Learn more about that lesson HERE.


You can learn more about Cscope @


More on the United Nations Agenda 21 @

Glenn Beck on Agenda 21


GLENN BECK’S BOOK ON AGENDA 21, though fictional it is thought provoking and makes wonder what our world will one day become if we don’t change course.

Glenn' Beck's Agenda 21

Agenda 21

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