Cscope! What are our children being taught?
Thursday, March 7, 2013
6:30 pm
Guest Speakers
Janice VanCleave, Science Author & Educator-Uncovered Cscope
Ginger Russell- Policial Activist (VanCleave’s daughter)
John Griffing- editor for World Net Daily
Please invite parents, teachers, school board members, grandparents, clergy, and bring your children!
You will not believe what is being taught in over 70% of Texas schools. This curriculum is pro-Islamic, anti-Christian & based on a Marxist/Communist Philosophy. One example has High School students drawing a new communist flag & one lesson has the teacher passing out verses of the Quran to the students. CSCOPE has NO outside oversight as to what is in the curriculum. This is unacceptable!
Mrs. Janice VanCleave is a successful Science Author, educator who kicked off the investigation of CSCOPE! Janice will educate us about TASA, Texas Association of School Administrators and how CSCOPE fits into their plans for implementing Common Core –Against the mandate of Governor Perry.
Ginger Russell will educate us on what is exactly being taught in this curriculum and tell us what we can do to have it removed from our Texas school systems.
John Griffing is an investigative reporter for World Net Daily online news source. He will educate us on the Texas legislative aspect of this curriculum.
Location: Webster Civic Center, 311 Pennsylvania Ave. Webster, TX 77598
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