Since the video surfaced of HCDE’s superintendent outlining his battle plan AGAINST the taxpayers, Texans deserve to know exactly who declared war on them….
It is the two obsolete county school boards left over from 100 years ago when counties operated Texas public schools:
1. Dallas County School Trustees–dba–DCS,Texserve
2. Harris County School Trustees–dba–HCDE,Choice Partners
All other counties in Texas quit electing County School Trustees after all their students moved to Independent School Districts.

everything from cloud computing to charter bus services.

If the Legislature allows these tax exempt subsidized business operations to continue, they will be sanctioning public debt to purchase private companies, and using public funds to supplement government owned businesses.
Government businesses which can put private sector companies out of business, and their private sector employees out of work.
In other words, taxpayers are at war with subsidized public sector, socialistic businesses that are working to undermine our capitalist system.
If you want to join in the battle, you can contact your Texas State Representative and Senator and let them know you expect them to support a bill to close the two remaining county school boards.