You may be asking what could be worse than a TEXAS RINO? It is a TEXAS RINO that supports the INDOCTRINATION of OUR CHILDREN with a progressive, socialist agenda within our school system. Such is the case with RINO’S Texas State Board of Education members THOMAS RATLIFF and PATRICIA HARDY.
Mr. RATLIFF and MS. HARDY ran on a republican ticket but support and encourage the use of a progressive, socialist curriculum called Cscope. What is Cscope? Cscope is an online curriculum that has been purchased and implemented in over 80% of Texas schools and few citizens, parents or taxpayers are even aware of it. Parents have not been allowed to view it and teachers have been gagged from speaking out due to the fact they had to sign a non disclosure statement (without legal council) that they would not release any of the contents of cscope or say anything negative about it. The curriculum is pro Islamic, anti Christian with a globalist agenda from K-12.
Cscope has a parent portal that is extremely vague as to the content of the material that is actually taught.
Mr Thomas Ratliff put out a press release in support of Cscope. His letter here, CSCOPE, Thomas Ratliff
Mr. Ratliff starts out his letter addressing those of us that have major concerns about Cscope with the following statement.
“The recent dust up about CSCOPE, like a lot of things in education today, is part conspiracy theory and part amnesia. To help get this artificial controversy behind us,…”
AMNESIA? SERIOUSLY?? He was voted into office??
Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) are tied into this as well (more later). You will find the following recording that Mr. Ratliff has made in support of Cscope on TASA’s website.
Mr Ratliff has also n response to a request by superintendents and educators across the state, SBOE member Thomas Ratliff recorded a message that covers the basics of CSCOPE and the recent controversies surrounding the product. Listen to the audio recording (.zip file) 16 minutes.
***Why would a State board of education member go through such extremes to promote a product he as a SBOE member has not say or control over???
On November 15th 2012, at the request of one its Board Members, the SBOE welcomed public comments in regard to the concerns centered around Cscope even though the SBOE and TEA have no oversight over Cscope. Those in attendance who spoke hoped to bring attention to something that has been implemented in over 80% of Texas schools and needs to be stopped. During testimony elected official Patricia Hardy went on a diatribe pointing out the supposed positive aspects of the curriculum! WHAT?? Why would an elected official spend time during public testimony supporting a private vendor?
Ms. Hardy’s testimony is HERE. (WILL BE DOWNLOADED ASAP)