CSCOPE.. Not What It’s Quacked Up To Be!!

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The CSCOPE “duck walk”  is in play once again. CSCOPE, is a curriculum management system that changes on a daily basis that will now get a new name in hopes of salvaging it’s undesirable image. It will be referred to as  TEKS RESOURCE SYSTEM beginning August 30th. The governing board has already disbanded under pressure from the Texas legislature and is now operating under the new name “Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative.”

As the Lt. Governor David Dewhurst tweeted today “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…” and I will finish by saying “It is a duck” Absolutely nothing about CSCOPE will change except for the fact that the “exemplar lessons” that were to be removed by August 31st are now in the public domain. The controlling aspect that teachers have to deal with, as progressive educrats work to implement “Project Based Learning” will remain in place.  The CSCOPE assessments will still be administered. These completed assessments are not sent home to help students review what they need to improve. These assessment are more subjective and the results are entered into database as school .


david D tweet

The link on the tweet takes you to the document below.

jerry maze

The letter is signed by Jerry Maze, director of ESC 12. 

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Where Is The Outrage? Christians are being Persecuted!!

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illegal cross

Today Coptic Christians are being murdered and tortured in Egypt. At least 42  churches have been burned down and destroyed. Where is the OUTRAGE? Does Obama care? Do Americans care? America has become so complacent and believes persecution will not make it’s way to our shores. With the removal of prayer in schools, the murder of the unborn through abortion, America has turned it’s face away from God.

The IRS under the Obama administration has been noted to ask a pro-life group to disclose “content of it’s members prayers”. Seriously? Has America come to this?  The absurdity of this question alerts one to the mentality of the left and the havoc they are reaping on America along with the ripping away of American Exceptionalism. Can Christian persecution come to America?  You bet it can and will if American values and America’s exceptionalism are not once again instilled in our children! Our education system in America has been the greatest contributor to removing those cherished values and principals from our next generation.

America, the Greatest Country in the World,  the envy of millions world wide is coming apart from the inside out. There are thousands who have made it their goal in life to tear America apart but many more are unaware that they are contributing to this foreseeable destruction. The Christian principals that are weaved into America’s founding and the values that have contributed to 200+ years of religious freedom are no longer taught in our education system. Students are taught the religion of globalization and environmentalism. America will not survive this. In my fight against the Texas Education establishment and their implementation of a progressive teaching philosophy, called CSCOPE aka Project Based Learning known nationally as Common Core, educators come out in droves claiming their Christianity. I  have never questioned their faith but I question on behalf of their faith how can they be so ignorant of the progressive agenda and the impending doom it will have on all of our children’s future. God’s word says in Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”.

At a time when education takes up the majority of our budget and is at the forefront of every election campaign, I am reminded of the speech by Ronald Reagan “A Time for Choosing”, where he said “It’s not that our liberal friends are ignorant, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t true”. Wake up America! Persecution is coming!


More on the persecution of Christian persecution go to




EGYPT Coptic Church Set Ablaze (By Muslim Brotherhood Supporters?)



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WARNING: Texas Student Data System

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Texas Education Service Center 10 Director,  Buddy Echols,  Texas Education Agency’s Brian Rowson,

Micheal and Susan Dell Foundation’s, Lori Fey and Terry Driscoll of Lubbock ISD presented a plan to implement student data collection at the National Center for Education Statistics in 2010 Conferenc


I wrote an article detailing that the Texas Education Agency along with Texas Education Service Centers and school districts role in collecting data on your child that can be stored and shared with various policyholders and research organizations.


The complete Powerpoint Presentation



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Frustrated CSCOPE Teacher!

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crying teacher

~~A very good teacher friend of mine needs prayer. She shared with me she is very frustrated about her job, and its going against her principles to be forced to teach CSCOPE.

She said I could share her story without using her name. CSCOPE does not only affect kids it affects teachers too!~~


“First day back at work after summer break. Our admin told us we would be using CSCOPE this year. We were urged to download the lesson plans because they will be gone Aug. 31, “because some people overreacted to the program” but were reassured that our curriculum person has backed up all lessons on her computer for us. GRRRRRR. I am so upset about this. It certainly doesn’t set a very good tone for the year. It’s very convicting to me to have to teach it. I am asking the Lord for an immediate answer. We will still be monitored by it which means if they come in and I’m not right where everyone else is, teaching what everyone else it at that moment in time, it’s a mark against me. I wish more people would wise up and speak up. We are a very faith centered community and NO one seems to know anything about CSCOPE.” How would you like to know our teacher feel this way about school administrators pushing this on them to teach?

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The danger imposed on our children has increased with the progressive agenda of having online learning for every student in every classroom. The powers at be want all students to have access to their individual laptops/ipads and even cell phones on a daily basis in their classes. Some school districts are even planing to equip their buses with wifi!

Millions of dollars of grant money have been funneled into and through the Texas Education System by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation to accomplish this progressive agenda.

What parents are not told is that personal information is being collected on their child and his or her family in the process and shared at the state and federal levels.

Johnny  Kissko is a Math teacher at Frenship High School in Wolfforth, Texas,(a CSCOPE district). Mr. Kissko is also a representative of “Microsoft Partner in Learning” and works on the side with his technology companies on behalf of Microsoft in implementing technology use in all classrooms.

Kissko led break out sessions during the 2011 CSCOPE conference titled “LINKING TWITTER TO CSCOPE”.

twitter to cscope

Mr. Kissko’s website K12 mobile learning, outlines what is happening with TEXAS schools through his various blog posts. During a 2010 Microsoft Confernce Kissko was interviewed by Cameron Evans, National and Chief Technology Officer, U.S. Education. Microsoft Corp. More on Mr. Evans Here.


Johnny’s twitter


I home schooled my children and monitored their online activities. From the time they were small we utilized educational as well as fun games they could play on the home computer. Moderation along with parental oversight was the key. The dangers exposed to students in public schools today has intensified with the push for all students to be online. 



One scenario I became aware of in Texas School District, George West ISD was the twitter feed of 7th grade math teacher, Brenda Pawelek. Pawelek had a personal twitter feed and one for her class as well. On Pawelek’s class twitter feed she constantly tweets a young man in her class. I find this inappropriate for a teacher to have ongoing social contact with students in a personal online setting.

Pawelek is a sports nut and from the looks of her tweets one would think she grew up on an oil rig! The inappropriate material is over the top and is accessible to her students unless she has blocked them.

With all the technology that is being implemented, who oversees this kind of activity to insure our children are safe in the classroom?






Brenda 3

6-5-2013 7-08-17 PM

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TASA’s opinion of Thomas Jefferson “Only White Men Were Created Equal”?

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by Calvin Russell

In a time when racial tension is unnecessarily raising it’s ugly head,why in the world would we want to attempt to open a wound that isn’t there in the first place.

Texas Association of School Administrator’s (TASA) exploration into Thomas Jefferson’s wording of the Declaration of Independence is appalling. To ask what Mr Jefferson’s meaning was when he used the words “ all men are created equal” knowing that slavery was going on at the time would seem an attempt to lead one to believe that Mr. Jefferson was either a hypocrite or a racist.

Five words, just five words to form an opinion of a man who pledged along with fifty-five other men “their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor” to commit to what England would call treason and many did indeed lose their lives, most lost their fortunes, but none that I am aware of ever lost their sacred honor. That is unless we allow TASA’s biased attempt at discrediting one of our most famous Founding Father’s reputation to convince our youth that he was in fact without honor.

In times like these when our nation needs to be reminded of the greatness of our country’s heritage and the sacrifice in blood and treasure that was paid in full to allow us a freedom that our generation has never fully known, we allow one more “educational organization” to spew their anti-American agenda at our kids. Heck, we even fund it with our tax dollars.

That’s right, lets just put a few kids together in a group that we call Project Based Learning and let them discover for themselves what Thomas Jefferson meant when he wrote these five simple words included in one of the most respected and cherished documents in American history.

And that’s the way we do it today. No teacher to guide and teach, just heat the pot and throw in some junk and whatever comes out in the end must be an education.


TASA’s new ITUNE Lesson

8-11-2013 10-24-50 PM


tasa itunes

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Expert Says Cscope Science Lesson Faulty!

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8.9.13 — To parents, educators, administrators: 


From Donna Garner:  If you have doubts about the academic quality of CSCOPE lessons, the following 5th grade CSCOPE science lesson with comments by Janice VanCleave should validate your concerns.

Janice VanCleave is well-known internationally for her “Science for Every Kid” series and is an authority on making students’ science experiments fascinating while building them on sound science.  Her materials are used by science teachers all over the world:

Janice VanCleave is a former secondary classroom teacher who has written more than 50 science and math books for kids and educators. Her reading audience spans ages from kindergarten to high school seniors. Janice’s books are translated in fifteen languages and to date there have been more than two million copies sold. So it is safe to say that kids and educators around the world are playing and having fun doing Janice VanCleave’s investigations.

Ms. VanCleave has taken the time to go through this 5th grade CSCOPE lesson and evaluate it for accuracy.  Here are her introductory comments and the link to view the CSCOPE lesson along with her reviews: 


From Janice VanCleave:  The following 5th grade lesson is the perfect example of why schools should not use CSCOPE. I actually got tired of correcting this lesson and stopped. I’ll review it more later, but there are enough errors marked to let any parent know that administrators/educators who choose CSCOPE for their district are setting their students up for failure on the state-mandated tests (i.e., STAAR tests).  









Donna Garner

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Have No Fear CSCOPE Is Here?

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cscope fear
Did you know that CSCOPE is holding their 5th annual CSCOPE Conference starting tomorrow August 6 (in honor of my birthday, lol). Yes, that’s right more taxpayer money down the drain. Not only are school districts paying to send administrators/teachers to the conference, taxpayers are also funding their hotel and food bills as well.  It is astonishing that the same people (school administrators, TASA, TASB and legislatures) who are continually belly aching that there is shortage of money for education; think nothing of throwing it away on motivational conferences instead of bring the money back to the classroom.  What are they going to learn at this motivational conference? Read below.
I found the following post on Facebook yesterday by mom ~Kara Sands who is fighting CSCOPE along with hundreds cross the state of Texas.
Well, looky here… CSCOPE is having their annual conference next week in San Antonio. If you don’t mind your head exploding go ahead and read the descriptions for the different sessions that teachers and administrators will be attending… clearly Common Core inspired. —- Here’s my personal favorite- Diversity in Your Classroom? Have No Fear, CSCOPE is Here! (yep, that’s the real title) “With a combination of demonstrations and videos, participants will see how children can be transformed as they engage in learning activities.” Gee, I had no idea that “diversity” was in the TEKS. And what exactly do they mean by “transformed”?Folks, this is bad.

It’s not only the CSCOPE lessons that are troublesome, it’s the methods that our schools are using to teach our children and the philosophy behind it. One word kept popping into my mind as I was reading the descriptions, and that word is … collectivism.

My children, like yours, are unique, wonderful individuals with different talents and gifts. Like me, you probably celebrate their individuality and are raising them to be independent thinkers and self-sufficient. If so, how can we allow them to be taught the opposite at school? How can we allow our children to be lumped into a collective group where they learn to rely on the group for answers and the teacher is merely a “guide”? And how can these schools that continue to use CSCOPE do so when parents and lawmakers have overwhelmingly come out against it?

The superintendents & school board members that allow any part of CSCOPE into their schools should be ashamed of themselves. I encourage parents to run against these school board members and then once your elected you can fire the superintendent and the administrators. It’s time to clean house in Texas public schools.

I am not backing down and I will not stop until these liberal-progressive teaching methods are out of Texas schools — our children deserve better.

School districts are using taxpayer money to send various teachers and administrators to this conference. This money would be better utilized in the classroom. ~~~





*****Get involved and file Public Information Request on your local school districts and find out who all attended the conferences and what the district expenses are the conference, food and hotel.*********

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by Janice VanCleave


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I posted an article yesterday  revealing a situation I perceive to be a “Conflict of Interest” taking place in the Huntsville Independent School District. Read it HERE.

Shortly after posting the article I received the following  comments from Huntsville ISD school
board member,Sam Moak.


I am Sam Moak. I am a Christian, a husband, a father and a son. Yes my wife works at Education Service Center Region VI. So did my mother, for 37 years. I do not follow anyone and I think for myself. Am I perfect, no, but I am honest and have done nothing wrong. Yes, our children did attend Alpha Omega Academy, a wonderful Christian school. It was a choice as Christians we made and I am not afraid of. However, due to situations related to my wife’s illness, we choose to move to HISD. I am a graduate of HISD and proud of both AOA and HISD. CSCOPE is a political issue. Unfortunately, all the children of Texas are victims of this political battle. I only want what is the best for all the children of Huntsville. HISD cannot afford, nor can the vast majority of school districts in Texas, to hire a curriculum writer. Therefore, long before I was on the HISD School Board, the decision was made to use CSCOPE as a resource. It’s use was and never has been mandated at HISD. I am tired of hearing Mrs. Russell and her mother, Janice Van Cleave, repeat over and over the problems with CSCOPE. They point to 3 or 4 lessons in the social studies segment and brand the entire 1600 lessons as bad. Mrs. Russell you choose to homeschool your child(ren) and your mother, Janice Van Cleave, has made quite a nice living selling over 89 education products to homeschoolers, some of which is written (oh Horror), in other languages. I find nothing wrong with families that choose to homeschool, however, I suspect your motives are not true. You use the Tea Party and Senator Dan Patrick and any means you can to attack public school districts and the wonderful money saving Education Service Centers throughout our state. It would cost our school districts, and thus the taxpayers, millions of dollars to replace the Education Service Centers. But is your real purpose to support a voucher system in Texas? A system that allows folks who can afford to segregate their children from other children? Or is it to help promote your choice of homeschooling and to sell education material written by your mother? Or do you Mrs. Russell support purchasing our children’s curriculum from a foreign based entity (Pearson) that sells curriculum to 70 other countries including Islamic ones? What is your educational background? Training? What makes you such a self proclaimed expert on education?


Whistleblower responses….






Ginger Russell

Mr. Moak,

I did not wake up one day and decide to fight the public school system in Texas. Not by a long shot. I have always been politically active and my mother has not. Unfortunately the cause fell in my lap when mom asked me to look into a situation she found her self in.

My mother is in her 70’s and retired. She spends time serving her community by visiting widows in nursing homes and tutoring. This all started over a year ago when she tried to tutor some children in her local school district. When she asked them where their textbooks were they said they had none. (RED FLAG) The teacher knew mom’s reputation and gave her a copy of a CSCOPE science lesson. Finding it riddled with errors she asked for additional lessons and was refused. (RED FLAG) She had even taught in this particular school district years earlier prior to her writing. Needless to say she ended up in her local ESC in Waco where they refused to let her see the CSCOPE lessons as well. The actions and behavior by all involved raised some serious (RED FLAGS). I put mom in contact with SBOE chairman Barbara Cargill who had not heard of CSCOPE either and she also requested the ESC to give her a password and they refused (RED FLAG). Barbara was not able to get a password to CSCOPE for six months until Gov Perry got involved (RED FLAG).

When the CSCOPE reps in Austin found out who mom was they drove to her local town of Marlin to meet with her. SERIOUSLY! I along with another gentlemen attended the meeting to their surprise. They had hoped they could team up on her 5 to 1 and were not happy with our presence. I have the whole meeting recorded HERE. It is long and boring. But at one point in the conversation I handed the CSCOPE State Coordinator,  the Islamic Powerpoint and he tries to deny it (RED FLAG).

I then filed a Public Information Request and TESCCC asked the attorney General to deem them a “non governmental entity” which he denied. They also stated that mom was a CSCOPE competitor in hopes he would rule on their behalf. The lie has made it’s round through the education system.

We then started going public and teachers would contact us anonymously asking for help. They informed us that their administrators were having them to sign non disclosure statements that they would not release the contents or say anything negative about it. (RED FLAG).

I spoke at the Willis ISD Board meeting in October in regard to CSCOPE. I had no idea at the time who Lindy McCullogh (ESC CSCOPE COORDINATOR) was or that she was there. She spoke after me and was obviously outraged that I had spoke out against CSCOPE. (RED FLAG)

I later called ESC director Brent Hawkins and in our conversation he said “you will not tear apart something we implemented”. (RED FLAG)

Now, with all the flags and strange behavior by some many educators in regard to CSCOPE we knew something had to be done. By this time a couple of veteran educators had contacted us and started talking.

Needless to say when you have an educational program that is riddled with the controversial material, parents can’t see it, teachers silenced and threatened with prosecution for releasing content, etc, that was enough RED FLAGS for us.

Being politically active I had a personal meeting with the LT Governor in January. Dewhurst said he would have the chairman of the Senate Education Committee which was Dan Patrick hold an education hearing on it. And he did. The rest is history.

I have not even got into the financials in regard to CSCOPE or their lack of transparency.

It has taken me over a year to finally find out what CSCOPE is all about and it was to implement “project based learning”(PBL) in the schools. PBL is based on the collective not individual achievement. PBL is quite the opposite of a Classical Education that your children received at Alpha Omega.

Huntsville ISD has spent thousands attended TASA’s Transformation Academies which is all about PBL. Why? Why do you support this radical change?

Now this week I get an article about Huntsville ISD’s waiver request. I saw your last name and it rang a bell with due to the fact that your wife had sent me twitter feeds months back and I put the pieces together. The more I research the more of this I find. It is one big spider web and the tax payers are paying out the butt for it.

How christian conservatives can set back and ignore what is going on is beyond me, I can’t do it. My children and grandchildren deserve better.

As for as mom and her books she has been accused of doing this for money. We got where we just laugh. If anything this has cost us both.

I am by no way a self proclaimed expert on education. Yes, I did home school both of my children who are now college graduates and married. But I do know it is wrong to pass out verses of the Quran to students, I know it is wrong to have students draw new Communist Flags,I know it is wrong to have students learn about the sex life of Islamic Women, etc, etc.. enough on the lessons. I know it was unacceptable and wrong to not allow parents to view what their children were taught. I know it is wrong to have teachers threatened with a lawsuit for disclosing content or speaking negatively about a curriculum. How you can ignore this? How can you vote to purchase this crap again and petition the state for a waiver is beyond me.

I want you to know yes mom and I have a following of conservative christian activist… but there are 100’s across the state that supply us information as to what is going on in their local area. We are not in this alone, not by a long shot. The days of our local school districts hiding and spending money with no oversight is over.

I am sure your and your wife are wonderful loving christian parents.

But I do wonder why and how you and other proclaimed christian people can set back and ignore this progressive ideology that is taking over our school system.

If you have any further questions I will be happy to answer them.

Ginger Russell
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD”
~Psalms 33:12~


Janice VanCleave

This email is being sent to Sam Moak, a Huntsville ISD School Board Member, whose wife works at Region 6 and sells CSCOPE to the Huntsville ISD. Mr.Moak left a comment on stating that he is tired of me and my daughter, Ginger Russell, attacking CSCOPE. I don’t want to misquote Mr. Moak, so I’ll paste his comments here:
” I am tired of hearing Mrs. Russell and her mother, Janice Van Cleave, repeat over and over the problems with CSCOPE. They point to 3 or 4 lessons in the social studies segment and brand the entire 1600 lessons as bad. Mrs. Russell you choose to homeschool your child(ren) and your mother, Janice Van Cleave, has made quite a nice living selling over 89 education products to homeschoolers, some of which is written (oh Horror), in other languages. I find nothing wrong with families that choose to homeschool, however, I suspect your motives are not true. You use the Tea Party and Senator Dan Patrick and any means you can to attack public school districts and the wonderful money saving Education Service Centers throughout our state. It would cost our school districts, and thus the taxpayers, millions of dollars to replace the Education Service Centers. But is your real purpose to support a voucher system in Texas? A system that allows folks who can afford to segregate their children from other children? Or is it to help promote your choice of homeschooling and to sell education material written by your mother? Or do you Mrs. Russell support purchasing our children’s curriculum from a foreign based entity (Pearson) that sells curriculum to 70 other countries including Islamic ones? What is your educational background? Training? What makes you such a self proclaimed expert on education?”

Hi Sam,

I am Ginger Russell’s mother, Janice VanCleave and want to address some of the points you have made. 
First, concerned citizens do not have to have an education background to question what is being taught in the public school. But, I do have an education background and continue to study up todate educational teaching method that are applicable for classroom as well as home study. My background includes 27 years in public schools, mostly in Texas. My second career was writing science experiment books for kids and educators. My third career or I might say project is creating a science website with the primary focus on science fair projects, thus I feel very qualified to evaluate the CSCOPE Performance Indicators as well as other progressive Project Based Learning lessons (PBL). Those creating PBL lessons do not truly understand how to prepare students to use critical thinking to solve problems. They fail to provide kids with the tools for critical thinking. 
this is because they are using the constructivist/progressive teaching method, which assumes students come to class with the foundation knowledge and using this can discover for themselves. Parents can best understand this method by remember their child’s first science fair project or maybe every science fair project. The teacher announces that everyone is to do a science fair project–gives a list of all the necessary parts and sends them off. This is when I receive panic emails from kids and parents –How does one do a science fair project? Same method is being used with all PBL. No critical thinking–just anxiety and frustration. Now that the CSCOPE lessons are public domain, I can provide you with more information.
About using 2 to 3 social studies lessons to condemn an entire curriculum. If you had listened to the Senate Education Committee hearing on CSCOPE, you would have heard evidence of many lessons. Barbara Cargill, chair of the state board of education had in her hands a folder full of examples that were pointed out to the committee. These were CSCOPE science, math, ELAR and social studies lessons all with errors and/or biases. How many of the CSCOPE lessons have you personally evaluated? Do the school board members at Huntsville ISD have passwords to the CSCOPE website?
FYI:  After being refused a password to CSCOPE for six months, Governor Perry had to request that Barbara Cargill, the chair of the State Board of Education, be given a password to the CSCOPE website. This tells you how secretive the content of the CSCOPE lessons were prior to the Senate Education Committee hearing on CSCOPE. Again, how many CSCOPE lessons have you evaluated?
I have asked and received all science lessons K-8 from teachers who must remain anonymous. This is a sad statement. The CSCOPE lessons should have been public domain from the start. The ESCs are not suppose to support any one vendor and they become a vendor themselves. The ESCs are suppose to provide service to a specific region and they grouped together creating a one-size-fits-all curriculum with the goal of educating students across Texas EQUALLY. This can only be done by scripting lessons and school administrators monitor educators to force them to follow the script. Some give teachers more flexibility but still provide them with CSCOPE lessons that have never been evaluated for correctness. You sir, refuse to believe me when I tell you that all the the science lessons incorrectly present the scientific method which is 40% of the Science STAAR Tests. Not one CSCOPE administrator or School Board Member wants proof. I’ll start posting examples 
As to Pearson Publishing, this company basically controls Texas Education now. Pearson helps write the STAAR/EOCs. Pearson publishes and grades the STAAR/EOCs. Pearson decides the evaluation of STAAR/EOC grades, thus this foreign based company controls what students are taught and whether they have mastered the concepts. Pearson also publishes study books for the STAAR/EOC tests. If schools purchased any materials it should be these study guides. Who knows more about the STAAR/EOCs than the company that writes and prints these tests? Does Pearson Publishing have an unfair advantage in the education market in Texas, you bet! Do the ESCs have an unfair market advantage over education materials sold in Texas? No doubt about it. Of course the ESCs have better prices for their vendor products, the state of Texas pays their employess, pays for offices, in fact pays all overhead. What the ESCs sell is pure non-taxed profit. Do the ESCs fairly compete with other vendors–No. I think you call this a monopoly. Now the CSCOPE money trail would be interesting. Where is all this money? I would like the ESCs to stop being vendors and start being independent service centers again. There is nothing fun and personnal about the ESCs now. It was fun to have the teacher workroom where educators and even parents could go to make cutouts for their class. This is gone and it was important. Some ESCs loaned out science critters. This should be part of every ESC. The ESCs could be providing wonderful services to schools in their district, instead the atmosphere at the ESCs is cloaked in secrecy. You have the STAFFERs who are kept in the dark and the CSCOPE group whispering and making new plans (documented statement from an observer).
Pearson Publishing also sponsors TASA/TASB the private organization that school board members and superintendents pay membership and conference fees using the school taxes. This is no small amount— $100 Million has been estimated from the information collected from school districts. Yes, some of this money is for things like school insurance. But, why not buy from some local group? Citizens pay school taxes, superintendents and school board members give some of it to a private organization that is sabatoging STATE Education with their Vision Learning program to transform Texas Education. Were school taxes used to pay for the anyone from your school district to attend the TASA transition training?
Sam, I am not sure I understand this statement you made:
Janice Van Cleave, has made quite a nice living selling over 89 education products to homeschoolers, some of which is written (oh Horror), in other languages.

How I make my living has nothing to do with my questions of what is being taught in the Texas public schools. I do not write textbooks, nor do I write K-12 curriculum for every subject. I write science experiment books for kids and resource science/math books for educators. In no way is my work competitive with CSCOPE. In fact, prior to the development of CSCOPE in 2006, I was hired by many of the Texas Education Service Centers to present science workshops for Texas Educators. Region 12 is near my home and I have been involved with this group since 1975 as a teacher in the region as well as an author. As a science author, I was an honorary member of the Region 12 Science Consortium. I payed my own way to event and provided supplies and science books to the teachers in this group. Becca Bell, the CSCOPE director at Region 12 recently informed me that she never heard of an honorary member. I was welcomed at Region 12 prior to my asking to view the CSCOPE lessons. I dropped in with supplies and was welcomed. CSCOPE has taken the fun out everything it touches.   

As to your comment “OH Horror” in reference to the foreign translations. It is strange that school board members and superintendents responsible for purchasing CSCOPE for their schools feel the need to attack me and my work. I have met with Wade Labay, STATE CSCOPE director, and we have respect for each other though we disagree about CSCOPE. Mr. Lebay doesn’t share your view of me or my work. During a meeting with Mr. Lebay and Ed Vega, supervisor of CSCOPE curriculum, Ed brought a copy of one of  my books and asked me to authograph it. I will contact these men today and ask them to give me a reference to post.  
As to only 2 to 3 social studies lessons being incorrect. These lessons caught the eye of the news media and continued to be discussed. But it was the lack of transparency that first alarmed me and got the news media interested. It was hard to get people to believe that in Texas Public Schools lessons were being taught that parents were not allowed to view. It was hard to get people to believe that teachers were being so micromanaged. Parents are aware of the truth now and it will be difficult for superintendents and school boards to continue purchasing unapproved education materials. Parents and concerned citizens will start demanding to be part of the decision making of the school. School board members are suppose to represent the community, but education materials have become a very profitable business for the 20 ESCs. 
Is there any conflict of interest in you being on a region 6 school board where you approve the CSCOPE product that your wife who works at Region 6 sells? Of course there is.

As to my supporting the voucher system. I know very little about this. As to people that can afford to use voucher so they can segregate their children from public schools. What’s the difference in putting children in private schools instead of sending them to public schools? I cannot say that I support the voucher system, but do support parents that choose the best education for their children and if they think the public schools are not providing this, then they should have some way to do so without having to move. I live near Marlin Texas. The Marlin ISD schools have failed the state tests for so many years that it is not even news worthy. Seven consecutive years of failure makes it difficult for families that have no choice but care about their children’s education. Families have taken new jobs so that they can move out of Marlin.
Yes, Marlin ISD uses CSCOPE and that is where I was first introduced to this curriculum. A friend with an afterschool program asked me to tutor elementary children in science and math. The children in Marlin ISD are not issued text books. Does Huntsville ISD provide textbooks to students? I hope so because without textbooks parents have no clue what is being taught to their children. Without textbooks, kids have no resources to do any homestudy. Without textbooks, the education of our kids is limited to what teachers present in class and how much students remember. Yes, class notebooks are required in every class at all grade levels. Thus, the class notebook and what students write in it is all students have to review at home for class tests as well as the STAAR Test.
One elementary teacher that taught in a CSCOPE school last year was forced to follow the CSCOPE lessons. She insisted on providing science books to her students. The administration did not want teachers using books because as promoted by the CSCOPE vendor (including region 6), even books aligned with the revised TEKS cannot update changes in the TEKs as often as the CSCOPE online curriculum can. This is a false statement in that the TEKS for a subject are not changed often. The science TEKS were introduced in the fall of 2010 and the next science TEKS revision will be introduced in 2016. The same is true for TEKS in other subjects. Another false statement promoted by Region 6 and the other 19 ESCs (the CSCOPE Vendor) is that books that are not aligned with the revised TEKS do not have information needed to teach these new TEKS. Not True.
Science books with the TEKS for TAKS Tests have the same information with very few changes as the revised science books aligned with the new TEKS for STAAR Tests. 
Did you know that the 20 ESCs were paid $100 million dollars to prepare transition materials for Texas Eductors. YES I said $100 Million. Did they do it? Ask your local Region 6 for copies of this material. It was the transition material teachers needed. But 800 school districts were sold CSCOPE. Why? The ESCs had FREE material for the Texas Teachers. I have copies of this material. Do your teachers?
Did you know that Region 6 received $1,041,156, just to present workshops for teachers in  Region 6 during the summer of 2010 through the spring of 2011. Did your teachers attend? Were they invited?
In 2011 Region 6 received $2,914,384 Million, yes almost $3 MILLION dollars just to present workshops to Texas Teachers so that they would be prepared to present the new social studies and math TEKs.
There was never a reason for CSCOPE—the 20 ESCs received a total of another $100 Million dollars to prepare Texas Educators to adapt their teaching materials to the new TEKS. Were the Huntsville teachers at these workshops or did Region 6 sell Huntsville CSCOPE materials instead of providing the FREE materials they were paid millions of dollars to prepare, present and post on the Project Share?
Are these the same ESCs that you have such concern about? 
At the bottom of this note I have a copy of the millions paid to Region 6. I will send this letter to region 6 and request an account of what they did with more than $4 million dollars. They didn’t give $4 million dollars of service to the educators in region 6. Instead they sold CSCOPE  to school districts and some such as Huntsville are still standing behind the CSCOPE product. Maybe you should be asking Region 6 why they sold CSCOPE instead of giving it to your free– $4 million dollars is a lot of money and it should have provided your school with something free. 
Note: The attached files show how much each of the 20 ESCs received in two years to provide materials that Texas teachers still don’t know anything about. Let me suggest that you ask Region 6 to pull out that Rider 42 TEKS materials they were paid millions to present and start giving those workshops now. This solves the problem of not having the CSCOPE lessons. 
About these Free Rider 42 TEKS Workshops. 
 The 81 Texas Legislature gave TEA via Rider 42 grant over $150 MILLION— I emphasize that this is MILLIONS of dollars. The objective being for the 20 ESCs to prepare materials so that teachers could easily transition from the TEKS for TAKS tests to the revised TEKS for STAAR TESTs. Science and ELAR Rider 42 academies were to be presented during the summer of 2010. All the 20 ESCs were given $50 MILLION dollars to create science and ELAR Rider 42 PD materials, post it on the Project Share website and give face-to-face hands-on Science and ELAR workshops. 
Did all the teachers from Huntsville ISD attend these special multi-million dollar workshops that were FREE. These workshops were to provide information so that teachers could easily transition from the Science and ELAR TEKS/TAKS to the TEKS/STAAR. Again, the 20 ESCs were paid $50 MILLION dollars to write materials so that all Texas teachers would start the 2010-2011 school year prepared. 
The Rider 42 materials were to show a side-by-side comparison of the two sets of TEKS, old with the new. Teachers were to be shown any old TEKS that included in the new TEKS. Teachers were to be shown new TEKS not used the previous year. In other words, the two sets of TEKS were to be totally compared. This was to be done so that teachers could modify their TEKS/TAKS scope and sequence. To modify their curriculum. To modify the lessons used with the TEKS/TAKS so that the new TEKS/STAAR would be emphasized. 
The main differences between the two sets of TEKS for a specific subject mainly referenced an increase in content. It is not that the revised TEKS were so much more rigorous, it is the STAAR tests that are more rigorous. This means that the TEKS need to be considered the minimum framework and lessons need to do much more than be aligned with the TEKS. This is one reason CSCOPE does not properly prepare students for the state tests Another reason is that the CSCOPE lessons have so many factual errors. 
Administrators and school board members who have purchased CSCOPE seem not to be aware that this free material was prepared and that the 20 ESCs admited that they did nothing special to notify Texas Schools about it. Yes a few teachers saw the workshops listed in the catalog of each ESC, but it should have been the most attended workshops ever given. This was the transition material that allowed teachers to revise their lessons so that new curriculum and lessons were not needed. Veteran teachers didn’t have to attend workshops to know this, but they were vilified any time they tried to provide information. The 20 ESCs had a product(CSCOPE) they wanted to sell. The big selling point for CSCOPE was that it provided all the materials teachers needed for the new TEKS. The ESCs instructed administrators that lessons for TEKS/TAKS could not be used for the new TEKS/STAAR–this was a lie.
Veteran teachers knew this but were said to be lazy and only wanted to use their old lessons because they were used to them. Veteran teachers were said to be out of date and didn’t want to spend the time learning the new modern 21st Century Education Technology that the online CSCOPE curriculum could provide. The ESCs went so far as to train administrators that Veteran teachers were trouble makers. The slide shown is from an ESC training power point for Administrators.

   vetern teachrers

One administrator said that CSCOPE fills the gap between the textbooks aligned with TEKS/TAKS until textbooks for TEKS/STAAR are published. This identifies this administrators lack of knowledge of the content of textbooks. Other than add the new TEKS with comments, the science content of the old and revised textbook changes so very little. New pictures and graphs, a face lift so to speak. So for the ESCs to claim textbooks are not useful for our modern technology world are in it for the money because they are only trying to sell their online CSCOPE product. 
Parents need to demand that the school provide as well as use textbooks in every class. Yes, there are things in textbooks that parents are not going to approve of, but at least they are aware of this. Unlike the CSCOPE lessons that remained hidden from parents for six years. Parents are now aware and will be more questioning of what is being taught in 2012-2013. The terms used to confuse parents in the past won’t work because they now know what all the education double talk given by CSCOPE schools mean. 
 rider 42 (1)
rider 42 (2)


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TX District Nixes Student-Tracking Program

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In a victory for those concerned about government intrusion into the private lives of citizens, a Texas school has decided to cancel its student electronic surveillance program.

Would you favor an electronic ‘Student Locator Program’ in your local public schools? (Poll Closed)

John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute says his firm filed suit in November 2012 against Northside Independent School District on behalf of 13-year-old Andrea Hernandez, who objected to the surveillance badges because of her religious beliefs. Whitehead says the San Antonio-based district has finally decided to drop the program “because of problems getting it moving.”

“What they found was that a lot of the students were still objecting to it, so they decided to scrap it – and the lawsuit was obviously part of it,” he tells OneNewsNow. “What it shows, I think, is that if you stand for freedom, sometimes – even when it’s tough – you can make changes.”


student locator


School officials cited as reasons for their decision factors such as low participation rates, negative publicity, and the lawsuit.

Whitehead, John (Rutherford Institute)

The attorney says Hernandez, who was expelled from the school in January for her refusal to wear the device, is now seeking to be reinstated to John Jay High School’s Science and Engineering Academy.

“We’re negotiating now with the school district and their lawyers, hoping to get her back into this school,” he explains. “It’s one of the best academies in the area, and she’s a very bright kid. Hopefully they’ll be reasonable and let her back in.”

According to Whitehead, students who refused to cooperate with the “Student Locator Program” were punished by being denied access to the school cafeteria and library and the privilege of purchasing tickets for extracurricular events.



– See more at:

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Texas Education Transformation…..Seriously?

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‘Transforming’ Texas education again? Didn’t we do that

a few times already?

By Dave Mundy/

Posted July 29, 2013 – 12:46pm                                   Photo

 It sounds really good, doesn’t it? We need a transformation in Texas schools, “one that fosters innovation, creativity and a thirst for learning with new, more meaningful, assessment and accountability measures, rather than a system built around narrowly focused standardized tests that end up as the ‘be-all, end-all’ yardstick for a school’s success.”

We’re all in favor of improving our public education system, after all. We want students who are smart, engaged, thirsty to attack knowledge. We want to be able to look at what is going on in our schools and be able to say, “We’re doing this right.”

The above phrase comes from, an organization run by the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA). Interestingly enough, it’s almost the same language I saw used back in the mid-1990s, when the Texas Education Agency, TASA and other leaders of the education bureaucracy were promoting the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.

For those who can’t read education-ese very well, it translates into four simple English words: “Send us more money.”

You’ll be happy to note that this idea of transforming Texas education was crafted by a select group of superintendents from across the state, gathered in “facilitated meetings” (meaning the Delphi Technique was employed). Not a single non-educator parent was involved in making this decision, no school board was consulted, the State Board of Education took no vote on it.

Kind of like how CSCOPE was developed, and we’ve seen how well that works, right?

(By the way, remember the big hullabaloo about “getting rid of CSCOPE” this spring? More than 70 percent of Texas school districts are still using it.)

Texas education has been getting “transformed” since at least the mid-1970s. Looking back, I recognize the elements of Transformational Outcomes-Based Education being implemented in my junior year in high school … and mine was a rather conservative school district. I can only imagine it started much earlier in others.

The problem is, since the beginning of the era of “transforming education,” it’s never been transformed. A few new educational fads sneak in with each “transformation,” but the basic methodology — and, more importantly, the results of that transformation — never changes. We jack up spending on public education and get two new layers of administraors, and our kids get dumber.

Here’s a trick for you parents out there with kids in junior high or high school: ask them how to spell the word “there.” There’s a 90-percent likelihood they’ll rattle out a quick answer, and it will be correct — but they’ll never ask you whether you’re asking them to spell the word “there” (that place), “they’re” (they are) or “their” (belonging to them). The word “two,” also spelled three different ways, can generate a similar response.

That’s because spelling isn’t important in an outcomes-based system. It’s irrelevant “because we have computers to correct that now.” People know what you mean, anyway.

Therein lies the problem with an outcomes-based education: it doesn’t really educate. It’s not designed to. It’s designed to ensure perpetual high-paying employment for the education establishment.

Consider the radical changes made in American public education between the 1950s — when the U.S. education system was the best in the world, hands-down — and now, when we’re in the second echelon.

Prior to the late 1960s, most American kids left the first grade able to read almost anything in the English language; they might not understand it all, but they could pronounce the words. That’s because they were taught using old-fashioned phonics — they were taught the correlation between letters and combinations of letters  and the sounds those letters made.

Phonics was taught systematically: a lot of drills and skills and memorization. It was, at times, boring — but it worked.

Once a student learned how to read, then you could focus on developing comprehension. I recall doing exactly that in the second, third and fourth grades — becoming a voracious reader and sometimes tackling material way over my head (Dostoyevsky’s “Crime and Punishment,” anyone?).

When American schools began “transforming” starting in 1968 with the creation of a federal Department of Education, all that stopped. Literacy moved into the affective (values and feelings) realm through a false methodology called Whole Language.

The idea of Whole Language is that humans learn to read the same way they learn to speak — by watching others. Instead of looking at letters and combinations of letters and reasoning what the sounds of those letters should be, students have to learn to memorize entire words — “sight words,” the idea is called — which become increasingly familiar to read as they see the same words more often.

That is why so many of today’s kids struggle to read “at grade level”— it’s hard to comprehend a word you haven’t committed to memory when you have no idea how it’s pronounced. Being able to read a passage was never a problem for those of us brought up in that old system.

The education bureaucracy has learned, and we now have “balanced literacy” — an attempt to inject a little phonics in \to what is still essentially a Whole Language environment.  The upshot of that is it is now easier for schools to identify kids with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, get those kids labeled — and get the extra money for them.

When you hear the word “transform” used in conjunction with public education, you can bet a very expensive process is about to begin. And you can bet you won’t get a say in that process.


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Texas Schools Running Rampant with Liberal Ideology

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CSCOPE has led to grassroots activist peeling back the layers of the “onion” and finding a mount of corruption and the infiltration of liberal ideology in the Texas Education System.



     Brandon Core

A local school district utilizing CSCOPE was Anderson-Shiro CISD. Superintendent Brandon Core was more than willing to talk to me and convince me of the benefits of CSCOPE until the Texas Senate held CSCOPE hearings. After the hearings I called and emailed Mr. Core to set up a meeting with him to no avail.  Why? What did he have to hide? I have since found out that BrandTeon Core has left his superintendent position at Anderson-Shiro CISD and went to work for ESC 18’s Texas Center for Education Effectiveness, TxCEE. This discovery led to more layers of the onion being exposed.


October 2012 Texas Education Service Center 18 applied and received a Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) federal grant for 40.7 million known as the Texas TIF Project. The federal TIF agenda is associated with the Liberal Progressive organization Center for American Progress funded by George Soros.

The TIF The money is being managed  within ESC 18 under the name Texas Center for Education Effectiveness, TxCEE.

Here is ESC’s 18 Grant Application

After peeling the layers of the onion back you will find all this money is tied to various organizations involved in reforming our Texas Education System with a liberal progressive ideology. TxCEE works with the TAP System that works to implement Project Based Learning. The TAP System was created by Lowell Milken which also created the NEIT Institute.


ESC tappi

esc 18 tap

center progress

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Texas Educators Thumb Noses @ Gov Perry, Taxpayers and Parents!

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Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) and Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) are funded with tax money through local school districts and are behind implementing a progressive TRANSFORMATION of the Texas School System.

You will read in the following News Release from TASB stating their agenda to pursue their liberal agenda despite Gov Perry’s Veto of HB 2824 which was sponsored “Bennet Ratliff”, whose brother Thomas Ratliff serves on the State Board of Education illegally.

Why are tax payers funding TASA and TASB who are lobbying groups for progressive ideology? Wake up Texas Tax Payers!


Despite the outrage state wide over the progressive curriculum CSCOPE,  the majority of school systems will continue to purchase and use it despite parents concern. Though CSCOPE was filled with controversial lessons the system is controversial as well. CSCOPE was the stepping stone for implementing Project Based Learning (PBL). Please inform your friends and family and taxpayers in your district as to what your local school district is doing. Ask your school board members why they are spending your tax dollars to fund TASA and TASB.




For additional info on CSCOPE go to WWW.TXCSCOPEREVIEW.COM

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Impeach SBOE Member Thomas Ratliff

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Impeach Thomas Ratliff?


Do you know that Thomas Ratliff is a lobbyist for Microscoft?

Do you know that according to Sec. 7.103. ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP of the SBOE

(c) A person who is required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government Code, by virtue of the person’s activities for compensation in or on behalf of a profession, business, or association related to the operation of the board, may not serve as a member of the board or act as the general counsel to the board.

Do you know that the Texas Attorney General has ruled on this and confirmed that Thomas Ratliff is illegally serving as a member of the State Board of Education?

So why is Ratliff still serving as a member of the SBOE?

Because Ratliff knows he has to be impeached to remove him from the SBOE.

Because Ratliff best serves Microsoft, the company he works for and is a lobbyists for by being on the SBOE.

Because the Texas legislatures have to be pushed, prodded, shoved and called and called before they will take a chance on doing their job.

The same reason that CSCOPE has not been removed from Texas Schools as announced by Senator Patrick–because too many legislatures want to be heroes. They want to be the knight riding in to save the day. With the CSCOPE agreement, the illegal company who designed and sold CSCOPE under the protective umbrella of the Texas Education Service Center flag, had no qualms about misleading Senator Patrick during private meetings so that the Senator announced to the world that he cleansed Texas schools of CSCOPE. Sadly the illegal company is still alive and is still producing materials that our Texas children will be taught.

FYI: The illegal CSCOPE company was called TESCCC, but this name has been dropped. Does it matter what the company name is? What matters is that the same group of people in charge of TESCCC is still in charge of the twenty largest Texas Education Agencies. Why?

I digress. But Thomas Ratliff has done everything possible to keep CSCOPE instruction materials in our public schools. Ratliff has stated that he will post the CSCOPE lessons on his on website and make sure that schools in his district have access to them. Why? Has Ratliff reviewed the CSCOPE lessons? I have reviewed many of the CSCOPE lessons. I did testify before the Senate Ed. Committee as well as the SBOE that the CSCOPE lessons need to be removed from our Texas schools. Too many errors, the constructivist (progressive) project based learning has not and will not prepare our children with an education foundation.

Following is valuable information from Donna Garner—




*I have sent this information out in a number of different e-mails to all Texas Legislators, to many elected officials, and to my extensive e-mail list before the 83rd Legislative Session started. Today I have combined these e-mails into one e-mail.


According to the Texas Government Code (, the impeachment of Thomas Ratliff, Texas State Board of Education member, must come from the House. If we could get enough people to pressure their legislators, then perhaps the House members would step out and circulate a petition among their members. The TGC is not exactly clear what the House should do if it is still in session. It says how to proceed with impeachment when not in session. However, I feel sure the Governor has lawyers who could help to interpret the TGC to satisfy that piece.


As someone has already suggested, the petition might need to come from the grassroots citizens first in order to prove to the House that we are serious. If you have access to some legal counsel, why don’t you see what you can find out?



Here is the section that says Thomas Ratliff is ineligible to be on the SBOE because of his being a registered lobbyist who works for Microsoft.





Texas Education Code EDUCATION CODE





(c) A person who is required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government Code, by virtue of the person’s activities for compensation in or on behalf of a profession, business, or association related to the operation of the board, may not serve as a member of the board or act as the general counsel to the board.

Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 260, Sec. 1, eff. May 30, 1995.


I also went back to Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott’s original ruling on the matter on 8.12.11:


Opinion No. GA-0876

Go to:

Re: Construction of section 7.103(c), Education Code, regarding the eligibility of a registered lobbyist for membership on the State Board of Education (RQ-0948-GA)

Click to access rq0948ga.pdf

Summary: Subsection 7.103(c), Texas Education Code, precludes certain registered lobbyists from serving on the State Board of Education (“Board”). A person who has been retained to communicate directly with the legislative or executive branch to influence legislation or administrative action in or on behalf of a profession, business, or association on a matter that pertains to or is associated or connected with any of the statutorily enumerated powers or duties of the Board is not eligible to serve on the Board. Thus, a registered lobbyist who has been paid to lobby the legislative or executive branch on a matter relating to Board business is ineligible to serve on the Board. The question of whether any person engaged in lobbying activity is ineligible under subsection 7.103(c) is a fact question that is inappropriate to an attorney general opinion.


Absent a mechanism to cure a violation in subsection 7.103(c), we cannot advise that a member of the Board may cure his or her ineligibility under the subsection.


[As soon as the TAG issued this ruling, I had two well-known lawyers who immediately called me and explained that the “cure” statement meant that there was nothing Ratliff can do to fix his situation. He is what he is – a registered lobbyist who lobbies the legislature and also whose client(s) do business with the SBOE (e.g., Microsoft).

When Ratliff testified glowingly before the Senate Education Committee on 3.29.11 about SB 6 – HB 6, which he said he just “loves,” he did not bother to mention the fact that he had been a registered lobbyist for Microsoft for 12 years. He introduced himself as a member of the Texas State Board of Education which gave the legislators the distinct impression that he was representing the SBOE at the hearing which he certainly was not. SB 6/HB 6 contained language that transformed the payout of the Permanent School Fund, and Microsoft has derived millions of dollars from these changes. – Donna Garner]

[I find it hard to believe that the Texas Legislatures are so uninformed. How is that I know that Ratliff is a lobbyist for Microsoft and no one on the Senate Education Committee was aware of this? Another interesting question is that no one on the Senate Education Committee knew anything about CSCOPE, which had been in our public schools for six + years and was sold to the schools by state agencies– the 20 Education Service Centers? Janice VanCleave]


In my research, I then found the section in the Texas Government Code (Section 665.001, Impeachment Proceeding, and Section 665.004) that tells how a person who is a member of a “state institution” can be impeached:


Donna Garner

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WARNING Crosby ISD Students Receive Progressive Education

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Patricia Kay


CROSBY ISD assistant superintendent of Instruction, Patricia Kay was selected as the ESC 6 CSCOPE Outstanding Assistant Superintendent for the 12-13 school year. What did Ms. Kay achieve for this wonderful accomplishment? Use your tax money to purchase the progressive CSCOPE curriculum. Congrats Ms. Kay on this accomplishment.

Ms. Kay posted the following tweet on Twitter in regard to my fight against the progressive/Marxist curriculum CSCOPE. I find it unbelievable how many Texas administrators who are responsible for educating our children have no problem with a Curriculum System that promotes a positive view of Islam and Communism, negative view of Christianity, not to mention demonizes parents and calls the Boston Tea Party a Terrorist Act.

patricia Kay


Though Ms. Kay’s tweet was meant as ridicule I am honored to be called an “EXTREMIST” when it comes to protecting Texas School Children from these radical progressive views. These radical views are supported by Texas organizations TASA, TASB, National Education Agency and the United Nations.

Crosby ISD is in the process of working with Texas Association of School Administrators in TRANSFORMING the districts education system. On Crosby ISD website you will find documents supporting their agenda of this transformation.

crosby isd


One document under Planning Committee Documents is titled 21st Century Curriculum Skills and Instruction outlines they goal of changing the education 3 R’s from reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic to Rigor, Relevance and Respect all for the common good.

common good

Crosby ISD Superintendent Dr. Keith Moore


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Senator Dan Patrick on CSCOPE

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Senator Patrick posted the following on his Facebook Page today July 19, 2013.


Over the past few months I told several groups that I was working with the Attorney General’s office and planned to ask the State Auditor to perform an audit of the CSCOPE program. 

My concern is that millions of dollars may have been spent by the program without the proper bidding process, contracts, and full transparency, required by government entities when using taxpayer money.

On Friday of last week the Attorney General’s office sent a letter to our state auditor, John Keel, sharing their concerns about CSCOPE. 

Yesterday, as Chairman of Education, I sent a letter to Mr Keel requesting an official state audit of the program. After months of research, once again with the tireless help of the grassroots, it appears that CSCOPE may have spent millions of dollars outside of normal government rules and regulations. 

I am not suggesting any wrong doing at this time. However, we need a full state audit to examine exactly what taxpayer money was spent and how it was spent since the inception of this program.

Another CSCOPE issue was raised this week by a TEA attorney who said that schools could possibly use any CSCOPE material still in the public domain. We disagree with his analysis, but are checking further into this matter.

The CSCOPE lesson plans are no longer available after August 31. I urge parents to monitor closely the decision of their districts who attempt to use any public domain material whether it is CSCOPE or another program and to make sure their voice is heard. According to the Texas Tribune districts that used CSCOPE saw lower scores on the STAAR tests than districts who did not use the program. This is in addition to the mistake ridden and objectionable lesson plans we uncovered in our hearings this year. 

It is clear that the majority of teachers, parents, and legislators want CSCOPE lesson plans gone from the classroom. I will continue do everything possible to ensure that no one tries to slip these flawed and failed lesson plans under the classroom door.

I will update you on what is happening in your classrooms and alert you to those who try to circumvent the will of the people and the legislature.


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[7.19.13 — From Donna Garner – I will try to give the public some background on Sen. Dan Patrick’s press release issued a few minutes ago. To read what I sent out yesterday about Thomas Ratliff and the SBOE, please go to:


Here goes:  On 6.6.13, Alice Linahan invited Sen. Dan Patrick to come on her community conversation show.  During that show, Alice read a letter from a parent in a Texas school district who was questioning the fact that her local school district was downloading the CSCOPE lessons off the CSCOPE website and putting them onto their own computers so that they could continue to teach the CSCOPE lessons in the future. 


Furthermore, Alice played a voice recording of Thomas Ratliff, Texas State Board of Education member, verifying that he was the very one who had been telling teachers to download and keep using the CSCOPE lessons. Here is the link to that part of the podcast:


Thomas Ratliff has been advising teachers to defy the will of the Texas legislature as stated in Sen. Dan Patrick’s press release on 5.20.13 in which CSCOPE lessons were not to be utilized after the Aug. 31, 2013 contract runs out.  If teachers follow Ratliff’s advice and continue to use the CSCOPE lessons, this could leave their school districts open to lawsuits or worse. 


Why would Thomas Ratliff do such a thing?  We must remember that Ratliff is serving on the SBOE illegally. He has been a registered lobbyist for Gates/Microsoft for at least 13 years, and the TEA/SBOE purchases products from Gates/Microsoft.  Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has ruled that Ratliff is in violation of the law because of this obvious conflict of interest and that there is nothing short of resigning from the SBOE that Ratliff could do to “cure” his situation.  Defiantly, Ratliff has still continued to remain on the SBOE; and even though Texas citizens begged the House to begin impeachment proceedings (which by law is where such proceedings must begin), they chose not to do so, probably because Ratliff’s brother is now in the Legislature.


Gates/Microsoft has been pushing Type #2 Common Core Standards (CCS) from the very beginning of Obama’s Presidency.  Gates is a leftist progressive and believes personally in Type #2, and he also stands to make billions off the technology used to implement the Common Core Standards.  (Please go to this link to see a chart explaining Type #1 and Type #2 — )



CSCOPE follows the same Type #2 philosophy and is closely linked to Common Core Standards. Thomas Ratliff knows that if he can keep the Type #2 CSCOPE lessons going, he can continue to indoctrinate Texas children into the Type #2 philosophy used in the Common Core Standards; and anything Ratliff can do to increase online lessons/software/systems/databases  will benefit his pocketbook and that of his boss, Bill Gates/Microsoft.


Because Thomas Ratliff has no limits to the brazen gall he will demonstrate, he conned The Texas Tribune into writing an article on 7.17.13 that appears to make it look as if he is coming alongside the education establishment and is blaming Sen. Patrick and the chair of the SBOE for the demise of the CSCOPE lessons.  Ratliff is trying to act shocked that teachers are downloading the CSCOPE lessons even though it was he who has been encouraging them to do just this which, in essence, defies the will of the legislature.  Alice Linahan has  Ratliff on tape saying this!  Now Sen. Dan Patrick has answered back today with the following press release: 



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                 CONTACT: Logan Spence (512) 463-0107    

July 18, 2013


Senator Patrick Seeks Audit of CSCOPE


AUSTIN— Today, Senator Dan Patrick sent a letter to State Auditor John Keel asking for his review of the operations of the TESCCC, governing board of the CSCOPE program. This letter follows a similar letter submitted to the State Auditor by the Office of the Attorney General last week.


“While my initial concerns with CSCOPE focused on the content of their lesson plans,” said Patrick, “further review revealed that CSCOPE had potential underlying legal issues that need to be addressed.”


Among the concerns outlined in his letter to State Auditor John Keel are the facts that the Education Service Centers failed to comply with state law requiring a bidding process and the adoption of formal contracts with state government vendors.


In part, the letter reads:

“In light of these issues, I am writing to ask you to exercise your authority as State Auditor and determine if the Education Services Centers acted appropriately under state law when they paid NER to produce the CSCOPE materials without a bidding process and without the protections of a legally binding contract.”


“Texans deserve an open and transparent state government and that is particularly true of our public education system,” said Patrick. “The curriculum in our classrooms must be open to public scrutiny as well as the contracts to publish them.”


In response to TEA’s suggestion to the SBOE that CSCOPE lesson plans could be used because they are in the public domain, Senator Patrick said, “I disagree with that analysis but I am looking into the issue further. Until I started asking questions, and holding hearings, parents weren’t even allowed to view these materials.”


“Until this question is resolved, parents need to continue to make their voices heard at the local school district level that they want CSCOPE out of their schools.”


“The vast majority of parents, teachers, and ldegislators have made it clear they want CSCOPE out of their schools. I stand with them and intend to make sure no one tries to slide CSCOPE lesson plans under the classroom door, ” said Senator Patrick.


State Sen. Dan Patrick

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I have never seen administrators defend and stand behind any text book in my 52 years, like they have with CSCOPE. Why? Could he it be it was the secretive stepping stone to their progressive agenda to implementing Project Based Learning (PBL)?Dr. Heath Burns, Superintendent of Abilene ISD wrote the following in defense of CSCOPE which makes one wonder how in the world we all got through public education without CSCOPE. Those of us who know what these progressive educators are up to find Dr. Burn’s tear jerking “defense” comical.

Dr. Heath Burns


May 24, 2013
Three and a half years ago, I was honored to begin my service as the Superintendent of Schools
in the Abilene Independent School District. One of the many attributes of the district that drew
me and my family to Abilene was its system of defined autonomy in the classroom. The
students of Abilene have long been recipients of outstanding instruction from creative teachers
who thrived in this type of setting. In short, the campuses and teachers that were experiencing
success and growth were allowed great freedom in selecting lessons that best served the needs
of their students, while those that were struggling could expect more direct guidance. I was
equally pleased that the district had wisely invested in a curriculum management system to
align the curriculum among our many diverse campuses. The system also provided
professionally-crafted lesson plans in support of teachers –both inexperienced and seasoned —
with optional materials and ideas for implementing the state’s required curriculum. That
system is known as CSCOPE, developed and marketed over the past 8 years by a consortium of
our educational service centers working under the auspices of the Texas Education Agency. I
have been pleased by our teachers’ progress in working with this management tool and their
selection of lessons – whether it comes from CSCOPE or a number of other sources – to meet
the needs of their children. I trust my teachers to make those decisions just like they always
have, and I know other superintendents throughout Region 14 and the state feel the same way.
On May 17, teachers and administrators of over 800 public schools throughout Texas went to
bed not knowing that an integral part of our schools’ curriculum was even being debated in the
legislature, much less that its very existence was at risk. The following Monday morning we
were greeted by a press conference where Senate Education Committee Chairman Dan Patrick
described a brokered deal compelling the service centers to discontinue and dismantle over
1,600 model lessons already bought, paid for, and in use by CSCOPE customer districts. You
can’t imagine the resulting shock and disappointment that swept through the education
School leaders that are gathered here today are not here because we believe that all lessons in
CSCOPE are outstanding. In fact, not all of us are in complete agreement about all the complex
issues surrounding the creation and implementation of CSCOPE. Frankly, I have no doubt that
some mistakes are bound to be inherent in some elements of the management system; it is not
perfect. The reason we are here today is because we believe in our teachers, our communities
and our school boards. In Abilene ISD, CSCOPE’s “year at a glance,” “6 weeks at a glance,” and
instructional guidelines are centerpiece of our implementation plan. The model lessons were
just that – models that served as examples of viable lessons. We found them very valuable
models that many, if not most, teachers opted to use to varying extent in their classrooms. How
much and when to use such lessons was a decision we left to our teachers and campus
principals. Abilene ISD’s method of using CSCOPE was only one interpretation of a sound way to
implement. Certainly, other ISD’s had other models of implementation that worked as well for
them. But what to make of all the recent criticism? There has been a lot of coverage about a particular
lesson about the Boston Tea Party. Do I believe, or do our teachers believe, those who took
part in the Boston Tea Party were terrorists. Of course not. They were patriots. But the point is
this: I trust West Texas teachers to discern the appropriateness of this lesson for the students in
their classes. I trust them to make the lesson relevant, and I trust them to make our students
better Americans by posing hard, gut-wrenching questions when they deem appropriate. I trust
them to make the decision that if this lesson is not the best way to teach the idea of civil
disobedience, then they will find a better one. I trust our teachers because I know them. To
throw out 1,600 solid lessons because a few could be clinkers if clumsily taught is ludicrous.
I’m extremely frustrated. Before I heard the news Monday morning, I wholeheartedly believed
that 20 service center directors, the Commissioner of Education, members of our legislative
bodies, members of the State Board of Education, over 800 school boards and superintendents
representing over 800 faculties and staffs and literally hundreds of thousands of students, were
committed to finding a solution to improve the process and satisfy concerns over the
shortcomings of CSCOPE. Unfortunately, most of us did not get a seat at the table. Do I believe
that all CSCOPE lessons are the best quality they could be? I do not. Nor do I believe that any
bank of lessons could be perfect, or immune from misuse. I think the difference between me
and the politicians and others who decided to take this resource away is that I trust our
professional school teachers, both here in Abilene ISD and throughout the state, to know the
difference between those lessons with merit and those that fall short.
I’m happy to report that we have support from members of the State Board of Education and
our local representative in the House, Susan King. Our District 15 SBOA representative Marty
Rowley is a leader of the Board that was already committed to steering a process that would
have offered more scrutiny of all CSCOPE lessons in order to sort out and dispense with those
that failed to meet high standards. I find this approach much preferable to the waste that is
represented in literally throwing away the 1,600 lessons. The State Board’s discernment process
would have afforded districts the means to preserve hundreds, perhaps thousands, of
outstanding lessons produced by Texas teachers. Such statesmanship would well-serve
students, teachers and taxpayers. Vice Chair of the Board, Thomas Ratliff, also made this
“It’s a sad day when a small handful of urban legislators can do such academic damage
to small rural school districts across the state while in pursuit of a political victory. I have
never thought CSCOPE, or any other resource in our schools, was perfect, but the
accusations and hysteria about this issue are something like I have never seen in public
education. Texas has a heritage of independent public schools and we value local
control. This type of micromanagement from Austin looks more like controlling the
locals and I fail to see how this is a conservative model of governance. In times like this, I
hope the SBOE will stand up for our schools and help fix this unfunded mandate just
handed down by Senator Patrick and Representative Toth.” – Thomas Ratliff In the meantime, Rep. Susan King of Abilene has been a champion for Big Country schools in
the Legislature. Her statement of support is yet another example of her unwavering support of
returning local control to local districts, school boards and educators:
“As the State Representative for House District 71, I have always believed that the
students of the Texas public schools are best served when the government preserves
the authority of locally elected officials and professional educators to make decisions at
the local level. In rural Texas, we must collaborate and work hard to provide our
students as many resources as possible to ensure a quality education. It is disappointing
to me that just a few in Austin have found it imperative to remove local decision making
power away from our local school boards and communities. The Legislature made great
strides in reforming and improving public education this session and I look forward to
working with our communities, local school boards, teachers and superintendents on
building upon these gains.”
Let me conclude with a final thought. I don’t know exactly what happened on May 17 or into
the weekend. Instead of focusing on that, the other superintendents of Region 14 and I will
immediately turn our attention through appropriate means to salvage and rebuild what can be
saved and improved upon. Meanwhile, however, I would personally urge Texans to demand
that local control be returned to our school boards, our communities and our teachers. I urge
Texans to demand answers to why it was necessary to waste the hard work of Texas teachers,
rather than continue to work for a collaborative solution.
Abilene ISD schools, along with the schools of Region 14, will work all the harder and we will be
fine. We trust our teachers to protect and serve our students and we pledge to do everything
that we can to support their efforts.

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duncanville city

DUNCANVILLE ISD doesn’t hide the fact that it’s district is working to ” TRANSFORM” public education. Below is a snapshot from their website. Their transformation is based on implementing the MARXIST teaching/learning style of Project Based Learning (PBL).



Teachers become more of a facilitator and not a source of instruction. TeachersD are to be more concerned with learning alongside the student and becoming more of their friend and not a person of authority. Students are to come to class with “SCHEMA” knowledge of their own and build upon it doing projects while working in groups. Individual achievement is no longer important but emphasis is based on the collective as a whole.  


Dr. Alfred Ray is superintendent of Duncanville ISD. Why would he endanger students with Project Based Learning where absolute truth is not taught and students are not taught the basics reading, writing and arithmetic?

Texas parents must wake up to this travesty that is taking place in Texas School Districts. Cscope set the foundation for this progressive/Marxist constructionist learning style. More info on Project Based Learning.


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