Texas’ Montgomery County’s Pct 1, Justice of the Peace, Judge Wayne Mack, unfortunately is showing an interest and fondness towards the Islamic faith. Just last week Judge Mack posted on facebook he was “Honored to observe Ramadan”. Ramadan is the 4th pillar of the Islamic Faith. During Ramadan Muslims desire to grow closer to Allah and in doing so fast from sun up to sun down, read the Quran and say their daily prayers more often.

This Ramadan observance took place at the Al=Ansaar Islamic Center, a mosque in Montgomery County off of FM 1488. The Al-Ansaar Islamic Center has put out a promo video (see below) for the mosque which also features Judge Mack who has worked with them on “bridge building” relationships.
I find it extremely concerning that a professed Christian would willing enter a Mosque to observe Ramadan but that they would be honored by it. Also concerning is, this Mosque, Al-Ansaar is owned by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). As stated in a document by the Clarion Project “NAIT is the bank for the Muslim Brotherhood which directly funds the terrorist group Hamas. A declassified FBI report dated 12/15/87 states: “The leadership of NAIT, MSA, and other Muslim groups are inter-related, with many leaders and members of NAIT having been identified as supporters of the Islamic Revolution as advocated by the Government of Iran (GOI). Their support of JIHAD (a holy war) in the U.S. has been evidenced by the financial and organizational support provided through NAIT.” which was labeled an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas-fundraising trial of the Holy Land Foundation. The U.S. government listed it among “individuals/entities that are and/or were members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.”
The Center for Security Policy based in Washington DC has published a booklet for download titled “Bridge Building to Nowhere” highlighting the dangers of Interfaith Dialogue.