The Texas House Public Education Committee met this past Monday, August 12, 2024 for 9 hours. 7 of those hours the committee spent hosting and questioning invited out of town speakers. Those that support the Committee’s political agenda. At 4pm the Texas taxpayers, moms, dads, grandparents were given a mere 2 minutes to give their testimonies. It was more than evident that “We the People” who vote these politicians into office were just mere serfs in their eyes.
Whole most of the committee members stayed on point and in their seats listening and asking questions of invited quests felt the need to escape their seats with no questions once “We the People” took to testifying.
This is the link to the full House Education Committee Hearing. Public testimony started at 7 hours into the hearing. Watch the lack of respect offered those prior and after to the 7 hour mark. Texas Education Commissioner, Mike Morath was the first to speak on the panel. In his speech he testifies that over 50% o Texas Students are failing the STAAR test. Get that 50%? Why is he still the commissioner?
Below are testimonies from many of us who spoke before the Texas Public Education Committee regarding our failing Education System and their alignment with Globalist organization UNESCO through programs like the International Baccalaureate and HB 1605. HB 1605 is a technology vendor bill ushering in UNESCO’s Open Education Resources leading students further away from textbooks to online devices. All so called Texas Conservatives Representatives voted for HB 1605 with the exception of Senator Bob Hall.
Many of us have testified with before the Texas House and Senate Education committee’s for years telling them to get our children off of one to one devices (technology) and back to a classical education with a textbook, pen and paper. Sadly, our politicians are only interested in catering to lobbyists and vendors have thrown the next generation of students under the bus on their watch.