By Donna Garner
If we Texans care about the spread of the Islamic State and Sharia law in America, we need to divest Texas of any involvement with the Gulen Turkish Harmony Charter Schools. If they want to become private schools to spread their Islamic-friendly indoctrination, then that would be one thing; but when they want to use our taxpayers’ dollars to do it through charter schools, then that is quite another issue.
How do we know that our taxpayers’ dollars are staying right here in Texas to support the Harmony Schools, or are those taxpayers’ dollars being sent to Turkey to help support ISIS?
For all of the following reasons, we in Texas should have grave concerns about the Harmony Charter Schools tied to Fethullah Gulen and Turkey:
Point #1: Turkey siding with the ISIS fighters against the Kurds — 9.29.14 – “Turkey giving arms to ISIS fighters to hurt Kurds” – ABCNews —
Point #2: The newly found rant by Fethullah Gulen posted by Pam Geller on 12.24.14 is particularly significant…”make like a bomb and explode against the USA”… “that we must reverse the games onto the USA in 5-10 years” —http://pamelageller.com/2014/12/video-of-pennsylvania-muslim-cleric-fethullah-gulen-explode-yourselves-like-a-bomb-against-the-us.html/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
Point #3: The recent security threat declaration on the Gulen Networks in Turkey… President Erdogan’s looming arrest warrant and extradition for Gulen:
12.19.14 – “Turkey issues Fethullah Gulen arrest warrant” – BBC News — http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30552148
12.19.14 – “Turkey issues arrest warrant for Erdoğan rival Fethullah Gülen” – the Guardian –
12.20.14 — “Gülenist private school in Egypt raided” – Daily Sabah Politics —http://www.dailysabah.com/politics/2014/12/20/gulenist-charter-schools-in-egypt-raided
Point #4: The worsening relationship between Turkey and the United States — 10.29.14 – “For Turkey and U.S., at odds over Syria, a 60-year alliance shows signs of crumbling” – by Liz Sly —Washington Post –http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/for-turkey-and-us-at-odds-over-syria-a-60-year-alliance-shows-signs-of-crumbling/2014/10/29/9fa07c49-0546-4afd-b6ad-cf6fa70e7fe4_story.html?wpisrc=nl-headlines&wpmm=1
Point #5: The advancement of Sharia law and the Islamic state by using our public schools —
“Then there are garden variety Muslims bent on advancing Sharia law in our schools who also wield enormous power. Take, for instance, Fethullah Gulen. Gulen is a Muslim committed to the advancement of the Islamic state. He has called for the destruction of the United States and all infidels. And he has set up a network of publically-funded charter schools.” 12.28.14 — “Allah in Our Schools: Common Core Lesson Plans” — by Carol Brown – American Thinker —http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2014/12/allah_in_our_schools.html
Point #6: The federal report exposing Harmony’s special needs students and English language learners –11.26.14 – “Federal report: Special-needs students, English learners ‘significantly underrepresented’ at Harmony charter schools” – by Holly K. Hacker — Dallas Morning News —http://educationblog.dallasnews.com/2014/11/federal-report-special-needs-students-english-learners-significantly-underrepresented-at-harmony-charter-schools.html/
Donna Garner