I have had the immense pleasure of meeting Carlos Bringuier and hearing him speak of the radical transformations taking place today in America compared to those of the Cuba revolution and takeover by Fidel Castro. I received Carlos Bringuier’s thoughts today in an email bring me pause.
The Mirror
One of the things that I more dislike are nightmares. Last night I was able to watch the figure of Dictator Fidel Castro, from behind, looking at a mirror and I was surprised when I saw that the figure reflected in the mirror was not that of Fidel Castro but Barack Hussein Obama.
The Communist Dictator Fidel Castro was addressing the Cuban people during the early sixties. He was telling them how, in just a few years, Cuba would be exporting meat, eggs, milk, etc. Cuba was going to be even more prosperous than the United States. And the gullible people applauded and believed him.
When I was looking at the image of Barack Hussein Obama I was listening to him saying to the gullible listeners that we will have the best Health Care in the world, that the American people will be able to eat a piece of the cake, that he was bringing a new era of benefits to the American people. And the gullible people applauded and believed him.
One difference that I noted was that Dictator Castro was speaking without a teleprompter, Barack Hussein Obama was using one.
To my mind came the similitude of both Countries. Cuba and the United States had been brainwashed. I am convinced that the arrival of Castro to power was a master stroke of the communist infiltrated inside the government of the United States. They wanted to have an example of how you can brainwash people and take over a Country. Barack Hussein Obama is following Fidel Castro’s steps.
The United States could have become a Communist Nation if Franklin Delano Roosevelt would have died a little earlier. Remember that the Vice-President before Harry S. Truman was Henry Wallace, who was openly a member of the United States Communist Party. FDR lasted too long and changed his mind replacing Wallace for his last term in office.
The Communists kept moving their pieces and when President John F. Kennedy, the Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, and the Negro leader Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., became 3 problems for them, the three were assassinated. Both Kennedy brothers were working to get Dictator Castro out of Cuba. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., never accepted Fidel Castro’s invitations to embrace him in Cuba. They had to go.
The Communist used Lyndon B. Johnson to weaken the moral of the United States with the Viet Nam War, a war not to be with a victory ending. Later on they used Jimmy Carter to deliver Nicaragua to the Communists and then Bill “Lewinski” Clinton to
move forward with the economic debacle that is now in the near future of the United States. In the meantime they allowed Dictator Castro to send more than 80,000 troops to Africa to bring Communism to that continent.
Now, with fluoride in the water, we have children without cavities and a large part of the population without good brains. A corrupt Congress that really believe that they have “blue blood” running through their veins passing laws that exempt them, not been forced to go into the socialist medical program that is “Obamacare”. Why? That same Congress allow the President to keep expending money, that we don’t have, in the meantime that Social Security is moving closer to a tragic cliff, but they are not covered under Social Security and have their own special Medical plan and retirement paid by the American people. Why? Now we see them moving to legalize marihuana to further the deterioration of the American population. They have approved the destruction of the American family with the destruction of the American marriage. They have approved that a man can marry a man, a woman can marry a woman.
When last night I watched Dictator Fidel Castro finishing his brainwashing of the Cuban people and I took a look at the mirror my body tremble of impotence when I realized that it was not a nightmare, that I was no sleeping, that the method that was used in Cuba to brutalize the Cuban people is the same method been used at this moment to brainwash the useful idiots that applaud Barack Hussein Obama.
God bless American, He is the only one that can save us. In the meantime we have to remember that we are living in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
September 30, 2013
Dr. Carlos J. Bringuier.

Carlos Bringuier was born in Cuba on 22nd June, 1934. He studied at the University of Havana where he qualified as a lawyer in 1957.
An opponent of Fidel Castro and his government he moved to Guatemala in 1960. He also lived in Argentina before arriving in the United States in February, 1961.
Bringuier joined the Student Revolutionary Directorate (DRE), a militant right-wing, anti-Communist, anti-Castro, anti-Kennedy, group. Bringuier, based in New Orleans, was placed in charge of DRE publicity and propaganda.
On 9th August, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald was handing out Fair Play for Cuba leaflets when he became involved in a fight with Bringuier. Oswald was arrested and on 12th August, he was found guilty and fined $10. While in prison he was visited by FBIagent, John L. Quigley. Five days later Oswald debated the issue of Fidel Castro and Cuba with Bringuier on the Bill Stuckey Radio Show.
Investigators discovered further links between Bringuier and Oswald. Bringuier was found in possession of a book, Guidebook for Marines, owned by Oswald. On Oswald’s leaflets given out in New Orleans, was the address 544 Camp Street, New Orleans. This was also the address of the office used by Bringuier. It was also around the corner from 531 Lafayette Street, which housed the detective agency run by Guy Bannister, another man accused of being involved in the assassination. This raised suspicions that Oswald had been involved in a right-wing conspiracy with Bringuier and Bannister to kill John F. Kennedy.

Carlos Bringuier has authored two books Red Friday and Operation Judas.