Texas Superintendents and the powers at be (TASA, TASB, TEA, Thomas Ratliff, etc.) have been working under a veil of secrecy in implementing a progressive/marxist philosophy of education in the Texas school system called “Project Based Learning” ( PBL). A majority of districts use it under the name of CSCOPE. PBL is based on the collective and not individual achievement. Students work collaboratively to acquire their knowledge. It is said that the teachers will no longer be a “SAGE ON THE STAGE”, with direct student teaching. They will now learn alongside the student, become a facilitator, mentor, and friend. It would appear a waste for teachers to spend thousands on an education to become just a facilitator in the class room. Presently with the use of CSCOPE teachers do not have to write their own lesson plans. They follow a script. Good veteran teachers are being weeded out and are quitting education because they are no longer allowed to truly TEACH.
When I speak with administrators as to why they are implementing “PBL” I am told the same “robotic” educanese lingo. PBL promotes critical thinking, 21st Learning skills, the use of higher order thinking and problem solving skills. If the truth be told this all comes down to Money and philosophy. The Federal Government and the United Nations is promoting this philosophy in order to create diversity and globalization.
Texas superintendents, administrators, and veteran teachers more than likely spent their school days in a traditional classroom setting. So would it be safe to say those that did are not well-educated compared to today’s standards? They were not afforded this “wonderful” opportunity to acquire their “higher order thinking and problem solving skills“. Parents need to question their local school administrator’s education and see what qualifies them to oversee their child’s education.
Do I truly think School Superintendents are stupid and educated? Not at all! As a matter of fact they have showed their intelligence and “higher order of thinking skills” when it came to deceptively implementing CSCOPE/PBL in the Texas Schools system since 2006 until someone with more “critical thinking” ability exposed it.
Below are snap shots of various “project based learning” websites and their agenda of education.
Link to article on Theoretical Foundations