Houston Independent School District received 30 Million in race to the top money. States or districts receiving funds are obligated to implement common core. HISD along with the Texas Education Agency are implementing the common core standards through their Texas Virtual School Network online school, Texas Connections Academy. I called the school @ 281-661-8293 and their representative validated they were in fact common core aligned. So when you hear that Common Core is illegal in Texas don’t buy it. Our education establishment has found many loopholes in transforming our education system.
The Blaze addresses Texas Connections Academy.
Please make copies of the following chart and distribute throughout your community. You will find every school district is radically transforming the way students are taught. This transformation is filled with various lingo, progressive, 21 Century Learning, Project Based Learning, Student led, outcome based, common core, Cscope, rigor, collaborative, etc….
Along with this transformation is a radical collection of your CHILD’S PERSONAL data. Texas has set up a Longitudinal Data System, funded by the federal government.
Texas Education Service Centers (ESC’s) , once anonymous to most parents and tax-payers is a tax funded state agency. In 2013 it was discovered the ESC directors had created the Marxist curriculum system, Cscope aka “Teks resource System” leasing it to over 850+ Texas School Districts. Texas Senator Dan Patrick called for a state audit of the of the ESC’s financials in relation to the curriculum. It was no surprise to to find that the ESC’s accounting practices were abysmal.Despite the millions are uncounted for school districst still are funding these agencies by signing multiple service contracts and holding various professional development courses. You can view the state audit report HERE.
The ESC’s thorough Cscope and other programs have worked on transforming our education system to a more progressive one. Students will no longer be graded on their individual achievement but as a collective group. The teaching philosophy is a Marxist one based on the collective and is called Project Based Learning. There is not a school district in the state of Texas that is not implementing Project Based Learning with the help of their local ESC’s. Cscope was discovered to share vast similarities with Common Core with it’s”collective” teaching philosophy and data mining. In a nut shell Project Based Learning is meant to level the playing field amongst students. Below you will find a chart detailing the vast difference in a traditional education and a progressive/collective one. Unfortunately for our students the transformation has been taking place for about 7 years unbeknownst to parents and taxpayers. It will only be when parents and taxpayers start showing up at their local school boards and demand transparency and accountability as well asking their teachers and administrators Can I See what you are teaching my child and who is profiting from it will things change.
There are 20 ESC’s across the state of Texas. In 1967 the Texas legislature along with the Texas State Board of Education created 20 ESC’s to assist local district with media services and instruction-related services for teachers. The ESC’s have evolved into a big business making millions through our local school districts. Parents and taxpayers need to be involved in your local school district researching the amount of taxpayer money funding these agencies.
There is not a district in the state of Texas not incorporating the progressive/radical transformation of the Common Core agenda. Thanks to lobbying efforts of the tax funded organizations, Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) and Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) and Texas Association of School Business (TASBO) and a legislature that are completely oblivious to the lobbyist agenda and tactics, Texans are now seeing the transformation in their local school districts. Parents across the state have been screaming about testing, lack of traditional math, no textbooks, no spelling, no cursive, fuzzy math, etc……
With the use of massive roll-out of technology schools are now promoting what they are calling 21 Century Learning or Project Based Learning where students are working more in groups. Individual achievement is becoming a thing of the past. It is all for the collective good. AKA.. MARXISM
I discovered this agenda when I discovered that 875 school districts has purchased the Marxist Curriculum CSCOPE from our Texas Education Service Centers (ESC’s). Our ESC’s created this Marxist product and have continued to lease it to our school districts, yearly. Due to public outcry the ESC’s have now changed the name of the product to TEKS RESOURCE SYSTEM. And the age-old saying goes a rose by any other name is still a rose, and so goes the Marxist product of the Teks Resource System. Our ESC are still peddling it today for a pretty hefty price. Though a state audit has shown that ESC’s are incompetent when it comes to handling taxpayers money.
ESC 2o and along with many others promote 21st Century Learning. If I remember correctly man got to the moon using a BIG CHIEF TABLET. To think there is some new phenomenon that needs to be implemented for students to learn is a bunch of HOG WASH! Do NOT let these EDUCRATS intimidate you with their lingo. You will hear the words, Rigor, Authentic Learning, Critical Thinking (like that is something new), 21st Century Learning Skills, student centered, Project Based Learning, Collaborative work (socialism). They have developed their own lingo of what is now and acceptable way to be properly educated according to powers at be. PLEASE DO NOT BE FOOLED.
On ESC 20’s website you can find a whole page and section about 21st Century Learning. When you run across these words know for sure they are on a path of total transformation, one that is not for the best of the individual student but for the collective good.
Below is a clip from ESC 20’s webpage. I have highlighted the words that should cause every parent to start asking the questions. Not only what you are teaching but how you are teaching my kid?
WARNING: Your children will be online at school more than you like. The dangers they will be exposed to is astronomical.
The ultimate goad of Common core and the whole transformation process is “Centralized Control” and along with this comes data mining. There are numerous online programs that students use at schools that are collecting data on your kids, such as the Khan academy.
Texas has put in place a student data collection. Are parents aware of this?
Sadly, the education system in Texas is no longer about educating children. It is all political and the powers at be are working overtime establishing a progressive/centralized education system throughout the state. During the last legislative session a curriculum used in over 800+ school districts by the name of CSCOPE/TEKS Resource System Curriculum was exposed, not only for its controversial lessons but concerns in regard to their financials. Senator Dan Patrick then requested a state audit and Texas State Auditor John Keel released his report this month. The report was telling of how shaky our Texas Education Service Centers (ESC’s) handle our tax money.
The Texas Education Service Centers (ESC’s) that created CSCOPE which has renamed their product TEKS Resource System were found to be incompetent in handling millions of taxpayers dollars and lacked internal and external financial controls. The auditors were not a able to determine the actual revenue and expenditures of the taxpayer funded organization (ESC’s).
CSCOPE has requested that teachers sign a non-disclosure statement stating they would not release the contents or say anything negative about it or face legal action. Seriously!
Despite the controversy and the state auditors report Texas School Boards continue to show irresponsibility in voting to continue leasing the CSCOPE product and funding the entity (ESC’s) deemed incompetent in their accounting practices.
This past week Grand Prairie ISD’s school board voted unanimously to throw more taxpayer funds at this faulty product and incompetent organization. Public input was given at the beginning of the meeting voicing concern in regards to the curriculum and the financials and those concerns were ignored once again. School Board members no longer represent the people who have put them in office they are brain washed through the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) that is funded with our tax dollars and they have become more of rubber-stampers of the superintendents agenda.
During the Grand Prairie ISD school board member Steve Pryor made final comments insinuating that the concerns surrounding CSCOPE are a myth. So let me get this right. The original CSCOPE lessons are removed, the name is changed to re-brand their image, the managing company disbands and regrouped with a new name, the state auditor releases a bad report in regard to the financials surrounding CSCOPE and Mr. Pryor calls it a myth? Seriously?
Mr. Pryor also made a comment that none of Grand Prairie teachers have used any of the controversial material that was in CSCOPE. 1) Mr. Pryor I am sure isn’t in every classroom monitoring what is and isn’t used 2) In light of all the controversy Mr. Pryor deems it acceptable to throw money at it none the less.
Parents and taxpayers once again have got to take control of their local schools boards once again. The rubber stamping taken place is unacceptable and it will not change without the involvement of the grassroots.
The Texas STAAR TEST is riddled with errors and students are failing right and left though they are honor roll students and making good grades through out the school year.
KCENTV.com reported today the following..
Posted: Jun 05, 2014 10:26 PM CST Updated: Jun 05, 2014 10:26 PM CST
kcentv.com – KCEN HD – Waco, Temple, and Killeen
All STAAR tests results are in, but what does the future hold for kids who were opted out of the tests?
Thursday was the last day of the school year for Waco ISD students, and parents who choose to opt their kids out of the STARR tests were anxious to see their child’s final report card.
Kyle and Jennifer Massey have been leading the “opt out” movement in Waco.
The couple opted their 9-year-old son William out of the STAAR tests this year, but they say even though he was given a score of zero, he is still being promoted to the next grade.
However, the Massey’s learned Thursday that one of William’s friends who took the test and failed is now being required to go to summer school.
“In our case, it did not affect William’s academic standing, it did not affect whether or not he was promoted to the next grade, and it was in our view in the best interest of his learning,” Kyle Massey said.
Massey believes this is proof that opting out of the test is a more viable option.
The Texas State Auditor John Keel, released his audit of the Cscope debacle today, June 9, 2014.
His findings are of no surprise to me. How sad that millions of our tax dollars have been mishandled by our Texas Education Service Centers.
Some key points in Mr. Keel’s audit are the following:
You can read more of the auditors report HERE.
FYI… The Education Service Centers have changed the name of CSCOPE to TEKS RESOURCE SYSTEM (TRS) due to the name CSCOPE getting so much bad press. The contents is still the same. Lessons may have been removed but the same MARXIST/Collective philosophy is behind it and your tax dollars are paying for it.
1. Texas Legislatures have not thought through the codes for promoting students or they could care less how the codes affect the lives of children and their families. This is because education and the STAAR testing is all about money.
Charlie Riley, candidate for Montgomery County Commissioner signed off on the progressive philosophy of education, Common Core while serving on the Magnolia ISD School Board. Though Common Core has not been officially adopted by the Texas Legislature, Common Core and it’s philosophy have made its way into school districts across the stae have seen this and fought it in the last legislature with Cscope.
Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) which is funded with taxpayer dollars through your local school districts have adopted the same common core philosophy under the name “Creating a New Vision for Public Education in Texas“. Magnolia ISD’s School Board on April 9,2012 School Board meeting signed onto TASA’S NEW VISION.
Why would Charlie Riley, Cecil Bell, Deborah Rose Miller, Chuck Adcox, Billy Thompson, Steve Crews sign off on to the Common Core progressive philosophy?
In 2013 Superintendents and Administrators across the state made a trip to California to hear Progressive Educator Linda Darling Hammond speak on Common Core.
In running for school board for my district, Magnolia ISD where I have resided for the last 21 years it has become so apparent that the school board does not welcome outside opinions or viewpoints. If your not within their “circle of trust” they will put out all stops in stopping a fair election. The President of the School Board, Deboarah Rose Miller is sporting signs on her car for my opponent as well as hosting meet and greets at her home. It has been reported back to me that the superintendent made his rounds to the local schools asking that voter cards be placed in all the teachers boxes calling for massive voter turnout in support of opponent. Are they worried about something? What could it possibly be?
The Magnolia School Board giving the taxpayers “Taxation without Representation”.
The Magnolia ISD School Board is made of up 7 members. Three of the members are appointed within the ranks and the others have ran unopposed races with low voter turnout.
Gary Blizzard was appointed in 2012 with the absence of Cecil Bell Jr who presently serves in the Texas House.
Chuck Adcox was appointed in 2012 with the absence of Glenn Addison.
Kristi Baker was appointed August 2013 replacing Brent O’Neal (My opponent)
Charlie Riley ran unopposed in 2008 with 487 Votes.
Deborah Rose Miller ran unopposed in 2010 with 436 Votes
Steve Crews ran unopposed in 2010 with 439 Votes
Billy Thompson won in 2006 with 359 votes
If you as a taxpayer within the Magnolia ISD School District want someone that is accountable to you and not a rubber stamper for the administration someone that cares and loves your children calling for 100% transparency please vote for Ginger Russell for School Board.
by David Bellow
Texas Conservative Republican News
The small, predominantly Christian community of Lumberton, TX is once again about to hit the national scene. The Lumberton Independent School has suspended a transvestite teacher. There will be a School Board meeting this Thursday night at 7pm to determine whether or not to fire the man. Men who want to dress up as women are not a protected class under the Constitution or state law and therefore the teacher can be fired. Especially in schools, there is broad authority to make decisions based on what the people of the community wants and believes is in the best interest of the vulnerable students of the school district. I suspect the man will try to sue and we will have a trial with national implications.
3.26.14 — Warning from Cindy Sharretts:
You might pass the word across the country, about the upcoming National PTA Convention in Austin, Texas. I imagine you know the PTA is a highly political arm of Government Education bureaucracy & “friends.” The national and state PTA conventions are where new and more targeted campaigns are sent forth into local school communities. Those against CC who are able to attend may observe next plans, and may have opportunity to speak with others about the negatives of CC. People should also be looking for their upcoming State PTA conventions for the same reasons.
National PTA Convention, June 19-22: http://www.pta.org/about/content.cfm?ItemNumber=3889&navItemNumber=3893
Early Bird Registration Rates through March 31st
Workshops listed: http://www.pta.org/about/content.cfm?ItemNumber=4009
Workshop Examples:
The Common Core ‘train’ has left the station, and is arriving soon at your PTA. This workshop will provide the tools that will help your unit anticipate and respond to the questions about Common Core and PTA. There is already a degree of controversy and debate surrounding Common Core, particularly PTA’s support of this major national initiative. Presented by National PTA’s Communications and Governmental Relations Committees, this interactive session will focus on developing a strong communications plan with key messages and tactics so your local unit can discuss Common Core effectively.
Join National PTA Legislative Committee and Government Affairs staff to learn about the development of the 2014 Public Policy Agenda, which highlights priorities in these policy areas:
A good traditional education based on American Exceptionalism and absolute-truth is being replaced. The use of a more collectivist classroom setting are being implemented with the intent to create more diversity, equity and globalization. These goals are being accomplished with the use of technology and NEW teaching styles in the classroom. It is being said now that a teacher will no longer be a “SAGE on the STAGE” but she/he would work alongside their students being more of their friend in facilitating the inquiry of knowledge.
With the No Child Left Behind Act and Texas’s Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020 you can expect your child’s education to drastically change compared to how we were taught as a student. Education reform in being rolled out across Texas at a rapid pace unbeknownst to many parents and taxpayers.
The Texas Education Agency & Texas Eduction Service Centers through the use of federal grant money and the Obama’s stimulus package along with policy changes have been implementing the reform from 2006. Texas teachers now are graded on key areas as to their expertise and implementation of technology in the classroom, Teaching and Learning; Educator Preparation and Development; Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support; and Infrastructure for Technology.
You can learn about how your child’s classroom is being drastically changed what is expected of our teachers as well as how they are graded by viewing the following document titled the
The new teaching/learning style has taken on many different names over the years. Once referred to as Outcome based education is now called 21 Century learning, Project Based Learning, Student Driven learning,… All these styles are based on the collective. Below is a comparison chart of a Traditional Classroom and what Texas school districts are implementing, Project Based Learning.
Breitbart Texas was at this year’s conference, March 3-6 to report back on some of the technocrats and education reformers. We went into sessions where the achievement gap, equity/educational equality/equalization, social and emotional learning, accountability, big data, advocacy, policy, and STEM were among the revolving themes of the day.
Leading the pack of prominent progressives were education historian Diane Ravitch; architect of the Common Core ELA standards and College Board president David Coleman; and American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten. PBS, Teach for America, and CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning) sent their people.
Former Superintendent of Indiana and Florida schools Tony Bennett was also on hand to address the pros and cons of the Common Core with former Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott. Other highlighted Texans included Thomas Ratliff (Vice Chairman of the State Board of Education); Representative Jimmie Don Aycock, and Senator Wendy Davis, the Democratic challenger to Republican favorite Greg Abbott, currently the Texas Attorney General. Local educrats featured were UT Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa, UT Austin Ph.D. David Yeager, Austin Community College president Richard Rhodes and Austin ISD superintendent Meria Carstarphen.
SXSWedu 2014 sponsors included all the familiar names of Fed Led Ed — Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, Dell, Pearson and the Pearson Foundation, the College Board, Scholastic, Amplify, inBloom, Samsung, McGraw Hill Education, Cengage Learning, connectedu, Lumina Foundation, Xerox, among others. Local sponsors included Educate Texas, a public-private initiative of Communities Foundation of Texas; University of Texas at Austin; and the Texas Tribune. TASA (Texas Association of School Administrators) and the Austin Chamber of Commerce were listed as event supporters.
SXSW, which is short for South by Southwest is a series of events held in Austin’s downtown. It kicked off with SXSWedu 2014, March 3-6, and then continues through March 16 with music, film and interactive festivals.
Follow Merrill Hope on Twitter @OutOfTheBoxMom
I never thought I would be doing what I am doing today and that is fighting for the rights of children in Texas to have a good education. I was fortunate enough to home school my girls which afforded us the ability to travel. Homeschooling was a personal decision for my husband and I and realize some families are not able to do so. Both my girls went on to finish college and plan on home schooling their children. I believe I can say that home schooling for our family was a huge success. I know many home school families and their children are and have been very successful with their education.
Due to the discovery of a hidden progressive/constructionist curriculum called Cscope in Texas schools, has inspired me to get more involved in educational issues rather public or home school.
Texas State Board of Education member Thomas Ratliff obviously thinks a Home School mom is not capable of running for School Board which is absurd.
His behavior is an embarrassment for the state of Texas and totally unethical. Texas can do better!
Matt Rinaldi
Bennett Ratliff
Texas HD #115, what a great victory it was! Moderate incumbent Bennet Ratliff was defeated by conservative Matt Rinaldi. Congrats Matt!
Bennett is the son of former Lt. Gov Bill Ratliff and brother to “Bully” State Board education member Thomas Ratliff. All the Ratliffs have had their within the policies of Texas Education.
The following facebook post verify’s Bennett Ratliff is not a conservative.
One “Ratliff” down and one to go. Our next job will be Thomas Ratliff removed from the SBOE. Grassroots activist are working to remove the Microsoft lobbyist due to due being a lobbyist and serving on the SBOE is against the law. Thomas has no respect for the law and will not step down. His term is up in 2017 and I can assure him we will have someone to replace him.
Today I found the following tweet by Thomas Ratliff. I find his tweet to show such unethical behavior for an elected official. But I would like to say to Thomas, it is so!
Thomas Ratliff