Texas IB World School Districts have partnered with one time card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, Howard Zinn. Zinn advocated for a Communist Revolution in order to deal with America’s racist issues. Linked to the Texas IB Website is the Zinn Project which advocates for students to design a “Reparations Bill”. YIKES!!
Why would Texas public school districts allow an Anti-God, Anti-American College Preparatory United Nations Program filled with Communist propaganda ?
Every Texas School district that has implemented this program pay dues to the Texas IB Schools (TIBS) Association. On TIBS website at the top is a link titled IB At-a-Glance any American loving citizen should be outraged at the communist propaganda listed for Texas IB teachers to utilize students.
Is your local school an IB World School? Check here.
The International Baccalaureate has operated under the radar over a decade. Most parents and taxpayers are unaware of the progressive ideology behind it’s founding. One of the first General Director is George Walker who states in a paper titled East is East and West is West the following…..
“Empathy and scientific understanding create a set of moral values that confer dignity upon human beings who have the capacity—though not the necessity—to “say no to God”.
Seriously? Is that what our public Texas High Schools students are supposed to be learning?
“Humankind must now learn to take responsibility for its own behaviour, without necessary appeal to some higher religious authority.”
And we the taxpayers should fund this? Walker is clearly an atheist seeking to influence children to reject any religious upbringing by making them think they are smarter, wiser and more dignified if they reject religious authority.
International Baccalaureate is a non-governmental agency in official partnership with of the United Nations Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO). UNESCO is no friend of America and is working through various avenues to undermine America’s founding.

Other resources regarding this Communist IB Program.
One of my favorite resources is Truth About IB.