This is proof that Texas Legislators do not support nor care to uphold the Texas Republican Platform.
In Houston at the 2022 Texas GOP Convention the state delegation voted and added wording to the Texas Republican Platform condemning the United Nation’s International Baccalaureate as a core curriculum that conservatives oppose. The wording was upheld and stayed in the platform at the 2024 Texas GOP Convention. The following is a copy of platform plank #94.
The Texas Republican Platform Plank #94 states: “#94 National Core Curriculum: We oppose the use of national or international standards in the State of Texas (i.e., International Baccalaureate, Common Core, any remnants of CSCOPE, United Nations…”
On May 26 2023 during the 88th legislative session, Rep. Cecil Bell filed
RESOLUTION 2425, https://capitol.texas.gov/…/billtext/pdf/HR02425F.pdf…
Bell’s resolution honors Magnolia ISD along with their academic International Baccalaureate Program (IB).
The IB Organization is currently a NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION of UN’s Educational Arm, United Nations Education Scientific Organization.
The following stated in International Journalist, speaker and author, Alex Newman’s book, INDOCTRINATING OUR CHILDREN TO DEATH

The UNESCO IB program is about molding indoctrinationg students into becoming Global Citizens indoctrinating with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and international mindedness.
The Program was molded around humanistic ideals.
Wake to go Mr. Bell.
Slide Show presented in Austin before the Texas SREC.